Half an hour ashore, except for the plants and himself, Meng Qing did not see half of the living creatures.

The surrounding silence is a bit excessive.

He leaned out the divine soul, but found that there were traces of living beings living around him, and the traces did not remain for long!

"Strange, has there been any disaster found here?" Meng Qing said to himself, he opened the map that Dongxue gave him, compared it slightly, and speculated that his current orientation should be in the southwest of Xuanxiao, roughly on the edge of the territory of the Shadow Demon Sect.


There was the sound of branches breaking, Meng Qing looked, but found a monkey climbing quickly between the trees, seemed to notice his gaze, and immediately left.

Meng Qing was suspicious and followed behind from a distance.

The monkey is heading in the deep mountains, the dense forest terrain is getting more and more rugged, and even there are many mechanisms lurking in this tree!

Meng Qing was sure that this monkey was definitely a beast of a human warrior.

Half an hour later, he saw traces of human activity.

The monkey jumped, the beam of light flashed in the dense forest, and a small figure got up, caught the monkey, and praised at the same time:

"Not bad, this time I brought back three second-order elixirs, Abba will definitely praise me!"

The person who spoke was a boy about ten years old, with a dirty face, but bright eyes, and more importantly, his cultivation had reached the middle stage of enlightenment!

After the young man finished speaking, he quickly shuttled through the forest, interspersed with many poisonous trees, but the young man was familiar with the road and avoided it all just right.

Soon, the boy's body actually merged into a high mountain!

Meng Qing opened the golden void, but found that a blinding method had been applied in front of him!

He followed the footsteps of the teenager, and after a while, his eyes suddenly opened up!

In front of it was a large open space, the houses were compact, many warriors were meditating and breathing, many of them were martial kings, and Meng Qing felt the breath of the Holy Sacrifice Realm in the back house!

"Strange, this doesn't look like a long-term residence, but rather a temporary place to hide from something, what's going on?" Meng Qing muttered in his heart.

The young man in front of him moved quickly, and Meng Qing planned to walk in and ask for an understanding.

"Abba, look, today my little king brought back three elixirs!" The teenager cheered.

The middle-aged man at the head opened his eyes, his eyes were a little displeased, but when he saw the elixir in the young man's hand, he was relieved a little at the moment, but he still said sternly:

"Quan'er, didn't you tell you that you can't go outside?" How is it still disobedient?

The young man who was called Quan'er suddenly lowered his head when he heard this, and his foot gently kicked the small pebble in front of him: "I just hope that grandpa can get better soon."

When the middle-aged man heard this, he couldn't help but sigh, and when he raised his head again, he was first startled, and then rushed out in an instant like a cheetah, blocking Quan'er behind him, and his body was full of spiritual energy, and at the same time he roared:

"Everyone beware, there are intruders!"

Those warriors who were originally cultivating behind him suddenly opened their eyes and rushed forward one after another, their faces showing fierce light, and their momentum was full of momentum, looking like they were about to tear the intruder to pieces.

The intruder in their mouth was none other than Meng Qing.

Meng Qing was also stunned when he saw that these people reacted so much, as for it?

But thinking that it was wrong to come in without saying hello, he waved his hand and said:

"Don't be nervous, I didn't mean anything else here, I just wanted to ask for directions."

"Ask for directions? Hmph, we gave you such a big place outside, you are still a thief who does not die, so we have to force you to die and I live, right? Well, I'll fulfill you! Quan'er's father roared low, rushing like a wild beast, his hands up and down!

Meng Qing sighed slightly, and only stretched out his right hand.

The fist fell, held by him, unable to advance an inch!

The middle-aged man's face changed, he couldn't understand, the young man in front of him looked young, why could he easily block this punch?

His fist seemed to be trapped in a swamp, unable to break free!

Meng Qing gently pushed forward, and the middle-aged man took a few steps back before he stabilized his body.

"Don't be so impulsive, I really came in to ask for directions, listen to me first, okay?" Meng Qing said helplessly.

The middle-aged man still didn't believe it, and roared lowly:

"Hmph, who believes your nonsense, you foreigners are not right, I have been deceived by you before, and now you want to repeat the old trick?" Brothers go up together and take him down! "

The nearly ten martial kings in the rear have used their spiritual qi one after another, each opening the cave sky, the point of light is up and down, and a venerable beast walks out, there are domestic pigs with fat bodies but a strong aura, as well as geese with full attack power, and pastoral dogs with small body but fierce appearance!

Meng Qing was stunned for a while, what kind of strange combination is this?

But he felt that he couldn't go on like this, if he really fought, with his means, with one move, these six beasts in front of him were estimated to all die!

He moved forward, the sky was shining, brilliant, like a big sun, Meng Qing was handsome, slender, fair skin, under the reflection of this golden light, he was like a god!

Brother Chicken walked out of it, gently flapped his wings, and the coercion that belonged to the royal-level spirit beast suddenly released forward, instantly calming the audience!

Those six beasts such as domestic pigs and geese trembled and lay on the ground, wailing uncontrollably, and the domestic dog that was still grinning towards Meng Qinglong also lay on the ground, sticking out its tongue and pretending to die.

Those martial artists in the rear panicked, they couldn't figure out, why would a martial king powerhouse have a beast in the Holy Sacrifice Realm?

Meng Qing saw that the effect had been achieved, so he let Brother Chicken restrain the coercion, and said at the same time: "I think you saw it, I really didn't move your mind, if not, who do you think can live?"

Although the middle-aged man was still guarding against him, he had to follow Meng Qing for the moment:

"Fang Cai, you said you want to ask for directions, where do you want to go?"

Meng Qing looked around, became curious, and changed the topic: "Let's talk about this later, why are you crowded here?" It's so spacious outside, what are you doing hiding in this deep mountain and old forest? Hearing

this, the middle-aged man smiled bitterly: "This matter is a long story..." "

It's not good for the village chief, the old village chief vomited blood!" A woman's scream came, interrupting the middle-aged man's words.

Everyone's faces suddenly changed, and no one even entertained Meng Qing, and they all ran towards the largest house in the rear.

Meng Qing was stunned, looking at everything empty in front of him, he couldn't help but wonder: "What a quaint way of hospitality..."

He also followed.

The largest room was not as spacious and bright as he had imagined, but dark and lifeless.

On the bed in the depths lay a thin old man, on the edge of the bed several women of unknown age were crying in a low voice, while a young girl about seventeen or eight years old with a bloodless face was helping the old man wipe the blood.

"Abba, how are you?" The middle-aged man who was called the village chief by others knelt on the edge of the bed, took the old man's hand and asked.

The old man turned around, but saw Meng Qing and asked his identity intermittently.

The girl who had originally helped the old man wipe the blood suddenly turned around, and the originally godless big eyes suddenly burst with hatred anger, and she the fire chopsticks on one side:

"Outsiders, you are not welcome here!" If it weren't for you, how could Grandpa become like this? Get out! "

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