The scenery in front of them blurred for a moment, and when it became clear, they found that they were in front of a forest.


Dongxue jumped, like a ghost, rushed into the forest, and disappeared after a few ups and downs.

Meng Qing opened the golden void and followed like an arrow off the string.

The other four were slightly stunned, what was the situation?

"Keep up!" A stronger disciple gritted his teeth slightly, and then rushed forward with his body technique.

Meng Qing was shuttling quickly through the forest, his aura was already strong, coupled with Yutian, it was basically impossible to lose the target.

But he was surprised by the speed Dongxue displayed.

It is no exaggeration to say that Dongxue's speed is even beyond the ordinary early stage of the Holy Sacrifice Realm!

In less than a hundred breaths, the two had already thrown the remaining four bodyguards without a trace.

Meng Qing frowned slightly, he began to keep his distance from Dongxue, he was curious to know what this person wanted to do.

After half an hour, she finally stopped, her body shook, as if she had been shot by an arrow, and she fell straight to the ground!

What's even more deadly is that Dongxue's aura is constantly becoming weaker, like a dying person who has been hit hard.

There are figures undulating in the treetops on one side, and she will definitely be found if she goes on like this!

Meng Qing moved forward, grabbed Dongxue and wanted to rush upwards, but his face changed, and the latter's body was constantly becoming transparent, as if it would dissipate at any time!

Fake, he hit the mark!

Before the group of people in the treetops arrived, Meng Qing got into a large tree with dense foliage and took shelter.

It didn't take long for a few people to arrive in the field, and the person at the head was Song Huan!

"Strange, I saw someone coming just now, why is it gone?" Song Huan muttered, his gaze constantly scanning around.

"Maybe you are hallucinating, there are many spirit beasts in this hunting forest, maybe there are some spirit beasts active here." So one of his bodyguards.

"Is that so?" Song Huan whispered to himself, and then suddenly pulled out a sledgehammer and smashed it towards the big tree where Meng Qing lived!

Meng Qing dodged, revealing his whereabouts in an instant.

Song Huan was first taken aback when he saw him, and then said with a sinister smile: "Yo, isn't this Dongxue's little's bodyguard?" What are you doing hiding here? Go to hell!

He withdrew his sledgehammer, rotated his toes, rushed his figure, rounded the sledgehammer, and roared lowly:

"Send you on the road first, and when you die, I will go to Dongxue's little, of course, rape first and kill later!"

When he jumped into the air, the aura around his body was released to the extreme in an instant.

That aura that belonged exclusively to the peak of the Martial King Realm was like a big rock, and after sweeping the aura in a radius of hundreds of miles, it fell, causing a series of sonic booms to sound in the air.

Meng Qing stood on the flat ground, his expression did not change in the slightest because of this extremely oppressive aura.

He gently stretched out his right hand and gently struck the sledgehammer that was smashed.


Song Huan's face changed drastically, as if an ordinary person had used all his strength to punch but smashed on a stone!

The sledgehammer came out, and his hand bent a terrible arc!

In the rear, the corners of the mouths of several of his bodyguards, which were still rising, instantly froze.

What's going on?

Song Huan fell to the ground, and after reacting from the initial confusion, his expression was completely shocked:

"How is this possible? How could your punch have such terrifying power?

Meng Qing slowly walked forward, his fingertips wrapped around, and the moon blade went up and down.

"Why is it impossible? This question is left to you to think about in the next life. Meng Qing's fingertips flicked, and the moon blade flew out.

Song Huan was about to beg for mercy, but his mouth opened but he couldn't make any sound, and then a sleepiness swept over, as if a pair of big hands from the abyss were pulling him into it.

He felt very tired, and now he was lying on a soft big bed, he didn't want to move, somehow, the beautiful things he had experienced in the past ten years appeared in front of him one by one, and finally closed his eyes!

Several of his bodyguards scattered with a bang, each of them displaying their body martial arts, but despite this, they were no faster than the Moon Blade!

In less than ten breaths, there were several more corpses on the ground.

Meng Qing stepped forward to collect the Qiankun bags and tokens of these people, and when sorting them out, he even squatted down and put the Qiankun bags and tokens aside separately.

But until he slowly put away the token, the expected danger did not come.

Counting his own tokens, he already had fifteen points right now.

"Could it be that I'm delusional?" Meng Qing frowned slightly.

He opened his eyes to the golden void and found nothing.

As soon as his heart moved, there was a gray aura in his eyes, which was exactly the ancient method he had obtained before.

The world in front of us is suddenly different.

A spiderweb-like pattern suddenly appeared in the sky, and under each side of this spider web, golden silk threads spread down, most of them constantly moving!

Meng Qing noticed that the color of these silk threads was light and dark, for example, the one connected to his body was darker, while the one connected to Song Huan's body was brighter.

"It seems that this silk thread is where everyone in this hunting forest is, I really didn't expect this method to be so magical, it is really magical." Meng Qing sighed.

Fluttershy said softly: "This method is not complete, it is said that someone in that force at that time completely mastered this method, and it is said that the great power at the peak can even see through cause and effect and reincarnation!" "

Meng Qing smacked his tongue, see through cause and effect and reincarnation? How big a skill should this be?

A silk thread that was constantly moving towards the north caught his attention, and under the pupil technique, he could even see that this silk thread had stayed around here!

The pace changed, and Meng Qing followed.

To the north of the Hunting Forest, a team of eleven people is advancing rapidly.

The person who took the lead looked like a scholar and looked very feminine, which was exactly Dong Wuxuan.

Not long after, they saw a scorched black tree split by thunder, with Martian seeds remaining on it.

Dong Wuxian glanced at it and said gently, "It seems that we have come to the right place."

"Are they really those from the Zheng family? Which side are they fighting against? Dongwu Ling frowned slightly.

"Of course, there is only one of them mixed with thunder and lightning in the martial arts of Fang Yuan, it seems that they have not gone far, and they should be able to catch up with their foot strength if they are fast." East worry-free again.

"The Zheng family seems to have united with your good brother this time, if this is true, then our potential enemies will be a lot more." East Dance Spirit means something.

"There are only three people who can be regarded as enemies by me, oh yes, counting the Eastern Han, but I can enter the Holy Sacrifice Realm at any time, at that time, are these still problems?" Dong Wuxian said softly, with absolute confidence in his words.

"Also, other people can be cleaned up by these trash fish, and I don't know what daddy thinks, every year to collect some trash fish in, once a battle occurs, these people are often the fastest to die, look upset, and waste resources." Dong Wuling said, glancing at the nine people.

The nine bodyguards suddenly pushed back, as if they were not being targeted, but by a poisonous snake.

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