"The sect can't go back, and I can't go back." Meng Qing said softly, he was like a ghost, shuttling briskly through the bushes, running towards the periphery.

"Why? Master, you are so powerful, if you go back, they will definitely be willing! Brother Chicken didn't think so much, and said directly.

"The war between the Yunxiao Sect and the Shadow Demon Sect is only these two sects at present, before Master Venerable told me that there are still many treacherous people lurking in places where we have not touched, if I go back, this news will definitely spread out in the first time, by then, it is difficult to say whether other sects will join forces with the Shadow Demon Sect!" Meng Qing calmly analyzed.

After the end of the battle with Qin Yuanheng, he had always been dormant underground, but the more he waited, the more he felt that this matter was not as simple as he imagined.

He even felt that Qin Yuanheng and even the Qin family were a pretense, and even he had become a chess piece!

It was He Ben who alerted him.

The warriors of the God Realm, even in the four major sects, are like a ceiling of combat power, and they should not move around.

Could it be that this was all intentional by the Shadow Demon Sect? But once the two sects go to war, with the current combat power between the disciples of the Shadow Demon Sect, they will not have an advantage at all!

But what is their purpose in doing this?

Meng Qing couldn't figure it out!

"Could it be that I missed some key factor?" Meng Qing said to herself.

He told the queen ants his thoughts, although it sounded reasonable, but after thinking about it, he always felt that some factors were not taken into account.

"Let it be, when you are strong, you are not afraid that there is no channel to know this." The queen ant said softly.

Meng Qing nodded, and after a few shuttles, he finally left the area where the Yunxiao Sect was located.

"Where are you going now?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Although those people have temporarily retreated, they must be looking for my traces in the open and in the dark, remember what I said, they must pay the price, now the time is almost right!" Meng Qing said softly, he did not immediately recover his true body, but continued to fly forward slowly.


Inside the Yunxiao Sect, in the main hall of one of the holy places—

"How is it?" Can anyone find Meng Qing? The Great Elder kept walking around the ground and asked the elders who reported the news.

"I haven't found it for the time being, Elder Yin personally made a move, but even with the help of the power of the Yin Heaven Realm, I can't find where Meng Qing is now."

"It's impossible, we blocked the perimeter at the first time, as long as it's a person, he can't go out!" The Great Elder said firmly.

He gave a death order: "Meng Qing must be found out, at all costs!" When

the guest secretary and the core elders in charge of the search left, the hall gradually quieted down.

The Great Elder looked at Shi Yu:

"Elder Shi, among us people, you know Meng Qing best, what do you think?"

The eyes of everyone in the audience fell on Shi Yu.

"Perhaps, Meng Qing has really left the Yunxiao Sect now, you may feel incredible, because for so many years, no one has been able to do this, but you should not forget, before this, who would have thought that Meng Qing could do this step? Three holy sacrifice realm peak beasts, defeating the holy sacrifice with the power of the martial king... He even unlocked the blood spell. Shi Yu's tone was unhurried, and he slowly said his analysis.

The Great Elder opened his mouth, but finally fell silent.

Shi Yu's analysis was good, when those three Saint Sacrifice Realm beasts appeared, he even thought that he was hallucinating!

An elder smiled bitterly and said, "

I hope Meng Qing won't resent me and wait because we didn't help."

"No, Meng Qing is not such a person." Elder Yuan was the first to object.

The Great Elder's eyes narrowed slightly:

"Elder Shi, according to what you see, what should we do now?"

"Stop searching, don't discuss this matter, and at the same time secretly send people to search for Meng Qing on a small scale, but at the same time deliberately spread this matter."



It is a castle nestled in the mountains.

It is said that this city has existed for a very long time, and before the Qin family occupied this place, there were many forces that took a fancy to this place and wanted to take it for themselves, even if they dispatched the peak powerhouses of the Holy Sacrifice Realm at the same time, no one had succeeded.

The Qin family was able to occupy this place and gradually develop it, and there were many legends in the eyes of outsiders.

Meng Qing disguised himself as a middle-aged man with a sallow face and looked malnourished, and mixed into Qin City with the crowd that entered the city.

Not long after entering, some residents whispered:

"I heard that the city lord went to the Yunxiao Sect some time ago, but he returned seriously injured, is it really fake?"

"Can this still be fake? Let me tell you, my aunt's aunt's distant cousin's second nephew was on an errand in the city lord's mansion, and I heard that the city lord was carried back!" It is said that he was injured like this by the sect master of the Yunxiao Sect!

"What? Really fake? Why did they do it?

"It seems to be because a little boy knows about the big league some time ago?" Several of the city lord's juniors were killed by that young man for no reason, and the city lord went to ask for explanations!

"I remembered when you said that, it seems that the Great Elder lost his life because of a young boy, right?"

"Shh, little voice, you dare to discuss these things, you are not small, if you are heard by the soldiers of the city lord's mansion, watch your heads!"


After hearing several discussions one after another, it turned out that the melon-eating masses who did not understand the situation were in the clouds.

In the cave sky, Brother Chicken couldn't help but say,

"What are these precious things?" If you don't know anything, you are talking nonsense, in their eyes, Qin Yuanheng's Turtle Sun has become a big hero?

Meng Qing's face did not change in the slightest, and his soul transmitted:

"He gave these residents a stable life, he is indeed a big hero, but this can't change anything."

The queen ant asked curiously: "Master, what are you going to do?" "

Look at it." Meng Qing said without salt.

This is the lair of the Qin family, and he is not hot enough to kill all the way directly.

According to the information obtained these days, there may be a divine beast that has survived from ancient times under the Qincheng City Lord's Mansion, and once it wakes up, it can even kill a strong person in the God Realm!

Regardless of whether it is real or not, it is always right to be safe.

When he came to a corner, many people gathered in front of a bulletin board, whispering something.

"The city lord has recruited the powerhouses above the Divine Soul of the Transformation God Realm to enter the city lord's mansion to serve as soldiers!"

Below, a large number of benefits are listed, once you become a soldier, in addition to the massive resources that you can receive, your family or your forces can also receive many cultivation resources!

Despite this, there are not many applicants, and most of them, although they are hungry, do not have that strength.

Meng Qing thought about it and found a tavern to sit by the window and observe.

By evening, it was still empty, but no one tried it.

Meng Qing thought about it and decided to wait and see for two days.

He inquired several times and found a place that specialized in selling all kinds of information.

The shop was small, with a counter occupying two-thirds of the space, and a short middle-aged man tapped the abacus inside without raising his head:

"Need some information?" As long as you want to know, the price is enough, we can sell it. "

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