Fantasy: My Cultivation Technique Will Self-Cultivation

Chapter 117: Killing Intent and Killing Intent

Sitting paralyzed on the bed, he regretted that he had been mobilized again just now, his perception power; so now his body seemed even weaker.

So he had to take advantage of the situation, lying on the bed holding the hatchet of Tiansha in hand, and then tried to control the hatchet with his mind.

As you can imagine, the hatchet did not move. So he muttered to himself and said with a grievance: "The system does not deceive me. As expected, Realm is not enough."

So he tried to use his mind to control the killing intent and murderous intent of this day's evil hatchet.

After finally feeling it, he picked up the hatchet again and sniffed it, only to find that there was no bloodiness anymore.

"Hey, it turned out to be an ordinary hatchet! And there are no inscriptions or marks on it, and it seems that it will not be noticed if it is thrown on the ground."

Ye Chenfu was talking to himself, so he got up from the bed again.

Although his physical strength was a little weak at this time, he ran out anyway.

He wanted to find an ordinary hatchet and compare it with it, because he felt that the hatchet was hidden by himself after the Killing intent; it felt like an ordinary hatchet.

In order to verify own ideas, he trot all the way.

He came around the kitchen hall, then slipped into the backyard, found a hatchet decisively, and took it back.

He didn't use Qinggong along the way, because he felt that it was broad daylight after all, so it's better to use less Qinggong.

Because once discovered, he Qinggong is so exquisite.

Then I was afraid that something would happen again, so he ran back very low-key quickly.

But even if he wanted to use Qinggong at this time, he was still a little bit powerless. After all, he had just been recognized by the hatchet, so his body was really weak.

Taking the hatchet back, he entered the door out of breath under this somewhat anemic and physical drag; but he quickly threw two hatchets to the ground, and then turned back and bolted the door.

Before he could go to the bed and sit down, he directly sat on the floor, and then picked up the two hatchets to take a closer look.

After comparing the results, he was immediately dumbfounded.

After comparing the two hatchets, they found that they were the same, as if there was no difference at all.

But he didn't know whether the two hatchets would be different if they were placed in Sect's hands; therefore, he decided to hide the hatchets first.

Since his own Realm was not enough, he couldn't activate the hatchet temporarily, so he had to find a way quickly.

But after thinking for a long time, he still felt that he had nothing to do.

Although it can be put on the beam of the room, if it is like that girl can't sleep at night and learns Bai Shaohai to jump on the beam, then everything will be over.

Although the appearance of this hatchet is extremely ordinary, if it is found on the beam of the house, it will definitely arouse suspicion.

Ye Chenfu thought for a while, and shook his head, because he felt that this approach still lacks consideration.

After all, this hatchet now hides the murderous intent and Killing intent, and even the strong bloody smell on it does not exist at all at this time.

So thinking of this, Ye Chenfu sighed and started scratching his head again.

But now he is facing a more serious problem. This problem is that he can't distinguish the two hatchets in front of him.

So Ye Chenfu suddenly wanted to cry without tears, so he had to try again in his heart, controlling the shaman hatchet, and then letting out the bloody smell of the knife.

Finally, after using this method, Ye Chenfu immediately smelled it through his nose, which one was the Tiansha hatchet.

Ye Chenfu let out a sigh of relief when he distinguished the Tiansha hatchet.

At the same time, he felt that he still needed to send the ordinary hatchet back.

Otherwise, Chu Shi Tang lost a hatchet for no reason, although it may not be a big deal in normal times; but at this time, Ye Chenfu still feels a little sensitive.

So he immediately returned the hatchet he had just brought back to the backyard of the kitchen hall.

Sure enough, after Ye Chenfu left, a handyman disciple grabbed the back of his head and walked around, asking people where his hatchet was.

The other, a tall and thin handyman disciple, said, "Junior Brother Zhang, do you want to be lazy? That's why you made up the nonsense that the hatchet was lost?"

The handyman disciple called Junior Brother Zhang blushed immediately and said, "Where is this happening? I know..."

Before Junior Brother Zhang had finished speaking, he was immediately interrupted by a tall and thin handyman disciple.

"Hey, isn't your hatchet lying on the stack of wood? Before next nonsense, remember to hide it first! But if you can't finish the wood before it gets dark, your dinner will not be guaranteed."

The handyman disciple known as Junior Brother Zhang, of course knows that this is the truth.

And if he is unhappy when he meets the principal, he might even want to be beaten up by this opportunity.

On Ye Chenfu's side, because he put down his hatchet and fled in a hurry, he didn't know that these things had happened here.

He had already returned to the own room again at this time.

After doing some research, he thought that there was nothing to do in the afternoon and his body was very tired, so he fell asleep directly on the bed.

In the evening, it was like a younger sister opened the door and went out for a stroll, but came back when she felt bored.

She felt a little boring in her heart, because she was from a big family, so she had never done any work; in fact, she still had some interest in the work of handyman disciples.

She thought for a while, then went out again and walked towards the kitchen hall.

At this time, in the backyard of the kitchen hall, Junior Brother Zhang was really cruel, because if the firewood still couldn't be finished after dark, then he really knew the consequences.

Although what he ate at night must still be like swill, he was very hungry at this time, so he continued to chop wood with all his might.

What he didn't expect was that when he was struggling to chop wood, an amazing female senior came in outside the door.

He was stunned for a moment, and found that they were inner disciple.

So he quickly came back to his senses, and then gave up the illusion and continued to chop wood, not even looking at the beautiful female senior sister.

But at this moment, Wan Ru watched him chopping firewood with interest, just watched it for a long time.

Finally, as if plucking up the courage, he stepped forward and said, "Junior brother, is this work of chopping wood fun? I think you seem to be happy."

Junior Brother Zhang, who was chopping the firewood, raised his head, froze for a moment and continued to chop the firewood.

At the same time, his mouth replied: "It's so fun, but if you can't finish it before dinner, then there will be no dinner."


As if for a moment, she understood the meaning of this sentence, so she was full of justice; she said, "Let go of those firewood and let me come!"

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