"Hahaha~hahaha!" Bai Shaohai raised his head, looked at the surrounding eaves, and then looked towards the blue sky, and then he felt that the air seemed to be much better.

At this time, a bird in the sky flew past and cast a bubble of shit directly on Bai Shaohai's head.

Bai Shaohai felt it keenly, and he closed his mouth abruptly, but the bird dung relentlessly fell into his eye socket.

Bai Shaohai fled in a hurry, he hurried to wash his eyes, leaving the two Outer Sect disciples staring at each other.

After Bai Shaohai washed his eye sockets and walked back, his mood was still high. But he walked up to the two of them, lowered his voice, and said, "Are you sure you can poison him?"

Chen Deshui showed a grin on his face and nodded, "Even ten cows can't stand it! As long as he drinks water, he will definitely die."

"I'm afraid that his Cultivation Base will get rid of toxins!" Bai Shaohai looked up at the sky again, and only after making sure that no birds flew by did he relax a little.

At this time, Chen Deshui raised his head very proudly, and also learned the appearance of Bai Shaohai.

"Don't worry, Brother Bai, I am very confident in these powders! As long as it is Realm below the Royal Sky Realm, it can't stand it." Chen Deshui said with a smile.

After hearing this, Bai Shaohai was very satisfied.

He just wanted to open his mouth and laugh, but he saw the bird flying across the sky just now, so he avoided so much...

He knelt down to pick up a stone, threw it to the sky and knocked down the bird, spread the Movement Technique and stepped over it, and the movement was done in one go.

With a direct kick, he stepped on what had fallen from the sky into sludge, then looked up at the sky and let out a wild laugh.

At the same time, Ye Chenfu had no idea that someone in this world would hate him so much.

After sending away like Junior Sister, he shut himself in the house alone.

Ye Chenfu was sweating on his head and worried because he felt that Dantian didn't exist anymore.

At this time, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the teapot powder that he had crushed just now, so he was a little annoyed, took the dustpan and went over to tidy it up.

Although inside the inner disciple's room, someone came to clean it.

But Ye Chenfu didn't like it very much, so he let his family enter his own house, so he sent them back every time he came, only leaving the dustpan and broom.

As soon as Ye Chenfu finished cleaning, he heard a voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Ding! Congratulations to the host for entering the early stage of the Royal Sky Realm."

Ye Chenfu smiled miserably, and said to himself that Dantian was gone, how could he still be Ascension Realm?

But when he sat back in the chair and thought this way, he suddenly felt something was wrong. So he walked out of the door and picked up a square hard stone next to the house.

Without even thinking about it, he hacked towards the stone.

Of course, he used his right hand to turn his palm into a knife to chop, not with his celestial hatchet.

As a result, this split made him dumbfounded.

Because this hard rock was cut in half like tofu.

Ye Chenfu couldn't help being surprised, and said, "Fuck it? Isn't it, the early stage of Royal Sky Realm is so strong?"

He thought for a long time before he increased his own strength and connected with that beast pill.

After all, he remembered that seven days ago, he still had the expulsion stage to complete! Moreover, after receiving the guidance of Xiangshen and Fan Tulong, he suddenly broke through in the middle of the night.

But this time, the inexplicable breakthrough without any signs made Ye Chenfu very surprised.

Ye Chenfu thought, the only possibility was related to the beast pill. However, he felt that this beast pill had lost own Dantian, which really annoyed himself.

So he tried to mobilize True Qi again, but at this time a very strange feeling appeared.

At this time, it is finally not like before the meal, there is not the slightest True Qi feeling anymore.

It's the real image inside the body, the flowing of big rivers. Ye Chenfu closed his eyes and looked inside, but still did not find Dantian's location.

Just as he was puzzled, he felt a little difference.

So he opened his eyes suddenly and pointed his hand to another stone on the ground, and the stone immediately flew up.

Although this kind of operation can be done in the physical environment. But he moved his fingers abruptly, and the stone slammed into the wall of own house.

With a "bang", Ye Chenfu hurried over to check the situation, only to find that the wall of the house had a big hole.

"Good guy, I'm just good guy! This is not the power that the Throwing Realm should have!" Ye Chenfu thought of this, and hurriedly went back to the house.

He didn't have time to block the wall, and immediately in his heart, thinking of his celestial hatchet.

Originally, his Heavenly Evil hatchet was a blood-refined thing, and he could already mobilize it initially, but this so-called mobilization can only lift it up slightly; just lift it up.

As a result, the Tiansha hatchet flew directly from under the bed at this time, and then steadily landed in Ye Chenfu's palm. Ye Chenfu immediately injected True Qi into it, and he felt the violent True Qi return again.

And the True Qi this time is a real violent, it is very different from the past.

If the previous True Qi was water flowing from pipes, now True Qi is mobilized, like a waterfall pouring.

Ye Chenfu's True Qi poured into the hatchet, and immediately felt a very different feeling from the past.

He looked at it suddenly buzzing, like a hatchet that could open up the world with huge energy, and now it was glowing with blood red light, so he felt that he was also full of power immediately.

Suddenly Ye Chenfu realized that own Dantian was starting to heat up, and this gentle burning sensation was very comfortable.

"Is this Dantian repairing it?" Ye Chenfu muttered to himself, "No, right? Dantian didn't have such a huge feeling before."

Inside the Dantian before Ye Chenfu, it feels like a big river.

And now he suddenly felt that it was the vastness of the sea and the universe, and this feeling was very broad.

He suddenly blurted out, and said excitedly: "Could this be the Danhai in the legend? Is it Dantian's breakthrough limit?"

Of course, Danhai is also Dantian, but its capacity varies greatly.

Although the name is only one word difference, the limit of True Qi that a Danhai can hold is beyond ten Dantians.

So Ye Chenfu felt a burst of ecstasy, but when he was so ecstatic, he felt that someone was scolding himself within a hundred feet.

"I'm afraid that Ye Chenfu is dead now? Are you sure we are going to take a look?" said a man's voice.

The voice of another man replied triumphantly: "As long as he drinks the water in the teapot, he will definitely die haha."

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