Fantasy: My Cultivation Technique Will Self-Cultivation

Chapter 254 Lifelike Picture Presentation

But when he was in the back mountain of Zidian Peak, the system did not force him to wake him up.

So Ye Chenfu knew that he was definitely not in danger at that time, after all, he only needed to think backwards.

But what Ye Chenfu wanted to know at this time was not why he was not in danger at the time, but what happened when he passed out in a coma.

So thinking of this, Ye Chenfu hurriedly said to the system in his heart, "Don't you disappear from the system, let me ask you a word, what did you see when I was in a coma?"

The reason why Ye Chenfu didn’t ask this question until now was that he didn’t want to understand it at the time, and it was because he was only free now. After all, the mode of The Underworld cultivation in the past month really caused him to eat up. suffering.

What Ye Chenfu didn't expect was that this time the system was very Giving Face.

"Host, do you show the picture at that time?" the system asked in a cold electronic voice.

Ye Chenfu nodded involuntarily, and then curiously asked: "Present! But how do you present? A projector?"

Ye Chenfu only realized then that he had never used this function before.

"It is presented in the host's mind!" As the system said this sentence, the system immediately presented the picture in Ye Chenfu's mind.

Ye Chenfu was taken aback and couldn't help but cursed: "I'll take it. This is 10,000 times more real than VR glasses!"

He got used to it a little bit, just in his eyes... to be precise, he felt a crazy picture in his mind. The wolf beast Heizi fought with other wolf beasts and became more and more courageous.

And by looking at his expression, he seemed to be very worried about Ye Chenfu, because he kept looking at the place where Ye Chenfu fainted. But he was surrounded by another group of wolf beasts, so there was no way to come over to help.

Ye Chenfu felt the picture in his mind as if he had been at the scene in person, except that the picture was developed from the perspective of God, and he felt like he had eyes in multiple directions.

In other words, although this picture is real, the perspective seems to be omniscient.

Therefore, the Ye ups and downs that suddenly felt, felt so weird. At this moment, the two parties were fighting, and then the leader of the other group of wolf beasts was cut and wounded, so within a few minutes, the other group of wolf beasts quickly retreated.

And while they were retreating, Ye Chenfu saw that all the wolf beasts on the side of Wolf King Heizi had caught up, and there seemed to be an unshakable feud between the two gangs.

The two wolf beasts quickly disappeared from the perspective, and then the wolf beast Heizi ran back. It came to Ye Chenfu and checked it, and found that Ye Chenfu seemed to be fine.

So he took out a black ball from his arms and handed it to Ye Chenfu.

While he was thinking about putting it in Ye Chenfu’s clothes or putting it somewhere else, Ye Chenfu saw that the own mysterious iron ring suddenly swallowed the bead directly, and the wolf king and sunspot in front of him were For a moment.

When Ye Chenfu looked at its full-blown hair, he felt alive, and even wanted to reach out to touch the part where he had lost his fangs, but only then did Ye Chenfu realize that he was holding his hand empty.

Only then did he realize that he was currently meditating on Zidianfeng's own bed, and his "front" picture was replayed by the system.

Ye Chenfu put down his hand because he touched the curtain next to the bed again, and then continued to watch the movements of the wolf king Heizi.

But at this moment, the wolf king Heizi suddenly changed his face as soon as his ears moved, and then he glanced at Ye Chenfu, and immediately disappeared in front of Ye Chenfu.

God's perspective did not follow the figure of the wolf king Heizi, but followed the Bai Qingyi under the hillside.

In this way, Ye Chenfu suddenly felt darkness "in front of him", and then he returned to reality. He exhaled heavily; then he said to himself: "It turns out that it is like this."

After saying this, he was about to look at the own mysterious iron ring when he suddenly heard someone knock on the door.

Accompanied by the knock on the door, Hu Dalang's voice: "No, no? No? Ye Junior Brother, you haven't eaten dinner yet? If you haven't eaten yet, go and eat it, otherwise..."

In the next instant, the door of the house was opened by Ye Chenfu, and he was already standing in front of Hu Dalang.

When Ye Chenfu heard "No, no?" In this case, he wanted to slap in the face; but he didn't do that. In the end, he held back after all.

Hu Dalang was taken aback and took three steps back. Then in an exaggerated tone, he said in surprise: "Are you a man or a ghost? How come there is no sound at such a fast speed?"

Ye Chenfu suddenly reacted, as if there was indeed no sound.

So he gave a dry cough and said, "Brother Dalang, don't come here all right!"

"So it's not a ghost?" Hu Dalang saw the shadow of a leaf up and down under the oil lamp. He was about to give Ye Chenfu a bear hug when he came up, and was quickly avoided by Ye Chenfu.

As a result, Hu Dalang almost hugged the stool in Ye Chenfu's room.

He was a little embarrassed, so he quickly turned around and said, "We haven't seen each other for two months, do you know? Last time you and Junior Sister Wan Ru secretly met in the room behind the Profound Thunder Palace, but. .."

"What does it mean to meet in secret?" Ye Chenfu couldn't help but laugh, and said: "You guys just came to play with me, and I can't go out. Brother Fan wants me to cooperate with him not to go out and concentrate on healing..."

Hearing that Ye Chenfu said this, Hu Dalang reacted and said: "So, I ignored that you were seriously injured and you were not allowed to come out. By the way, you are now healed?"

As soon as he asked this sentence, Hu Dalang knew he was asking a nonsense, because he later heard that Ye Chenfu had healed from his serious injury, and then went to Shenlong Peak to cultivate under the seat of Sect Leader.

But at this moment he saw Ye Chenfu smile slightly.

Then Ye Chenfu said calmly: "Healed. By the way, I did not eat, let's go and let's go together!"

Ye Chenfu came out and looked back and found that Hu Dalang was stunned in place, with a cute look on his face that looked very funny. So he couldn't help shouting, "Let's go, Brother Dalang!"

When Hu Dalang heard this, he hurriedly followed.

Then he grinned and said, "Let's go! Why don't you make an appointment with Junior Sister?"

"Are you sure...Isn't they eating dinner?" Ye Chenfu didn't want to reject his good proposal, but he asked in confusion.

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