Fantasy: My Cultivation Technique Will Self-Cultivation

Chapter 167 Uncle Ga, don't panic, and follow me

Although the wolf beast called Heizi was puzzled, it quickly pulled out its fangs and was directly retreated several meters away.

At the same time, Ye Chenfu threw the powder on the wolf king's body.

Then Ye Chenfu hurriedly blew his own fire fold, approached the wolf king to light the flame and quickly backed away.

He used this movement to spread the wings of the wild goose and combined with the blood shadow footwork, so it was almost done in one go, almost blurry.

Suddenly, the wolf king's body was blazing, and the wolf king was shocked.

So he hurried to the ground and rolled around, but Ye Chenfu rushed forward, slashing with a horizontal knife.

After a while, the wolf king was dying, looking like he was dying.

Ye Chenfu was originally retreated a step, but then he and the wolf beast Heizi smiled at each other, and then slowly walked closer.

It can be said that the time is too late, the burning wolf king suddenly jumped up from the ground, its left paw turned out, and the right grip reversed. At an incredible angle, he gripped Ye Chenfu and Heizi's chests respectively. A handful.

Ye Chenfu and the wolf beast Heizi howled at the same time, stepped back and hit the rock wall.

Ye Chenfu took a breath with pain, and found that his chest was caught with four deep claw marks, but it didn't matter if he didn't breathe; he felt it as soon as he breathed, and he felt dizzy.

He quickly urged True Qi to resist this dizziness

After a while, he relaxed a little, and he quickly held his breath. After all, he had eaten Guixi Pill; within the time limit, he could still not breathe.

The reason why he took a sudden breath just now was because of his conditioned reflex behavior under the pain of eating.

Only then did he remember that there was still some psychedelic mushroom powder in the air.

So he said loudly, "Heizi, hold your breath!"

Ye Chenfu said, suddenly rushed forward to unfold the fallen leaves Saber Technique, attacking like lightning.

And with the help of the blood shadow footwork, he turned into a phantom around the wolf king, hacking around for a while, and finally stabbed it into its stomach.

Ye Chenfu quickly leaped back to look at the wolf king, and then Ye Chenfu found that the flames on the wolf king's body were burning more and more.

But the wolf king's eyes had long been invisible, so he howled frantically at this time, and then dashed left and right to find the target.

Ye Chenfu quickly avoided, walked around behind it, and stabbed the wolf king's heart with a knife from behind.

Ye Chenfu drew out the knife, and now there was a hole on the left and right sides of the wolf king's vest.

Of the two left and right holes, one was stabbed by the wolf beast Heizi with his fangs, and the other was stabbed by Ye Chenfu with a hatchet.

Ye Chenfu sat down paralyzed, and when he saw the wolf king fell on the ground and crackled, he finally felt that he could sit with confidence for a while. Because the wolf beast is extremely powerful, especially this wolf king is more powerful, so Ye Chenfu fought with it, and it was simply dissipated.

It's too much waste; he thinks he might be sweating in a washbasin.

Heizi tumbled on the ground after his claw, but fortunately, its hair was thick, and the injury was even lighter than Ye Chenfu.

It slowly walked towards Ye Chenfu, looked at Ye Chenfu with some worry, and asked, "Are you okay, Uncle Ga?"

Because of the word ‘uncle’, it’s not specifically called Uncle in this world.

Many people have this word in their names, so the wolf beast didn't realize that Uncle Ga was taking advantage of own.

Ye Chenfu smiled and said, "Don't worry, you can't die! I will return your beast pill."

The wolf beast also laughed, but his expression was a bit sullen, and said: "I didn't mean that; we are fighting side by side! So I am really worried about you."

Ye Chenfu opened his mouth, but didn't say anything, but the next second he suddenly jumped up.

He jumped from the ground and ran towards the burning wolf king.

And yelled loudly: "I'll take it, my beast pill!"

The wolf beast Heizi also followed, and it quickly said: "Uncle Ga, don't panic, there is sand in the east of the cave, so come with me!"

Said that the wolf beast eagerly pulled Ye Shenfu, and then walked towards the sand pile on the side of the cave.

There are not only sand piles, but also tanks filled with sand. Ye Chenfu didn't have time to ask, what these were used for, so he quickly picked up a large cylinder of sand and rushed over.

Because he understood that the wolf beast heizi meant to put out the fire with sand.

So he ran over and poured a tank of sand on the wolf king.

The wolf beast Heizi also came over with a big tank, and then poured all the sand inside onto the wolf king as well.

Because there was so much sand in the big tank, after the two tanks were completely poured on the wolf king, the oxygen was completely isolated, so the flame was quickly extinguished.

"What was that powder you just now?" Wolf Beast Heizi rushed over and asked.

"That's Thunderbolt Fire Powder! But it's not mine, and I got it by accident." Ye Chenfu said with a smile.

Hearing Ye Chenfu's explanation, the wolf beast nodded. It saw that the flame had been completely extinguished; after roughly calculating the time, it felt that it could not be delayed any longer.

So it didn't care about the wolf beast, so it squatted down quickly when it was still hot, and then kept planing with its claws.

After a while, it finally scraped the wolf king out of the sand, and then took a sniff to make sure that the wolf king was dead, and he was a little relieved.

He stabbed at Dantian of the wolf king with one claw, and very cruelly dug out a golden bead from Dantian of the wolf king.

"Take it, Mr. Human Race, this is the gift I promised you!"

He stood up and smiled. Although his complexion was still sullen, he immediately turned into a respectful look and handed the golden bead to Ye Chenfu.

Ye Chenfu's face was full of joy, he took the bead, and then he was about to swallow it.

But the wolf beast's expression changed, and he quickly said, "Don't panic! You can take it within twelve hours after the death of the wolf king, and taking the beast pill requires concentrated cultivation. Let's go back and talk about it!"

Ye Chenfu suddenly reacted when he heard this. Although the wolf beasts outside fainted, they might still wake up, so he nodded; he turned and prepared to leave.

But the wolf beast Heizi shouted: "Wait, do me a favor to clear the ground!"

As the wolf beast Heizi said, he carried the burning wolf king on his back, walked upright and quickly walked towards Ye Chenfu and stood still.

Ye Chenfu didn't ask too much, and went directly to urge Saber Technique, using the wind of the knife to drive the sand to sweep it.

The wolf beast turned his head again, sprinkled a bag of unknown powder, and only then escaped with Ye Chenfu and a beast.

"Heizi, what was that splatter you just now?"

Shen Fu found that the surrounding wolf beasts hadn't woken up yet, so he asked quietly as he ran.

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