"That was... Flame Sparrow! Brother Chicken stared, and then slowly spit out these words.

Yanque is just an ordinary second-order spirit beast, but this group likes to live in groups the most, and the strongest people in the clan have the potential to transform into Suzaku!

In ancient times, there were outstanding people in this family who could compete with the phoenix!

Without waiting for Meng Qing to speak, Fluttershy stepped forward again.

The Yan Sparrow was undoubtedly fierce and furious, and even in the face of Fluttershy in the Holy Sacrifice Realm, they dared to attack.

"Butterfly God Slash!"

A halo of light appeared behind Fluttershy, like a cross slash, bombarding forward, like two of the sharpest blades, easily cutting through the void, and the earth cracked everywhere it went!

As soon as the trick took shape, a large number of flame finches exploded one after another, and blood splashed everywhere, adding a little brilliant color to that striking magma.

Brother Chicken was a little anxious, and looked at Meng Qing as if for help.

"Don't be in a hurry, these flame finches are irritable, don't let them completely surrender, and can't move on to the next step." Meng Qingdao.

The cross slashed forward and sideways, and the flock of flame finches yielded, although their cultivation was low, but their spiritual intelligence was not low, and they all fell from the sky to show their surrender.

Fluttershy's wings trembled lightly and she waved her trick.

Meng Qing strode forward and clicked on the system.

In less than a hundred breaths, the system roared, and the crimson flames rolled outward, scorching incomparably.

Meng Qing's eyelids jumped wildly, and he couldn't help but dodge.

Brother Chicken changed his appearance, his originally golden body turned red, and the feathers around his body seemed to be constantly burning!

Its breath is also at the peak of the Holy Sacrifice Realm!

【Ding! Synthesis successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the sixth-order spirit beast Nine Ghost Flame Sparrow*1! 】

【Nine Flame Sparrow: Sixth Order, legend is the best of many Flame Sparrows, because of the favor of the heavens and embarked on an evolutionary path, if it grows completely, it is possible to transform into the legendary Immortal True Phoenix...

Secret Technique: Nine Ghost True Yan, Nine Ghost Slash!

Meng Qing was frightened by this introduction.

Immortal True Phoenix?

The name sounds domineering!

But in addition to the excitement, he was a little disappointed.

Such a little by little upward upgrade is too slow, these millions of flame finches can only let them upgrade one level?

Meng Qing was a little worried, as the realm of the ant queen and others rose, more and more synthetic materials were needed, and it was even more difficult to upgrade!

Brother Chicken completed his transformation and walked back and forth on the ground, while looking around with interest, ready to suppress the next group of passing spirit beasts like Fluttershy.

But among the spirit beasts that passed through this place next, either the number was too small, or the race and Xiaoqiang could not fight together, and they couldn't operate at all.

"Huh, what's that?" Brother Chicken, who was moving around, saw that there were red objects left in the place where Fang Cai's large area of flame sparrow exploded, and asked immediately.

Meng Qing stepped forward, but found that it was actually some red spars, each containing a rich aura!

Without waiting for him to take a closer look, the chicken brother was already swallowing all those spars on the side like a chicken pecking rice.

"Well, it tastes really good, crunchy!"

Meng Qing kicked it away and opened the golden void, but found that there seemed to be magma flowing in these spars, and they were a little splendid!

The ground shook, and a lizard that was cultivating in the middle of the Martial King suddenly appeared and attacked Meng Qing.

Meng Qing pointed out and poked it, and then he stood there, waiting quietly.

After a while, the lizard's blood seemed to become a gel, and then evolved into gray spars!

Fluttershy was also confused: "What the hell is going on here?" Could it be that none of them are physical objects?

Meng Qing walked towards the depths, and after killing a group of spirit snakes, he once again got a bunch of yellow spars!

"I think I understand that this tenth layer, whether for spirit beasts or warriors, is a treasure land!"

The queen ant seemed to understand: "Is it because of these spars?"

"Yes, the ones we saw before, whether they are man-eating ants or flame finches, their essence is these spars, and they will only appear when they become conscious over time." Meng Qing explained.

Xiaoqiang nodded and took the initiative to stand up:

"Master, let me go alone to break in, I have the confidence to complete the breakthrough here!"

Meng Qing shook his head slightly:

"You are a whole, no matter what, you should act together, chicken brother Fluttershy accompanies Xiaoqiang to hunt and evolve, and the ant queen follows me."

The three spirit beasts nodded one after another, for them, Meng Qing was a god!

"Master, since this place is so amazing, why don't you cultivate here? Now that no one in the Great Sect League can pose a threat to you, and you have already obtained all the treasures here. When she returned to the tenth layer stone gate, the ant queen couldn't help but ask.

"The Great Sect League is not a simple experience and practice, here, because of various opportunities, dark horses are likely to appear among those forces, in the past, there were also people who could nest a big force, others I don't care, but Li Xuanshui and Mu Yao can't die."

Meng Qing explained this, and when he said this, he paused and said,

"Besides, I still have an account that I haven't calculated!"

When he said this, Meng Qing's momentum suddenly changed, like a killing god, extremely terrifying!

When it came down to the ninth floor, the manta ray was still huddled there, not moving for half a minute.

Meng Qing noticed that although the wound he had beaten out was still there, the injury had improved a lot!

"Let's go, I hope that the other big forces must fight for anger, don't let me be too bored." Meng Qing jumped on the back of the manta ray and used it as if it were a means of transportation.

Although the manta ray was dissatisfied, he did not dare to show half a point.

When they descended to the eighth layer, the manta rays roared, the sound spread, and the earth around them trembled, extremely penetrating.

In the distance, smoke and dust billowed out, and a cyan lightning bolt rushed straight forward, rolling up a continuous cloud of smoke.

It was a fifth-order peak green wolf, with cracks in his eyebrows, and a blue light flowing during the period, which was very brilliant.

"Why did you come to King Ben's domain?" The green wolf stood still, it could see at a glance that the manta ray was seriously injured, and when it saw Meng Qing, its eyebrows moved, and the crack in its eyebrows deepened:


Manta rays get straight to the point: "Please do me a favor and go down with me."

"Who is he?" The green wolf raised his head, and his nostrils exhaled a thick white breath.

"You talk a little nonsense, I'm his big brother, what else do you want to ask? After asking, hurry up with me, don't be ignorant! Meng Qing frowned.

"Big brother? As a ninth-layer guardian spirit beast, you actually recognized a big brother? Don't you think you're a joke? , Ben Wang doesn't want to waste time. The green wolf unceremoniously issued an eviction order.

Meng Qing clenched his fists and finally confirmed, "Are you sure?" Give you another chance to organize your language. The

green wolf suddenly turned around, let out a long howl, the crack in his eyebrows suddenly expanded, and a blue halo that was rich to the extreme emerged from it, it was actually a small moon!

The moonlight fell, and the breath of the green wolf skyrocketed, infinitely approaching the Holy Sacrifice Realm!

"Abominable human beings, dare to talk to King Ben like this, can't they find death?"

In the face of his threat, Meng Qing just waved his fist:

"I kind of found out, good words may be meaningless, although the use of violence is bloody, but the effect is the most immediate, say, how do you want to die?"

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