"This is the place of death deep in Tianlu City. It seems that it must have been moved away in advance with great supernatural powers."

Deep in Tianlu City, in a deeply hidden space, the figures of Gu Changge and Tianlu Xuannv appeared here.

However, it can be said that this place is completely different from when Tianlu Xuannv came before.

The sky is still dark, not much light can be seen, and there is a flickering mist floating in the sky.

Looking at it, there is only a terrifying bottomless pit, spreading for an unknown distance. It is wider than the range of many stars. Large, in some areas, you can even see deep pits smashed by the debris of stars.

If she hadn't felt that the aura of the rules of heaven and earth here was still the same as when she came before, she would have suspected that she was in the wrong place.

Heaven After Lucheng was conquered, the army stationed at the foot of the mountain and occupied various places. The strong men of all the tribes in the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms were able to escape and surrender.

After a period of consolidation, Tianlu City, as the eighth place in the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms occupied by the upper realm, In one city, each tribe and each Taoist lineage divided their territories according to their military exploits, and order has now been restored.

Now the forces of each Taoist lineage are already discussing how to carry out the next step in the war. Once

Tianlu City is destroyed, the Eight Wastelands and Ten Domains are equivalent to the city gates opening wide.

Therefore, all the immortal religions and supreme orthodoxy are planning to send troops to attack all the tribes in the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms one by one. There is no need for all forces to unite to attack the city as before.

For the forces of the various orthodoxies in the upper realm , He said that there was no need to care about the ethnic groups in the Eight Desolations and Ten Territories. He only needed to send a large army to defeat them quickly.

However, Gu Changge was more interested in the place of death deep in Tianlu City, so he asked Tianlu Xuannv to take him Come here.

Unfortunately, everything he saw here made him a little disappointed.

"It's too late"

"It seems that there is indeed something hidden in the land of death in Tianlu City. I actually feel the breath of reincarnation here.……"

Gu Changge scanned the distance with great interest, and then a divine rainbow appeared under his feet, heading deeper into the place.

This place is vast and endless, like another unknown universe.

However, what slightly surprised Gu Changge was that there was a lot of death energy here, wisps of it lingering in the void, and the whole thing looked like it was exhausted.

There are even traces of battles in some places, but they are very old, as if they have existed since ancient times.

In addition, there are many broken ancient monuments and black earth here, which cannot breed any vitality.

Between some broken clods of soil, you can still see rivers of blood flowing underground.

"After the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms were separated from the Upper Realm, some of the destiny of the Upper Realm was stolen away. As a result, in these eras, the rules of the Upper Realm are lacking and the great ways are incomplete. Therefore, no immortal has been born so far."

"There is actually a remnant of the power of the rules of the upper world here. Perhaps the luck stolen in the past is related to this place."

Gu Changge walked forward and saw a piece of black Wang Yang at the end.

However, this black Wang Yang seemed to have been moved once and looked a little dry. Some light spots dropped down, like living things. As light as the light.

Of course it is very rare, and it is even more insignificant compared with the vast and boundless land of death.

In Gu Changge’s view, this should be the time when the most powerful people in Tianlu City evacuated, and they all used Dafa It can be seen that they left in a hurry, so many traces of this place have not yet been erased.

These bright spots like the light of living creatures obviously contain some very weak spirituality.

This place is reborn. The earth may actually contain something related to reincarnation.

"The bodies that were once buried here are gone."

Tianlu Xuannv came from the other direction, and she couldn't hide her shock at the moment.

She went to look for the bodies of the most powerful people who died in the battle with the upper world and were later buried here.

As a result, they all found Their coffins were empty, and there was no figure in them.

This shocked her a little, and she couldn't help but speculate that maybe the death in battle was just a way to hide from others.

It seemed that she still underestimated these major ethnic groups. Even this kind of thing has to be faked, deceiving the entire Eight Desolations and Ten Realms

"Let's go, it's useless to talk about this now"

"It seems that the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms are more hidden than you know."

Gu Changge had a faint smile on his face.

Tianlu Xuannv nodded, with complicated eyes.

If it hadn't been for the siege from the upper realm this time, she might never have known about these things in her life.

In this way, is it luck or luck? What about the misfortune?

Someone has been waiting there for a long time outside the land of death, but it is not someone else, but the few old men who took the initiative to return to the upper world.

Each of them has extremely profound moral conduct.

At least it is better than the four who went out of the city before to pretend to fight. The enlightened ones of the War God clan are much stronger.

However, now their cultivation levels are sealed with special runes by the strong men of each clan, and they cannot be used easily.

However, the power of Qi and blood cannot be underestimated, and ordinary people dare not Approach them.

As prisoners, there are guards around them, but they want to see Gu Changge, but no one dares to stop them.

"I have met Young Master Changge."

They glanced at Tianlu Xuannv with complicated expressions, and then said respectfully to Gu Changge

"Oh, are you looking for me if you have anything to do?"

Gu Changge glanced at them with a little surprise.

He was still considering whether to deal with the surrendered enlightened people in Tianlu City now, whether to devour and absorb them as nutrients, or to keep them for his disposal.

After all, the entire upper world today , all saw with their own eyes that he suppressed the enlightened ones from the Four War God Clan.

If they disappeared, it might arouse unnecessary suspicion.

Of course, this did not mean that Gu Changge would let them live, but It's just that it's troublesome

"We know a little bit about the secret of the place of death."

The old men didn't hide anything after hearing this. They wanted to use this to negotiate terms with Gu Changge and ask him to treat the prisoners well.

"The place of death? This should have been stolen from the upper world. I think it is not difficult to guess."

Gu Changge smiled faintly. Countless years ago, the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms were separated from the upper world. Although it was related to the destruction of the world with the devil's palm, the fate of the upper world was stolen, but it has nothing to do with it. Several of them have nothing to do with it.

The old man looked at each other and smiled bitterly after hearing this. They knew that this kind of thing could not be hidden from Gu Changge.

But what they wanted to say was not this matter, but the secret hidden in the place of death.

"It is said that there is an Era tree in the place of death. The Era tree has spanned several epochs. Although its vitality is weak, it has never died. A few epochs ago, someone found that the Era tree seemed to be sprouting buds and about to bear new branches and leaves.……"

They opened their mouths and revealed a secret that no one knew before.

"Era tree?"Gu Changge raised his eyebrows.

The Era Tree, the World Tree, the Time and Space Tree...these are mysterious ancient trees that are widely circulated in the upper world.

For example, he has a World Tree sapling, which is now evolving and growing in the inner universe.

But if you want to grow to the point where the branches and leaves can support the world, it will take a long time.

This Era Tree is a very mysterious ancient tree that often grows across several eras. There is even a saying that following the lines on the Era Tree By trekking through the branches and leaves, you can go to the past and future by crossing the river of time.

The Time and Space Monument and the Tongxuan Mirror are actually the same as the Era Tree.

However, after all, the Era Tree only exists in legends.

No one has actually seen it, even if it has been seen. Even in the upper realm, there are only a few records.

"So, what is nurtured in this place of death is actually a new era tree? However, if it is a real epoch tree, it cannot be approached except from the fairyland. How they moved it away seems to be weird. It is definitely not a complete epoch tree."

Gu Changge was a little thoughtful. He was not worried that a few people would dare to deceive him.

So he guessed that the dead Era tree had either turned into a seed, a sapling, or even a fruit?

Thinking about it this way, A divine object like the Era Tree involves the luck of the entire world.

When it was stolen from the upper world, the luck of the entire upper world dropped sharply, and the way of heaven was incomplete. The rules of heaven and earth themselves were broken, and it was even more difficult for the power of the immortal way to be carried.

"It turns out that this is the reason why no immortals have ever been born in the upper world."

Gu Changge couldn't help but squinted his eyes. He suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

Since the Era Tree is so involved, it will definitely affect the changes in the fate of the upper world.

If he refines it, wouldn't it? Can you directly control the upper world?

Of course, this control is not control in the true sense, but means that Gu Changge can control the matter of becoming an immortal in the upper world. If you want to become an immortal, you must go through the baptism of the light of the immortal way.

If there is no other With permission, who can become an immortal?

But now Gu Changge is still not sure what is left of the so-called Era Tree. In the following few days, the upper realm's army was stationed in Tianlu City, with thousands of people stationed in it. The ancient city with a territory of thousands of miles was divided and occupied by the major immortal forces and the supreme orthodoxy.

Every day, you can see cracks rising into the sky, and mighty armies rush out, rushing towards the eight wilderness and ten regions.

Today's eight In the eyes of the various Taoist forces, the Desolate Ten Territories are just a piece of fat meat on the chopping board, and they are extremely coveted. Especially the extremely vast and fertile domains among the ten major domains have attracted everyone's attention, so almost every day there are powerful Taoist forces. Send a large army to rush there.

Compared with the remoteness and desolation countless years ago, the eight wilderness and ten regions today are obviously much richer in resources.

The war spread, the sound of charging and killing sounded in the major regions, and the mighty iron cavalry rushed through, like a torrent, for The sentient beings in the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms brought despair and catastrophe.

However, many younger generations, such as the Six-Crown King, the Heavenly Phoenix Girl, the Heavenly Demon Lord, etc., returned to the upper world after breaking through the Tianlu City Formation, and They did not continue to participate.

For them, this battle was more like an experience. Now that the experience is over, it is natural to return to the upper world to practice separately.

Gu Xianer was not surprised and left without saying goodbye. There was no peace at all. Gu Changge said.

After knowing this, Gu Changge just chuckled and didn't care.

For Gu Xian'er, this battle was of great experience, but her current strength is not as good as The strongest younger generation were not much different.

It was just that she was still not satisfied.

In the following time, Gu Changge's cultivation level improved a lot again, and he secretly eliminated those members of the four war gods. When he was an enlightened person, he learned another news from their mouths. The person who ordered to spread the news of abandoning the city and fleeing in Tianlu City was the ancient figure behind them. Their generation was extremely terrifying and could even be traced back to the Eight Desolations and Ten Tens of Years. At the beginning of the birth of the domain.

However, those ancient characters have obviously escaped from Tianlu City and returned to the clan land. They may have even moved the clan land.

Just like the upper realm, there are also many lower realms in the Eight Desolations and Ten Domains. Their ability can easily tear open the cracks in space, go to the lower world, and hide there.

This news surprised Gu Changge.

However, he then thought of a candidate who might be able to destroy these so-called four war gods. An opportunity for the clan.

If his guess is correct, the place of death deep in Tianlu City may have been taken away by ancient figures from the four war gods clan.

"Gu Changge, what else do you want me to do?"

Outside the palace, Lin Wu walked over with a very ugly face.

Although he had betrayed the Eight Desolations and Ten Territories, it was only in secret and had not been exposed.

At least on the bright side, no one knew about it.

At this moment, he was directly escorted over because Gu Changge had something to give him.

During this period, although he saw Luluo, the two of them were only better than before and did not gain freedom. Being restricted in the courtyard.

Although Lin Wu was dissatisfied with this, he could only suppress it in his heart and did not dare to express it.

"There is one more thing I want you to do. After you do it, I will naturally let you two go."

Gu Changge sat by the window with a slight smile on his face, gently blowing the tea next to him.

"You promised me that you would never hurt Pothos again, what else do you want to do now?"

Lin Wu gritted his teeth and stared at him. He had never been so humiliated before.

Although he survived this battle, it did not make him feel at ease at all.

Every moment, he felt guilty conscience

"It's actually very simple, help me find your tribe."

Gu Changge smiled and said casually,"If you don't want to, then your previous efforts may be in vain."

"Don’t forget that a certain genius of our clan is still thinking about your master."

"Gu Changge, you are so despicable.……"

Lin Wu was stunned for a moment, then realized what Gu Changge meant.

Suddenly, anger surged in his heart, his teeth clenched, and his voice contained deep-seated hatred.

Gu Changge's purpose seemed simple to him. After all, no one knew that he had betrayed Tianlu City and the Eight Desolations and Ten Territories.

Therefore, Lin Wu can find an opportunity to return to the tribe.

If he guessed correctly, the Dragon Blood God of War clan is probably trying to find a way to move away from the Eight Desolations and Ten Territories.

Gu Changge is planning to take action against the tribe behind him!

At this moment, Lin Wu wished he could fight Gu Changge right now.

Moreover, he knew that even if he refused now, it was already too late. After falling into Gu Changge's trap, he had no other choice but to go to the dark side.

"I gave you a chance, how you choose is none of my business."

Hearing this, Gu Changge still smiled lightly, and then blew the tea in the cup slowly, as if he didn't know why Lin Wu hated him.

Lin Wu was shaking all over, and his eyes were even a little red. , his heart was full of anger and hatred, which he could no longer hide.

But he did not dare to take action against Gu Changge. As Gu Changge said, now he had no way out.

After betraying the Eight Desolations and Ten Territories, he I can't look back

"If you agree, then I will order people to send you out of the city now. Make sure no one finds you."

Gu Changge still had a faint smile on his face.

"Gu Changge, are you not afraid of retribution one day in the future when you act like this?"Lin Wu's eyes were extremely cold. He felt that his encounter with Gu Changge was the biggest disaster in his life.

"Oh, retribution? Well, I'm really looking forward to that day."

Gu Changge smiled faintly and didn't care at all.

Lin Wu's value lies in his current status. As the most outstanding young genius of the Dragon Blood God of War clan in recent years, he must be reluctant to let him die like this.

Gu Changge knows that now Nowadays, the clan land behind Lin Wu is probably empty.

However, he believes that Lin Wu should have a way to contact his clan members, which can save Gu Changge the time and trouble of searching one by one.

As a As the son of fate, Gu Changge naturally has to wait until he shines to the extreme, and the residual warmth burns to the last moment.

Otherwise, he will be sorry for the four words"son of fate".

Of course, in Gu Changge's opinion, the four war gods are a clan. It is much more valuable than other ethnic groups.

The person who stole the luck of the upper world in the first place may also have a lot of connections with these four major families.

In addition to this, Tianlu City is broken, and the Eight Desolations and Ten Realms are equivalent to portals. Dakai, he wants to start another thing.

Another son of destiny, the line of guardians behind Xiao Yang!

In this battle, no one from the line of guardians showed up, which made Gu Changge a little bit Unexpected.

Logically speaking, at this time, there shouldn't be a hero who can turn the tide.

Maybe he thought too much, or maybe the so-called guardian lineage is like these four war gods. , is a person who deceives the world and steals his reputation.

"It’s time to use the secret chess my Gu family played in these eight wilderness areas back then."

"The whereabouts of Gu Wudi and Henry Zhang have always been under my control."

Gu Changge's eyes gradually darkened.

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