Fast forward three days.

On a depression, there were three people crawling, they were hiding in the dead branches and leaves, their aura converged to the extreme, and it was difficult for ordinary warriors to find even if they used pupil techniques.

Suddenly, the trees in the distance trembled.

Two figures fell one after another.

The person at the head was Meng Qing, who looked at the place where the three were hiding:

"Do you come out by yourself or do I invite you out?"

The silence here is terrible, and no one responds.

Meng Qing moved forward, and the branches on several large trees nearby all fell off, and all turned into arrows and shot forward.


The three moved, got up one after another, and used their body protection techniques to resist.

But the movements of two of them were obviously one step slower, and they were pierced to the ground by branches one after another.

Although the remaining person barely dodged, sweat continued to drip from his forehead:

"Who the hell are you?" Why is this targeting me? Meng

Qing's moon blade hovered in his hand, and he slightly, and sealed his throat with another sword.

Behind her, Dongxue walked slowly, she looked at the young man who fell to the ground, and slightly recognized:

"Well, it's Zheng Ze, the efficiency is quite fast, it's only been three days, and I killed the seventh."

"These people are really not good, there is no challenge, most of the three days are in a hurry, the remaining three are a little far, if you find one by one, it will take three days." Meng Qingdao.

"I really don't save face for us, but I do have a good way to attract all the rest of the people, but I may need your cooperation with me." Dongxue said softly.

"What way?"


The place where the two of them were suddenly trembled, as if a giant spirit beast was turning over below.

The earth cracked, the mountains and rocks disintegrated, and the spirit beasts that inhabited it rushed one after another, and some spirit beasts that were sleeping were even awakened, and the roar resounded in the sky.

The sky was dark, Meng Qing looked carefully, but he couldn't help but be startled.

It turned out to be a rock snake that exceeded a hundred zhang, and when it was surrounded, the mountains were like its toys, its eyes were bigger than a millstone, and the surface of its body seemed to be composed of stones, spliced piece by piece, and as it moved, runes appeared on those stones, which was very terrifying.

"This is ... Holy Sacrifice Realm Ferocious Beast?! Dongxue was frightened and trembled.

Meng Qing's face changed slightly, and at a cursory glance, the realm of this spirit beast was roughly equivalent to the middle stage of the Holy Sacrifice Realm, but it was huge and not easy to deal with.

He grabbed Dongxue, cast his breath, and rushed down the mountain.


The rock snake found them, roared, and its tail jerked fiercely, and in that instant, a large area of the mountain disintegrated, which was forcibly crushed by the breath!

Meng Qing leaned over and rushed down, and at the same time swooped to the side, and finally managed to dodge before the tail of the rock snake smashed.

A hillside below was smashed alive!

Meng Qing was swept away by that wave of qi, and before landing, he protected Dongxue with his body and broke an unknown number of trees.

With a turn of his palm, the pagoda-like spatial spirit weapon was taken out, and he put Dongxue into it, and then cast the Imperial Heaven, dodging when the rock snake rushed again.

Meng Qing was furious, scanned the surroundings, and after confirming that there was no one around, he clenched his hands and put his fist in place.


The rock snake moved again, and in an instant, the smoke and dust dispersed, and the mountains disintegrated.

Meng Qing frantically injected spiritual energy into the fist, and then gently threw it forward.


The two fist sleeves were like two shooting stars, falling one after another, colliding with the body of the rock snake.

The rock snake roared, it was traumatized, the stone-like armor on its body cracked, and bright red blood flowed out.

Meng Qing stepped forward and withdrew his fist, and suddenly displayed his martial arts at the moment he put it on.

"Phaseless Fist Method!"

For a time, Meng Qing outlined various offensives with his aura, and all of them slammed on the rock snake.

Click, click, click!

A terrifying aura emerged from the body of the light point one after another, and the stone-like armor on the body of the rock snake fell off one after another, and each one was like a sharp sword towards Meng Qing.


Meng Qing roared low, using Aura to depict the move of the rock snake!

His aura was extremely thick, and the power of the martial arts he displayed was even more terrifying, and he destroyed the armor of the rock snake with just one face, and the remaining armor flew forward, almost beating it into a hornet's nest!

"Human, count you ruthless!" The rock snake finally spoke, it looked at Meng Qing in anger, and finally decisively turned around and fled.

"Want to run? You're a bully, aren't you? Meng Qing jumped up, Yu Tian cast, and threw out his fist again.

The rock snake's whole body glowed, and a broken ancient rune appeared in the center of its eyebrows, turning into a barrier to protect it.

Meng Qing noticed that the resilience of this rock snake was amazing, and it was originally full of blood holes, but now it was only dozens of breaths, the blood was stopped, and the blood holes were gradually shrinking.

The fist holster fell, smashed through the barrier, and hit the rock snake hard.

"Human, if you continue to chase, we will all die!" The rock snake threatened, although its words were heavy, its escape speed did not decrease by half a point.

"You dare to threaten me? Hand over your restored spell, and I can save you with your life!" Meng Qing picked up the fist and continued to inject spiritual energy into it.

"Hugh!" The rock snake roared, its speed increasing continuously, and finally it reached a swarthy pool.

It burrowed in, and the blood instantly stained the pool.

Meng Qing stopped, looked at the pool that gradually calmed down, and the corners of his mouth suddenly rose:

"Do you think that if you hide in the lair, I won't be able to cure you?"

He took out the chicken brother who was sleeping in the ninth cave, whispered a few words to the latter, and then simply stood aside and waited.

Brother Chicken flapped his wings and spat flames into the pool.

This flame is so hot that ordinary water cannot be extinguished, and it can even burn in water!

After a while, the pool began to bubble, and then the steaming steam spread upwards, and the water temperature rose rapidly.

The pool water continued to evaporate, smoke flowed, and a roar came out of it!

The rock snake finally rushed out, its skin was red, some of the injuries that had not yet healed were glowing pink, and some parts were almost cooked!

"Human, you are excessive!" The rock snake roared low.

"You think I'm a good talker, don't you?" Meng Qing snapped his fingers, and Brother Chicken rushed forward with a scream.

The rock snake was horrified: "Beast Emperor? How is this possible? "

It instinctively wants to dodge, but the chicken brother's speed is unmatched, and the flames are even stronger and terrifying!

A fierce flame poured on the rock snake, and a large piece of skin was directly charred black, and even turned into powder!

One after another large fireballs fell from above, and the scorching heat even caused the scales of the rock snake to fall off a large amount, and the red aura was steamed in large quantities!

A drop of crimson liquid suddenly appeared in front of Brother Chicken, although small, it emitted a scorching light that was hotter than the sun!

The runes on the whole body of the rock snake lit up, and a semi-condensed rock snake divine soul rushed out, and at this moment, the aura that belonged exclusively to the Holy Sacrifice Realm was completely revealed!

Brother Chicken screamed, the crimson liquid moved downward, and the divine soul that attacked upwards was directly vaporized!

The liquid fell, burning through most of the rock snake's body.

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