The compass in Mu Yao's hand turned into pieces, and when scattered around, it was like the sharpest throwing knife, all of which shot at the body of a disciple of King Wu.


In an instant, that disciple became a sieve, covered in blood holes, and his appearance was extremely miserable.

Ahead, Li Xuan turned his wrist, and a Wang Bing appeared, and his target turned out to be Huojing!

More pitch-black beasts appeared, striking back and forth!

But Huojing was already on guard, his sleeve robe vibrate, and a golden aura flowed rapidly, like a shield, fending off all attacks for him.

He made a counterattack, but the King Killer Alliance seemed to have expected it, and four people came to besiege him, wanting to kill him!

Manhui panicked, because she was also chased and killed by one person!

And people such as Yuhuaxian and others who have just entered the Martial King and are not even the Martial King, a member of the King Killing Alliance is just one move, and they will all be killed!

A member of the King Killer Alliance held a long knife, domineering and fierce, and cut off a person's arm with just one sword.

Under Meng Qing's instruction, the four guardian spirit beasts struck at the same time to kill the members of the King Killing Alliance.

At the same time, he also moved, stepped out in one step, and faced the sword-wielding warrior.

The latter wielded a long knife, which seemed to have the power to split the sky.


But when the blade fell on Meng Qing's body, it was like cutting into fine iron, and it couldn't shake the slightest!

Meng Qing turned his head slightly: "That's it?" It's really infuriating.

He stretched out his hand and squeezed the long knife, with slight force, and the latter shattered directly!

The warrior panicked, he subconsciously wanted to run, but before he turned around, a big hand had covered his cheek.

There was a terrifying force gushing, and the man roared, struggling frantically but to no avail.

The man's mouth opened slightly, and he let out a strange low roar.


The earth suddenly collapsed, and an elephant with a dark body rushed out, and two fangs that flashed cold light were like daggers, slamming fiercely.

The queen of ants quietly emerged, tentacles cut horizontally, and a light curtain moved forward, like the sharpest blade in the world, directly dividing the elephant into two!

The people around who saw this scene, whether they were members of the King Killer Alliance or disciples of the Yunxiao Sect, were shocked, they really felt, that elephant was a peak beast king!

What a terrifying combat power should this be?

The mask was removed, and it was the Battle Clan powerhouse who was wrapped in it!

"I... Uh..." The

man panicked, and just as he wanted to speak, Meng Qing turned his palm and twisted his neck.

Soon, all the people of the King Killer Alliance were defeated, if Meng Qing did not appear, they still had a great chance of winning, but now, everything is powerless to return to the sky!

Soon, the members of the King Killer Alliance and the beast tamer fell to the ground!

Meng Qing took off the masks of these warriors one by one, and for the few who had not yet broken their breath, they started one by one.

On the other side, Manhui was shocked, she stood beside Huojing, her eyes full of horror when she looked at Meng Qing.

She found that Meng Qing had unknowingly grown to a point that he could not reach, and when she thought of the various acts of death before, she couldn't help but feel a fur in her heart.

Meng Qing turned around, and his gaze saw that at that moment, the air seemed to freeze.

"Senior Brother Meng, what happened before was..." A

silver light flashed, and Manhui only felt that his neck was cold, and then there was a sharp pain in the back of his neck, and then she only felt that the sky was spinning.

On the side, Huojing was still in a state of dismay.

When he realized what Meng Qing had done, his fists couldn't help but clench, Manhui was not bad-looking, and his talent was excellent, and he expressed his good feelings along the way.

This is also the reason why Manhui suppressed Mu Yao many times and no one dared to say anything.

But now, Meng Qing killed Manhui in front of him, where did this put his face?

Meng Qing withdrew the Moon Blade, looked at Brute Hui, whose breath gradually weakened on the ground, and then looked at Huo Jing:

"Senior Brother Huo, how did Brute Hui die?"

Huo Jing's forehead had bruises bursting out.

The four guardian spirit beasts stood up one after another, roaring in a low voice, full of hostility, Meng Qing also slowly raised his hand, and the moon blade continued to rotate.

The silence here is almost terrifying, whether it is Li Xuanshui and the others or the other Martial King powerhouses who survived, they are trying their best to suppress their breathing, and the atmosphere does not dare to breathe!

Huo Jing looked at everything around him, especially those Martial Kings who were silent to Meng Qing, who had followed behind him, constantly shouting that if something happened to him, these people would definitely support him as soon as possible.

But now, Meng Qing's meaning was already obvious, but no one dared to stand up for him!

Thinking like this, Huo Jing's fist loosened, and he suddenly smiled, and said with a kind face:

"Where is this word, everyone can see that Barbarian Hui was killed by the people of the King Killer Alliance!"

Meng Qing was slightly surprised, and he stepped forward and patted Huo Jing's shoulder:

"Yes, the King Killer Alliance, these are all virtual, the water here is too deep, you can't grasp it!"

The corners of Huojing's mouth tugged slightly, and he smiled and said yes.

Then, Meng Qing asked a few people to go to the sixth layer first.

When he was alone, Meng Qing rushed into the sky at full speed, he was sliding in the clouds, and Jin Void opened it with all his strength.

The ant queen was still a little puzzled:

"Master, since the disciples of the Yunxiao Sect have already gathered, why not go directly to the tenth layer and wait for the end of this great sect league?"

Meng Qing carefully searched the people and horses coming and going below, while constantly opening the small map for comparison, and smiled when he heard this: "

Because I found something interesting."

Without waiting for the queen ant to ask, he continued,

"Have you ever counted how many people from the King Killer Alliance we have killed?"

The queen ant suddenly comprehended and was surprised:

"You mean, the number of people on this token is constantly changing? Is someone really singing double reeds?

Meng Qing's expression became serious:

"Originally, I thought so, but now, I have thought of an even more crazy possibility, maybe someone has entered this great league with the help of other channels!"

He asked about the several guardian spirit beasts in the cave sky, and the answers they gave made Meng Qing slightly puzzled:

"The Ten Cities Secret Realm has existed for a long time, I have lived here for countless years, and I have never explored the full picture of this place, if there is really a passage, it is not a rare thing. Besides, this league puts my name at the top of the list, and it's really not worth their effort not to do something! "

In the distance, there are four warriors who are advancing, this is a disciple of the Flowing Immortal Sect, all wearing long skirts, their posture is impeccable, and more importantly, everyone's strength is not weak.

Meng Qing moved, releasing his breath and crushing downward, and before they could even react, the former had already struck.

A punch was thrown out, the air vibrate, and all four of them fell before they even made a move.

Meng Qing took off the mask one by one, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise:

"I really found out."

Underneath the mask are several unfamiliar cheeks.

Before the start of the Great Sect League, he had written down the appearance of these people, but now that these four people are all strange faces, this is not right.

"Master, the breath of these people is also wrong!" The queen ant suddenly said.

Meng Qing was stunned, and he couldn't help but be shocked that the breath circulating on these people was actually the same as the pitch-black aura of those King Killer Alliance before!

To be precise, the breath of those members of the King Killer Alliance before seemed to be temporarily mobilized and diluted countless times, but now these four people are really operating in the body, a purer pitch-black aura!

Where do they come from?

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