Xiao Qiang was a little aggrieved when he heard this:

"I can't help it, the two martial arts I had before when I broke through naturally evolved and were displayed, and the person closest to me will be automatically included in the experimental subject, of course, it will not die."

Meng Qing said angrily, "Won't die? Your request is a bit broad.

But soon, he was surprised: "You actually broke through to the realm of gods? I can't see it at all, how come there is no vision of heaven and earth and the like?

Xiao Qiang scratched his head and said a little embarrassed:

"There was originally, but it was all devoured and dissolved by me."

Meng Qing couldn't help but be a little speechless: "This thing can be eaten, this appetite is really extraordinary!"

He turned to look at Xiao Qiang, Xiao Qiang's originally brilliant body like a golden sun turned dark gold, this is not a degradation, on the contrary, this is a precipitation of strength!

The wings that were originally gathered behind the back have also changed from the original three pairs to the current six pairs!

Even on the periphery, Meng Qing could clearly feel that there seemed to be a raging flame in Xiao Qiang's body!

There is life in this flame, and there is a surging murderous opportunity!

This is the meaning of passing on the torch!

Xiao Qiang said carefully: "This is the beast god of the Qin family, originally I thought that even if I completely refined the flesh and blood of that beast god, I could only become a pseudo-god, but I was able to devour and digest the mysteries passed down by others, thus crossing the realm of false gods!"

Meng Qing smacked his lips and said in shock:

"You opened the hanging, right? Directly devouring the mysteries of others? I want this talent too! "

The queen ant and others are also envious, but they also know that this is the way Xiaoqiang walked out by himself, and they can't envy!"

"So what did you think of? For example, what was the original name of your clan? Where do you live? Meng Qing asked curiously.

Xiao Qiang was silent for a while before he said

, "The only information I have so far is that when I am promoted to a God Realm powerhouse, my name will be the Twelve Wings Devouring Heaven and Earth Moth God!"

Brother Chicken praised: "What a domineering name!" "

Meng Qing is a little embarrassed, what a strange name is this, how can it be related to the system?

Fluttershy and Queen Ant repeated in a low voice, and said one after another: "What a mouthful name, and we have no impression of this family."

Xiao Qiang said, "You still call me Xiao Qiang."

Meng Qing asked again: "I heard that once a spirit beast becomes a beast god, it can change its form at will, can you?" When

Xiao Qiang heard this, he gently chanted a few words, and then runes and halos suddenly appeared around his body, and soon, it transformed into the appearance of a young man, with blond hair, fair skin, and bright eyes, except for the aura of spirit beasts that emanated everywhere, there was no difference from people!

Meng Qing was shocked: "Awesome! How long will this pattern last?

Xiao Qiang thought for a while: "Theoretically, there is no time limit, unless the aura is exhausted. "


On the other floor of this flying spirit weapon, in a luxurious room that occupied most of the floor, the wind was half-kneeling, looking at the wind north in awe.

"You just said that Feng Nan made a move on you? Did you insult him? Fengbei's voice was very soft, and the mood fluctuations could not even be heard in his tone.

"That's right, I still feel that Feng Nan's waste is evil, temperament and way of acting seem to have changed a person, young mansion master, he hurt me is a trivial matter, but this is an indirect insult to you, you must not let him go!" Feng Xu hated it.

"Finished?" The sound of the wind north is still very soft.

Feng Xu's heart beat the drum: "The subordinate is finished." "


The formations in this room suddenly all started, and in an instant, this room seemed to be made into a completely closed space, and Fengbei suddenly stood up, changing the previous calm, like a powder keg that hit one by one!

He stepped out, picked up the wind, and said angrily:

"Is Feng Nan polite to you, or do you think that as a subordinate of the Feng Mansion, you have to be qualified to insult the master?" I tell you, just those few words you said, even if Feng Nan kills you, no one can say anything!

Put yourself in your own position, I am here for you to send a message, not for you to provoke right and wrong outside, Fengnan waste, can I say, can you?! Well? Feng

Xu was stunned, and he understood that Feng Bei was really angry!

Although the latter is angry, what he said is true!

He knelt on the ground and banged his head on the ground:

"I'm sorry Young Mansion Master, I'm really wrong!" Please forgive me, next time I really don't dare..." He

was greeted by a flying kick, and Feng Xu took the opportunity to exert his aura, making his landing a little more ferocious, and a few crisp sounds came, followed by heart-rending pain, and his bones were broken several times.

Although he was injured, his heart was much calmer.

Seeing this, the anger on Fengbei's face decreased a little:

"Get out!" Tell those brothers who tell you, if you insult Feng Nan's waste in public, choose a piece of Feng Shui treasure land first! "


Early the next morning, Meng Qing was still cultivating, and he only felt as if there was a strong force to lift it up, and then suddenly rushed towards the sky!

He got up and walked to the window, knowing they were about to set off.

The flying horcrux rushed forward, and its speed became faster and faster.

Not only that, but there was a hazy luster on both sides, glowing with a dull glow, and although it was early morning, it was like the afterglow of the setting sun.

Thousands of feet ahead, a circular halo like a formation appeared!

The flying spirit weapon moved, and it only flickered to a thousand zhang away, and then a circular halo appeared again outside the thousand zhang!

Meng Qing was shocked, this is like a node jump, a jump on the flight can shorten the distance of a thousand zhang, which is really amazing.

"There is something in this Feng Mansion, if I'm not mistaken, this is the long-lost node jumping technique, which was lost a long time ago, but there are also talented people who have studied this and finally learned the skin." Fluttershy said softly.

Meng Qing's face was full of question marks: "Do I have any misunderstanding about fur?" If this level is all fur, what should be the level of depth?

Fluttershy said seriously, "It's not a problem to cross a state in one jump, of course, the resources required for this span are unimaginably astronomical.

Meng Qing was relieved, he pulled down the curtains, and said calmly: "I don't know where the place Zang Jian said is, play the riddler with me every day!" Forget it, the first time you go far away, think about it and have a little expectation. "

Rao is that this flying spirit weapon itself is at the level of Wang Bing, and even constantly uses node jumps, but from the Xuanxiao Continent to Tianxuan Prefecture, it is still half a month!

On this day, Meng Qing was cultivating outside the window, and the chicken brother who was pecking and eating by the window suddenly fluttered his wings: "Master master, I see the land!"

Meng Qing looked out, and they suddenly arrived at Tianxuan Prefecture, one of the ten states.

What catches your eye is a land that is too wide to describe in words, and the various buildings above stand like a phalanx during a military parade, neat, but different and different.

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