Fantasy: My Martial Spirit Is The Ancestral Witch

Chapter 1: Traveling Through The Fantasy World [New Book For Collection]

Chapter 1: Traveling through the fantasy world [New book for collection]

Everything is inferior, only martial arts is high.

Opening his eyes, Jiang Chen's head felt a little tingling. This was the reason for the influx of a lot of information.

After a long time, the stinging feeling finally disappeared, and Jiang Chen fully understood what happened.

"I traveled through time?"

Jiang Chen was a little confused. Did he travel through time just because he liked reading fantasy novels? Do you want to be so exaggerated?

What made Jiang Chen even more confused was.

This is a vast and boundless fantasy world. In this world, everything is inferior but martial arts is the most direct way to the pyramid.

By becoming a warrior, you can be respected by others. If you advance step by step in the martial arts, you will become stronger and stronger, and your status will be higher and higher, no matter you are a beggar or a farmer.

Even if you are a woman, as long as you become a warrior, you can enjoy different treatment.

And through the memory in his mind, Jiang Chen knew that he was the son of Jiang Xuanji, the grand master of the Daqian Dynasty.

It may sound domineering, but in fact, Jiang Chen knew better that his mother was the princess of the Dali Dynasty. She married Jiang Xuanji and became the fifth lady. But later, a war broke out between the Daqian Dynasty and the Dali Dynasty, and Jiang Xuanji He led an army of eight million to defeat the Dali Dynasty.

All the royal families of the Dali Dynasty surrendered directly, but what everyone didn't expect was that Jiang Xuanji killed them all, killing them all.

Just because Jiang Xuanji respected legal principles too much and was merciless.

Emperor Daqian also stepped forward to stop this matter. Generally speaking, after the country is destroyed, the royal family can be spared. This is considered a glimmer of hope. In order to show the magnanimity of the Daqian Dynasty, the royal family will be treated well, such as being kept in captivity in the palace, and then Let them die of old age.

But Jiang Xuanji was too ruthless, killing everyone, even his own son.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Chen's mother committed suicide just to keep Jiang Chen alive.

Jiang Chen's mother committed suicide, and the Daqian royal family directly intervened to save Jiang Chen, because Daqian Sheng had a wife who was also a princess of the Dali Dynasty. She died of illness, but left a son, the seventeenth prince. Jiang Chen is two years younger and can be considered Jiang Chen's cousin.

If Jiang Chen dies, then the seventeenth prince will die too.

This kind of behavior is against humanity, so Jiang Chen survived in the end.

And Jiang Chen was born with deficiencies, so even though it had been so long, Jiang Chen had no status in the Jiang family.

In addition, Jiang Chen was a commoner, and Jiang Chen's mother was from an enemy country, so Jiang Chen's status was extremely poor.

In his memory, from when Jiang Chen was a child until now, he has only seen his biological father twice, once when his grandmother passed away. Although he was a concubine, at least Jiang Chen was a grandson and had to kowtow and observe filial piety. The second time was three days ago.

Jiang Chen's body was very weak. In order to study martial arts diligently, he took a cold shower after a hard day's work, which directly injured his body and had a fever for three days and three nights. Then Jiang Xuanji came and just glanced at Jiang Chen without saying a word. Just left.

Jiang Chen remembered that scene very clearly, because it was the last sight of the original owner of the body. After seeing his father, he gave up and died, and then Jiang Chen traveled through time.

Miraculously, as Jiang Chen traveled through time, the illness in his body was immediately cured.

"What a cruel father."

Feeling everything in his mind, Jiang Chen couldn't help but take a deep breath. As a time traveler, Jiang Chen naturally had no emotions for his father in this world, but the scenes in his mind made Jiang Chen feel chilled.

Although his biological son is a concubine, he won't catch a fever or cold, so he can just sit back and watch, right?

If you don’t have money, that’s okay.

If there is no medicine, then it is easy to say.

But what is the Jiang family? The Jiang family is the residence of the Grand Master of the Daqian Dynasty. Not to mention medicines to cure headaches and colds, the Jiang family can also get elixirs to extend life.

However, Jiang Xuanji did not do that. Instead, he chose to stand by and watch.

Jiang Chen could feel that in the last scene, his father seemed to want him to die like this.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but tremble, not with fear, but with an inexplicable hatred. Although that was not his father, just hearing about this kind of thing made people angry, not to mention that Jiang Chen had traveled through time. What about a person with the same name?

And it is very likely that this is another self in the parallel world. How can Jiang Chen not be angry?

But even though he was angry, Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh, because this is a world where everything is inferior and only martial arts is high. In this world, if you become a warrior and have force, then you can despise everything.

No one dares to be unfair to you.

Just like the Jiang family, Jiang Peng, the eldest son of a concubine, although he is a concubine, has extraordinary qualifications and is a unique martial arts king. His status is no better than that of a direct descendant. Wherever he goes, he is sought after by people. Even some princesses are interested in Jiang Peng. Generate admiration.

This is the benefit of having strength.

If Jiang Chen has strength, then he can have a position in the Jiang family. If he is strong enough, no one will dare to look down upon him, no matter whether he is a concubine or not. It is even assumed that one day, Jiang Chen will be granted the title of Marquis and Prime Minister, and his mother's spiritual tablet , can be erected in the ancestral hall.

This is a supreme honor.

But the prerequisite is that you have strength.

It's a pity that Jiang Chen has no strength, qualifications, and resources.

Want to practice?

It is undoubtedly a fantasy.

However, just when Jiang Chen thought of this, suddenly, a thunderous sound exploded in his ears.

Then Jiang Chen fainted on the spot.

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