The first floor inside the gambling stone shop is a hall with stalls, each with various colored stones, and the aura above is scattered, as if each one is worth a lot.

Xiao Xi explained:

"These stones come from various secret realms or the depths of mountains and lakes, many of them are pregnant with the essence of the earth, and there is also a small probability that there are treasures sealed, if you fancy to buy and cut it on the spot, the highest may even prescribe the remains of the miracle medicine!"

Meng Qing was surprised, the essence of the center of the earth? The remains of the miracle medicine?

But when he saw that the owners of the various stalls were doing well, he also understood that the truly valuable stones were estimated to have been opened long ago, and these were mostly things that their owners were not sure of the value but did not want to waste or risk on it.

The two walked casually in the hall, Meng Qing opened the golden void, but found that the light and shadow in these stones were very blurry!

He was relieved, there were many strong people in the Holy Sacrifice Realm in the sealed city, even if there were few people who practiced pupil art, it was very considerable under such a terrifying population base, and in the long run, the stone that could be seen by pupil art would have long been gone!

"Master, is this a gambling stone house?" Fluttershy asked curiously, as if she knew something about this kind of existence.

Meng Qing nodded and briefly said the rules here.

Fluttershy sighed:

"The gambling stone shop has existed since ancient times, but I didn't expect to be able to see it at this time, I think back then, the gambling stone business supported a super power!"

Meng Qing's heart was shocked, relying on this thing can actually support a super power?

What a terrifying size would that be?

He didn't dare to think about it!

"Master, there seems to be a law in my inheritance memory, as if it is a manual used by that super power to cultivate protégés." Fluttershy passed a memory.

Meng Qing's heart was immediately shocked.

He closed his eyes while chanting, and when he opened his eyes again, there was an extra gray light in his eyes!

This gray light initially has only a trace, and then it continues to increase, connecting into pieces!

The scene in front of him was also different, the aura that originally filled the surroundings of the hall all disappeared, replaced by a Dao Qi!

There are very few stones with a fierce aura, but there is a treasure in each piece, at least a complete piece of the essence of the center of the earth!

On the side, Xiao Xi saw Meng Qing's thoughtful look, and said with encouragement: "Gongzi wants to try it?"

Meng Qing rubbed his hands: "It may not be impossible to try." The

two walked together to a stall with few people, the owner of the stall was a dark-skinned but unusually thin middle-aged man, and when he saw someone coming, he immediately introduced enthusiastically:

"Hello two adults, come two stones to shabu your hands?"

Meng Qing glanced at the man and said softly,

"Is the stone here different from other places?" The stone is mediocre, but the price is generally at least 20% more expensive than in other places. When

the man heard this, the enthusiasm on his face immediately faded a lot:

"What about gambling stones, pay attention to luck, don't hide it, these stones are peerless goods, if you buy it, you won't suffer a loss!"

Xiao Xizi rolled his eyes and pointed to the largest stone on his stall and asked,

"Is that big one for a million spirit jade for sale?"

The corner of the man's mouth twitched: "That can't be, lose money!" This one also costs at least 10 million!

Meng Qing pointed to a stone the size of a basin in the upper right:

"That one million is always okay, right?"

When the man heard this, he said again and again: "Okay, I'll bring it to you."

Xiao Xi paid the bill first, and the stall owner's smiling mouth almost couldn't close: "Or just cut it here, just to increase my popularity here."

Meng Qing nodded slightly, but took it with the intention of doing it himself.

With a gentle press of the palm down, the stone immediately cracks.

The stall owner didn't even bother to look at it anymore, so he shouted out the words that had already been prepared:

"Oh, I'm really sorry, this little prince didn't hit..."

Before he finished speaking, a brilliant golden light suddenly burst out from Meng Qing's hand.

At that moment, it was like a great sun rose in this hall, and the dazzling light was so brilliant that the people who illuminated it could not open their eyes!

The movement here instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.

Even on the second floor, there were people who looked at the situation.

Meng Qing blocked it with soul power and forcibly sealed the brilliant light that could hardly be concealed.

A golden crystal the size of a fist was suspended in his palm, and the inside of the crystal seemed to be liquefied, which could refract various colors of light, and it was extremely gorgeous.

"Oh my God, that's the essence of the ultimate earth's heart!" Someone shouted, shocked and almost out of shape.

Meng Qing's face did not wave, it was not because he didn't care, but he simply didn't know what it was!

Xiao Xi opened her mouth wide, and she couldn't hide her look of disbelief.

And the stall owner was almost stupid at this time!

Even a Qiankun bag that was originally held in the palm of his hand fell to the ground.

The essence of the best geocentricity, how is this possible?

All his goods were inspected by someone before they were sold publicly, but what was going on?

He couldn't understand!

Those who watched the excitement gathered around one after another, and some people were amazed:

"It is really the essence of the ultimate earth center, such a big size, I have never seen it before!"

"I remember the last time someone opened an egg-sized Ultimate Earth Essence and sold it for 10 million on the spot!"

"This must be more than that, both in size and color is much larger than before, at least twice as much!"

Someone next to him immediately retorted: "The pattern is smaller, five times!"

The stall owner's chest rose and fell rapidly, and finally, as if he had made some incredible decision, he plucked up the courage to walk in front of Meng Qing, pointed to the essence of the ultimate earth, and said:

"This, I will pay double the price to recycle!"

Everyone around was immediately happy, and some people ridiculed:

"Boss, you are too greedy, this level of things, it's good to give three times, haha..." "

Or four times, anyway, these two will not sell, ten times less casually!"

The stall owner gritted his teeth:

"Five times!" This is the highest price I can give!

Meng Qing looked at the stall owner and asked gently,

"Do you think you are mentally retarded or am I mentally retarded?"

He greeted Xiao Xi, and was about to go to other places when a guy-like little man stepped forward and said

, "Hello two, our owner has a request."

Xiao Xi whispered:

"Anyone who sees the treasure will be invited by the owner, so there is no need to worry about anything."

Meng Qing nodded and responded politely: "

Trouble, please lead the way."

The two went up to the second floor, but the space here did not shrink, but increased a lot, the only change was that the flow of people was much less.

A middle-aged man with a fat head and big ears and a thick-looking look smiled: "

I don't know what you two are called?"



The treasurer nodded, and then smiled: "The two of you can make the small shop lively again today, and the contemptible people thank you two in advance."

Meng Qing was shocked in his heart, although this man's cultivation was only in the late stage of the Holy Sacrifice Realm, it gave him an extremely dangerous feeling!

He said again and again:

"Don't dare, but I want to thank you later, if it weren't for this gambling stone shop, I wouldn't have waited at the right time and place."

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