It took half a month before Meng Qing reached the south of the Yunxiao Sect.

These days, the news about him seems to have been deliberately suppressed by a mysterious force, and few people discuss it.

He had heard people talking about it in the towns along the road, but among those people, they didn't know how many news had been spread, and the truth could not be said to be completely different, it could only be said to be irrelevant!

The area where the owner is located is called Sanding Domain.

In addition to the Dong family, there are also two forces, the Xi family and the Zhao family.

A long time ago, the three families conquered each other and killed each other, but in recent years, with the gradual decline of the West family, the two have gradually merged into one place, and the Three Dings Domain has also become a situation of two hegemony.

On the way, the four spirit beasts finally deciphered all the information recorded on the bone, and according to Fluttershy, the mark on it was a treasure that had appeared in ancient times and caused great calamity, and countless people lost their lives because of it!

This made Meng Qing more and more curious.

Fluttershy frowned

, "Master, although you can find the information marked above this with the map, you still need one more thing!"


"I don't know, the information on this map is a turtle, and there is a character engraved on the shell of the turtle."

"That's it? Do you have to find a turtle with words on its shell? Meng Qing only felt absurd.

The four spirit beasts were silent for a while, and finally Brother Chicken said, "Or the master will look for those places that sell information, maybe someone knows."

Meng Qing thought about it, and had to do so.

When he first arrived in the Three Dings Domain, Meng Qing was shocked.

The situation here can only be described in a garbled word!

The first thing he arrived at was a small city, and just to enter, he had to pay three entrance fees!

Meng Qing was a little surprised, but the people here seemed to be used to it, and instead of complaining, many people had smiles on their faces!

"Are these people evil spirits?" Meng Qing only felt that his scalp was numb.

When you enter the city, it is a different world.


The buildings on the street seem to be vibrant, and the decorations are exaggerated and bold.

There are many restaurants, and some rare elixirs that are difficult to see in other places are even boldly placed in a prominent position like signs.

Meng Qing opened his eyes to Jin Void, but he was even more shocked.

Every elixir actually had a Saint Sacrifice Realm powerhouse waiting for it!

"Is the strength here so terrifying?" Meng Qingxin walked into a restaurant and glanced at the menu, only to find that the price here was at least five times that of other places!

That said, it's packed!

After walking around the city for a while, a building with a golden coin on it caught his attention.

"This is ... Casino?! Meng Qing was shocked.

Is there such a place in this world?

Looking around the casino, buildings with all their blue colors stand one after another.

There is no other sign in this building, even the plaque is bare, except for a building character on the right side of the center.

"Good fellow, if it weren't for the senior old driver, he still couldn't understand what this was for!" Meng Qing couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Brother Chicken asked curiously: "Master, what is this building for?"

Meng Qing thought for a while: "In layman's terms, the people who work here are called... Forget it, this seems to be a bit of a conflict with you, or don't talk about it, you'll understand when you grow up. Brother

Chicken nodded understandingly.

He walked into the casino, and a striking sign caught his attention.

"According to the new regulations of Sandingyu, except for newcomers, all local income income needs to pay 30 points."

Thirty points of tax? Meng Qing was frightened, this is almost a robbery!

But soon, the following introduction answered his doubts.

It turns out that all gamblers who have registered here can receive a generous subsidy on a daily basis after losing all their wealth!

The subsidy given above is one hundred spirit stones per day.

Meng Qing simply calculated that these spirit stones could just take the beast cart to other places, of course, they could also be exchanged for chips to play ten times ten times or a hundred times field!

The rest of the introduction is all about the rules of the casino, here, as long as you gamble, you are a valued customer.

If you earn a certain amount every day, you can not only get a luxurious rest room that night, but also have a matchmaid, if you are dissatisfied, you can also exchange chips, and the highest can even name the Holy Sacrifice Realm!

Meng Qing smacked his tongue, it was so outrageous!

It was also at this time that he finally understood why the flow of people was still endless even though heavy taxes were levied.

I'm not afraid that you will make money, I am afraid that you will not play!

He walked up to the counter and asked

, "Your rules say that you can meet all the needs of customers, including extremely ancient materials?" Even if it's just fragments? Meng

Qing initially just wanted to come and make a splash, but when he saw that the above said that he could decrypt it, he suddenly became interested.

A young girl who received him was not very old, but the goods on her body were not small at all, and she said skillfully:

"Yes, as long as you meet the requirements of my land, I can help you check it here, my land has been built for a long time, and the materials from ancient times to the present have been included."

Meng Qing nodded, stretched out his hand and gave a Qiankun bag, pretending to say deeply:

"Open an account for me, thank you."

The girl glanced up at him, fiddled with the bag a few times, and did not continue immediately, but put down the work at hand: "The first time to enter the casino, right?"

Meng Qing raised his head: "How do you say this?" The

girl turned the Qiankun bag over and laughed softly: "You have applied your own aura to this Qiankun bag, how do you let me verify your assets?"

Meng Qing quickly untied it.

The girl said while registering:

"Newcomers have a discount for opening an account for the first time, and you can enjoy double chips when you deposit more than five million for the first time."

Meng Qing looked at the Qiankun bag, and then said with a serious face:

"No need, I have 500,000 in it."

The girl was stunned, and looked at him with a strange face:

"That 500,000 is the handling fee for opening an account, and if you store it, you need to pay another fee."

Meng Qing said seriously:

"Is it cheaper to deposit ten into it?"

The girl burst out laughing, she seemed to have not been so happy in a long time, laughing forward and backward, and even the corners of her eyes had tears like starlight.

Although this was a gaffe, Meng Qing found that he did not hate this girl.

"Newcomers can get free five thousand chips when opening an account, of course, if you really want it, I can also deposit ten spirit stones, but I need to deduct ten points of handling fees."

Meng Qing calculated it, but still said, "Then don't use it." Soon

, the account was completed, and a black card was handed to Meng Qing.

He walked away.

Before Meng Qing could take two steps, the girl stopped him:


"Is there anything else?" Meng Qing turned around.

"This is the high-magnification area, you need to pay 100,000 chips to enter, and novices should go to the right A area." The girl kindly reminded.

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