For two days, Meng Qing never took half a step in the room.

During this period, he also observed this little creature specifically.

Except for asking Meng Qing for food when he was hungry, the little creatures hid on the eaves most of the time, or only came down to use Meng Qing's head as a bed when they slept.

Initially, Meng Qing just thought that this little creature was afraid of life, but when he noticed that this little creature was surrounded by strange runes when he was alone in one place, he couldn't help but be shocked.

"Could it be that the origin of this little thing is really outrageous?" Meng Qing had thought more than once.

When he noticed the rune for the third time, Fluttershy suddenly said

, "Master, that's a secret power rune!"

Meng Qing's heart was suddenly stunned.

In the past two days, Xiao Xi has also come to visit Xiao Xi many times, and each time he comes with a lot of rare elixirs, but Xiao Sheng is not appreciative, even if he accepts the elixir, he refuses to get closer to Xiao Xi.

This made Xiao Xi very hurt, and she even transformed into Meng Qing's current appearance, but it was still unsuccessful.

Xiao Xi said helplessly:

"It seems that I really have no fate with this little thing."

Meng Qing comforted: "It's okay, this thing has no heart and no lungs, it's even more difficult for me to touch it." "

Early in the morning of the third day, Meng Qing was chaotically taken to the location of the City Lord's Mansion.

Along the way, he saw a large number of warriors who were not old but whose cultivation was not weaker than him also walking towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Most of these are disciples who have heard from the outside world, and the upcoming hunt is very large-scale and the rewards are also rich, but the quota of participation is controlled by several powerful families!

Becoming a bodyguard for the juniors of major families is the only chance for a young warrior from a grassroots background!

When he arrived at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, there was a huge scene of people!

Chao whispered:

"Every time before the hunting competition starts, so many people come to look for opportunities, there are at least five hundred people here, and all they are fighting for are those twenty places."

Meng Qing nodded, the probability of one in twenty-five, it was really cruel!

But instead of lining up, he was led away from the crowd and walked towards the side gate of the city lord's mansion.

There is only one more man here.

Without saying anything, he stepped forward and patted Gengfu's shoulder, and then patted Meng Qing's shoulder, and then turned and left.

The gaffer was also silent, nodded slightly, turned his back and said, "

Come with me."

The Feng family was far bigger than Meng Qing imagined, and the two of them walked for almost half a column of incense before they heard the boiling voice.

He turned into a small alley and went to an attic-like building, and when he entered, he found that there were already four people here!

"Just wait here until the remaining fifteen arrive."

"Thank you seniors for your guidance." Everyone said in unison.

After the changer left, several people began to look at each other, and those who were familiar with each other would greet each other.

It wasn't long before there was a sound of fighting outside.

It was as if hundreds of people were fighting at the same time, and all kinds of fights and even shouts and curses were endless.

Compared with the misery of the outside world, Meng Qing and the other five have an indescribable peace here.

Rao is Meng Qing also sighed to himself:

"Is this a relationship household? No wonder it's so attractive, but it's a good feeling.

On the hair, the little creature pulled his hair with some dissatisfaction, as if to signal him to be quiet.

At this movement, the other four people suddenly saw it, and a teenager saw the little creature and was immediately surprised:

"This is... Could it be that you are the one who opened the ancient creature from the gambling stone shop?

Meng Qing nodded slightly.

A young girl cheered: "What a cute little creature, can you sell him to me?" Do you make an offer?

A teenager who looked like he was walking with her sighed:

"Little sister, you should know that this thing cannot be transferred, even if this little brother agrees."

The girl suddenly deflated, but still came excited:

"Can I touch it?"

Meng Qing said seriously: "I think it's best for you not to look forward to it too much, in fact, I also want to touch it." Hearing

this, several young girls immediately cast sympathetic eyes, they didn't get better, they got it but couldn't touch that was disappointing!

That girl was obviously not dead, she was tempted in many ways, she had the cultivation of the peak of the Martial King, but that little creature seemed to have no cultivation, but she could always avoid her movements.

After half a column of incense, the girl gave up.

After grimacing, the little creature continued to lie dormant in Meng Qing's hair.

After another half-column of incense, fifteen people came one after another outside.

Seeing Meng Qing and the others here, these fifteen people couldn't help but look a little complicated, but in the end, they didn't say anything.

The former man went and returned:

"Come with me."

After leaving the stairs, the genfu took out four tokens of different colors and issued them to everyone:

"This is your token, and it is also your pass in the City Lord's Mansion for a period of time in the future!"

Meng Qing took a white token, and when he saw a huge 'snow' written on it, his face immediately froze.

Good guy, I'm really afraid of what's coming.

There are four juniors who will participate in the hunt this time.

The eldest prince sealed Han, the second young lady sealed Wuling, the second prince sealed worry-free, and the fourth young lady sealed Xue.

And the token in his hand belongs to Feng Xue, which means that in the next hunting competition, his protection object is Feng Xue!

Thinking of what Feng Xue had shown in the gambling stone shop, Meng Qing suddenly felt a little numb in his scalp.

Sure enough, most of the other four disciples who got the white token also had ugly faces.

The ghost took them to four courtyards.

"This is a special place for you, twenty-seven days before the hunt begins, and you will all live here for the next twenty-two days, a courtyard for five people!"

No matter what status you have in the outside world, when you get here, you only have one identity, that is, the bodyguards of the four young masters! The gaffer's tone suddenly became much harsher.

Everyone nodded.

The ghost let them choose their place to live at will, and just when Meng Qing was about to go, the former stopped him.

"You come with me, Fourth Young Miss wants to see you."

Meng Qing wondered in his heart, what is he doing to see him at this time?

The changer took him to a palace, and before leaving, he reminded in a low voice:

"Go in, if you are not embarrassed, please follow the wishes of the fourth young lady, otherwise, I am afraid that no one can protect you from the lockdown."

Meng Qing didn't care, and entered the palace with his feet up.

A crockpot flew in and pointed straight at his face!

Meng Qing took it, and a scolding followed:

"So slow? Believe it or not, the old lady opened you?

Meng Qing put the crockpot down and walked a little inside, but saw Feng Xue lying in a super soft-looking blanket, with revealing clothes, a maid with a blue nose and a swollen face was carefully pinching her legs, two were pinching her hands, and another was feeding her peeled spirit fruits.

"Did you call me here for something?" Meng Qing asked lightly.

Feng Xue got up and waved to a few maids beside him:

"You guys go down."

Several maids were relieved and quickly evacuated.

Feng Xue wore a spacious robe, walked to Meng Qing's body, and said in an orderly manner:

"What about the little creature you opened from inside the stone?" Give me! "

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