At this moment, the entire courtyard became quiet, and the chirping of insects and birds that could be heard in the past faded away like a tide.

The flow of time and space stagnated because of this, and it seemed that only the young man in front of him was left in the vast world.

As a princess of a barbarian tribe, Ah Man has been extremely courageous since she was a child. When she was only a few years old, she followed the hunters in her tribe to hunt in the mountains and fight with some ferocious beasts.

She was able to deal with many difficulties and crises calmly and calmly.

But today, she was still shocked by horror, and her pupils tightened. She had never seen such a strange scene before.

The mysterious man in front of me didn't know when he appeared here.

The whole world became silent because of his presence.

Ah Man couldn't even imagine how terrifying this method was. The strongest people she had ever seen were just the elders of the Man Shen Sect.

But those elders simply cannot do this.

It's simply unbelievable

"who are you?"

"Why does it appear in my courtyard?"

Aman had an extraordinary mind, quickly calmed down, stared at the young man in front of her, and asked.

At this moment, she was like a little cheetah ready to go, with eyes full of vigilance and fear.

"It is indeed good to have such courage and means at such a young age."

The young man didn't care about her warnings or her problems.

With a faint smile on his face, he said to himself,"You don't have to use poison on me, those methods are useless to me. of."

He casually glanced at Aman's sleeves and saw her quietly opening a small white jade bottle.

When Aman heard this, his body stiffened. He didn't expect that such a hidden move would be noticed by the young man in front of him. arrive

"who are you? What's the purpose?"

She couldn't help but ask again, feeling extremely uneasy.

The moment she was swept by the young man in front of her, it seemed as if all the secrets had been seen through, and there was nothing left to hide in her body.

"who I am?"

"You can regard me as your noble person. The purpose of my coming here is naturally to save you."

The young man smiled casually, and the words he said made Aman's pupils shrink again, and he couldn't understand.

My noble?

Is he here to save me?

"Of course, you can also understand that you and I are destined to come here to find a suitable successor."

"And it just so happens that the right candidate is you."

The young man is naturally Gu Changge. He has been in this world for a while. He first understood the origin of this world, and then came to look for this suitable tool. He has set foot in the multi-dimensional universe, and has countless In the lower realm, he finally saw an anomaly with a misty destiny.

In front of the girl in front of him, no son of destiny or son of the era could match her.

She carried the mist of the great road with her, and her qualifications were beyond her bones. Another limitation is that she is a born demon with a demon heart.

In Gu Changge's opinion, there is no more suitable candidate than her.

The girl in front of her is destined to become the world between heaven and earth in the future. One of the most powerful demons

"Looking for a successor? The right candidate?"

Aman's pupils shrank again, and surprise appeared on her face.

She was quite familiar with some of the ancient books on strange things in this world, and knew that there were some ordinary people among them who, by chance, were spotted by passing immortal masters and collected them. As a disciple, the story of his meteoric rise.

But that was only a record, and there was no way of knowing whether it was true.

But would such a thing happen to her?

It was hard for her to believe it, and she was very wary.

Aman never believed that there were pies falling from the sky in this world, and that there could be no good things for no reason.

Even towards her current master, she was a little wary and suspicious, and did not fully believe it.

The young man with unknown origins in front of her It was obviously impossible for the man to make her believe what he said.

Gu Changge didn't care about it. With his current strength and means, it was only a matter of one glance to understand a person's past and future.

Although Ah There is a lot of mystery surrounding Man, but Gu Changge understands many of her past very clearly.

Therefore, he is naturally not surprised that Aman has such a character. On the contrary, he admires her a little.

Gu Changge said lightly," You don't have to worry so much. If I have ill intentions towards you, you have no other choice now. If I wanted to harm you, it would be countless times easier than killing that girl just now."

"Why me?"

Aman knew that these words were true. The disparity in strength between the two could not be described in words.

She was silent for a moment and then asked

"Because you, like me, are both born demons with a demon heart."Gu Changge said casually.

When he walked around the world as a demon lord, he did have an innate demon heart. There is nothing wrong with saying that.

"A born devil?"

Aman was stunned and shocked.

Before this, she had heard of demon cultivators, but they were all cultivators who were evil and intolerable to others.

Although she sometimes behaved a little coldly and cruelly, and treated her enemies without mercy, but It's not a demon that kills innocent people indiscriminately.

How could it be a natural demon as Gu Changge said?

And what is a demon heart? She has never heard of it at all.

"You will understand in the future that a born demon is destined to be unacceptable in this world, and it is also destined that the relatives and friends around you will encounter misfortune, be haunted by unknown circumstances, and be lonely and widowed for the rest of their lives.……"Gu Changge smiled faintly

"You are talking nonsense. Impossible, how could grandpa and father do this?……"

Hearing this, Aman couldn't believe it and was unwilling to accept it.

Will my father, grandpa and others encounter misfortune because of me?

How is this possible? How can it be?

Ever since she grew up, she has always used protecting the tribe, her grandfather, her father and others as the motivation for her mission and practice to become stronger.

"That's why I said, I am your noble person and I am here to save you. Gu

Changge still smiled lightly and said,"Four years later, your adoptive father will embark on the road to find your so-called barbarian god. On that road, he will see some truths and die tragically there.""

"Adoptive father?"

"How can this be?"

Aman's eyes were filled with disbelief, and he clenched his teeth. Gu Changge talked about what happened four years later in an understatement, and for some reason it gave her a feeling of horror.

He seemed to be simply describing something. What is about to happen.

Moreover, why does Gu Changge know what is going to happen in the future? Can he predict the future?

"Haven't you noticed, or have you never thought, that you are not your father's biological daughter?"

Gu Changge ignored the shock and disbelief in his eyes and continued to talk casually.

The girl in front of him may not know that in the next few years, she will experience a lot of pain and sorrow in this world..

She is indeed still far away from the devil.

But this is also a path she has to take during the transformation.

Gu Changge has no intention of adding fuel to the fire, and he doesn’t have that much time.


He stroked casually , the void in front of you became blurry, and then many ripples appeared like water, becoming crystal clear, like a mirror.

Many pictures began to appear in it.

"What a poor guy. The master you respect only regards you as a suitable cauldron and plans to wait until you are mature before picking it. Fortunately, you saw through his scheme in advance and poisoned him to kill him. It's a pity that four years later, the tribe behind you will be slaughtered by the Barbarian God Sect because of you. All the tribesmen are dead. Your father embarked on the road to find the Barbarian God and vaguely sensed some truths.……"

"But he was still killed. Is this person familiar? He is your most respected grandpa. He taught you writing, language, pharmacology, barbarism, and knowledge, and brought you up……"

"Are you still curious about your biological parents and your origins... Unfortunately, they are also so pitiful."

Gu Changge's tone was calm, like an outsider, talking about things that had nothing to do with him, and his tone was calm.

"who are you? Why do you know this?"

"These are all fake, all are fake……"

Looking at the many pictures in the mirror, Ah Man was in disbelief. His eyes were bloodshot, and there was an unconcealable tremor in his voice.

"It doesn't matter who I am."

Gu Changge smiled faintly and said,"The important thing is how you choose."

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