Fantasy: My Martial Spirit Is The Ancestral Witch

Chapter 28: Entering Kunpeng’S Lair! [New Book For Collection]

"Innate Yin-Yang Bagua Diagram."

The Yin Yang Dao Sect exclaimed. Their Dao Sect has a heritage of hundreds of thousands of years and is well-informed. Moreover, when the fantasy world and the heaven were still connected, the Yin Yang Dao Sect was the largest sect, because in the heaven, the Yin and Yang Dao Sect was Zong is also an amazing sect.

But since the connection between heaven and earth was cut off, the Yin Yang Dao Sect has declined somewhat, but even if it is in decline, it is still one of the ten sects in the fantasy world.

Not only the elders of Yin Yang Dao Sect were moved, but also all the monks were moved. This is an extremely extraordinary treasure.

"According to rumors, Kunpeng does not belong to our lower realm, but we don't know what happened. It should be about hundreds of thousands of years ago that the heaven was torn apart and a Kunpeng was buried in the Sea of ​​Beiming. It is said that this Kunpeng stole a The supreme treasure is this innate Yin-Yang Bagua diagram, which is better than the true biography of Kunpeng."

Someone opened his mouth and told a secret.

However, this secret was soon overturned.

"Impossible. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, it was still possible to connect to the heaven. If a supreme treasure was stolen, at worst, it would not be impossible to forcefully descend to the lower realm and take back the treasure."

An old man from the White Jade Ancient Sect spoke slowly, thinking that this statement was not valid.

"No, this may be true. To be more precise, 180,000 years ago, Kunpeng Supreme fell from the sky and died in the Sea of ​​Beiming. He stole a treasure, but this treasure had a great origin. It may not be a treasure that belongs to the heaven, because Kunpeng Supreme is invincible in the heaven, so even if a strong man from the heaven comes down, it will not help, because it is said that Kunpeng Supreme has transformed himself into a supreme killing array, and everyone who comes will have to die. Now it is enough. It took 180,000 years for the killing formation to be partially weakened, and only then did we have the opportunity to find out."

This is an older existence, but it is not a human race, but a demon monk, a mysterious turtle that has lived for a long time, a giant of the seventh level, but he has a long lifespan, and the lifespan of the demon race itself is longer than that of the human race, not to mention Is it a turtle spirit?

He has lived for at least tens of thousands of years, so he knows this secret.

However, this statement still has no basis and is just speculation. But what this kind of existence says will make people speculate more.

But no matter what, this is indeed extraordinary. The innate Yin and Yang Bagua diagram emerged, and then gradually became larger and spread, reaching a height of ten thousand feet.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on the entrance.

In an instant, the yin and yang energy was turbulent, one black and one white filled the air crazily, submerging the entire sea of ​​​​Northern Darkness.

But the entrance is loose.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom!

Strong men from the demon tribe rushed in. This is Kunpeng's treasure. Who wouldn't be jealous? Who doesn’t want to be the first to seize the opportunity?

As for the innate yin-yang killing array? What is dangerous and not dangerous? so what? Everyone here is a good person. Isn’t that a powerful person who came out of the sea of ​​blood? If you don't even have any courage, how can you survive until now?

"Who dares to kill each other and destroy the ten tribes." The Maurya King spoke again. His voice echoed for seven hundred miles, deafening and unparalleled in domineering power. He gave the final warning, which made people feel that the Maurya King was serious and he was not joking. of.

The strong men of the human race rushed in directly, and the Yin Yang Dao Sect, White Jade Ancient Sect, Qingyun Sect, Wushuang Sword Pavilion, Qixing Dao Sect, Zhou family, Chen family, Lin family, Jiang family, and Daqian dynasty also entered.

However, there were also some people who stood still. They seemed not to want to go in too early to avoid any danger. For example, the nine-tailed demon fox was very experienced and did not enter quickly. Instead, he waited outside to observe the situation.

But soon, Jiang Chen inexplicably felt that the yin and yang energy disappeared sharply. In fact, Jiang Chen also wanted to wait for a while before going in. With so many people going in now, something would definitely go wrong, so it was best to wait.

What he didn't expect was that the yin and yang energy disappeared sharply, and Jiang Chen instantly realized that if he didn't go in, he wouldn't be able to get in.

No nonsense, Jiang Chen turned into a golden lightning and rushed directly to the entrance of Kunpeng's lair. His speed was incredible, not weaker than the ceiling speed of the golden-winged roc, or even faster.

Not only Jiang Chen, but some monks who had the same idea as Jiang Chen also rushed over.


Submerging into the entrance, at this moment, the terrifying yin and yang energy fills the air, and then pulls people in crazily, as if being pulled into an abyss, this process is irresistible.

As for the entrance to the outside world, as the yin and yang energy is restrained, the entrance disappears.

There are still a small half of the strong people who are watching all this with their tongues smacking. They did not go in and missed the opportunity.

"Hiss." The one who regrets the most is the nine-tailed demon fox. Not only did he not go in, but his men also didn't go in. It can be said that he was very cunning and planned to kill himself.

At this moment, the nine-tailed demon fox was beating its chest with regret.


Kunpeng ruins.

After endless pulling, Jiang Chen finally arrived at Kunpeng's lair.

In a huge space, there is a silver waterfall in front of them. Everyone stands in front of the waterfall. They cannot escape here and can only appear in their true form.

This is...Kunpeng's lair!

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