
The ring glowed brightly, and one after another gray-white mist was released, turning into a cocoon that wrapped Meng Qing.

The next moment, he seemed to have experienced a journey, and there was a blur in front of his eyes, and a strong sense of vertigo came.

When his vision could be focused, he was in the middle of a sea water.

The dimensional space collapsed, and the runes that were suspended around to play a shielding role shattered one after another, turning into a dazzling strong light and rushing out of the sea!

"Not good!" Meng Qing exclaimed, forcibly endured the discomfort on his body, and his soul power and aura were exerted at the same time, wanting to crush that light down.

The soul power and aura were like a long knife, although most of it was cut off, but some of the light still overflowed.


Suddenly, Meng Qing felt that there was a burst of breaking sound from above, and at least two pseudo-god auras came!

He quickly converged his breath to the extreme, and at the same time quietly lurked ten feet below the surface of the sea, looking for an opportunity to escape.

"Strange, what is this? Why can I feel that these runes interfere with the flow of time?

"Wait, this is clearly a treasure land, someone got the treasure here, and the collapse of the treasure land will produce such a movement!"

"What? You may be able to see what level of treasure this is?

"It's mostly related to the gods!"


Meng Qing was underwater, he was clear about the conversation above.

In addition to the factor of his strength, this is also related to the time disorder here, and everyone's perception is greatly hindered.

Eventually, someone was going to get into the water and find out.

The leader is Morgan!

"It seems that this person knows that this meta-universe is not simple, and now he can't sit still!" Xiaotai said proudly.

Meng Qing saw these in his eyes, and he found that there were three pseudo-gods who entered the sea!

These are Morgan, Wind Howling Heaven, and the head of the Lu family.

"Strange, why didn't the masters of those other forces come? It's a shame, now my property is going to shrink by more than half! Meng Qing said with regret.

Xiao Tai and the others heard the meaning of Meng Qing's words, and were surprised: "The master plans to make a black hand?"

Meng Qing gave them a blank look and said lightly: "Make it clear, what is called a black hand, I call robbing the rich and helping the poor!" It just so happens that the hands are a little tight recently, these pseudo-gods have been cultivating for many years, and there must be a lot of resources! "

How many spirit beasts are a little speechless, and their hands are tight? Meng Qing dared to say so!

They remembered clearly that before returning from Su Mansion, Meng Qing had won at least fifty holy medicines from the juniors of Su Mansion, and then Su Xiaozhao gave two big gifts!

These resources added up are enough for Meng Qing to create a big force!

When the three pseudo-gods approached the dimensional space, Meng Qing moved.

He gently touched the Ring of Eternity, and then looked at the green flame that was constantly burning in his body, and suddenly gained some confidence.

The three pseudo-gods joined forces and soon approached the dimensional space.

They stopped, looking at the halo that had collapsed for most of the time with shock, and said in surprise: "Could this be the legendary dimensional space?"

Morgan's face was gloomy, his golden eyes were shining with a special halo, constantly scanning the surroundings, the aura around his body gradually became restless, and the power of the pseudo-god was so terrifying, which affected the surrounding aura, and the collapse of space accelerated, making the aura here become more and more disordered.

He was in a bad mood now.

At that time, although I knew from the twin dragons that there might be a treasure hidden here, I didn't expect this treasure to be so big!

Dimensional space!

This is a treasure that the mighty will be crazy about!

But now someone is picking peaches like this? He is a false god! Can't bear it!

Feng Xiaotian saw the clue and stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong?" Brother Morgan, did something happen?

Morgan forced a smile: "Nothing happened, but when this god thought that this treasure that belonged to me and others was obtained first, he felt a loss."

On the side, the head of the Lu family said softly:

"Don't think so, the person who cracked the formation around this meta-space is a good cultivator, I even think that he is likely to be a true god!"

True God?!

The moment these two words were spit out, the other two fell silent.

Although there is only a word difference between the false god and the true god, the gap can be described as a cloud of mud!

Once the divine fire is lit, it can truly be called a god!

In the end, they were just strong people who exceeded the Holy Sacrifice Realm, and they only considered themselves pseudo-gods in order to put gold on their faces.

But before the true God, they are nothing! Both strength and status.

"We can try to restore the scene at that time with the holy sacrifice to chase the soul, if it is really a true god, then this treasure, if it is lost, it will be lost, but if it is someone else, how can we give up?" Wind Howling Sky suggested.

The two agreed, each retreating to the side to prepare for the spell.

Meng Qing quietly changed his appearance, and released Xiao Tai halfway, intending to divide the army into two ways.

The three stood still, each exerting their own aura.

In just a moment, the bottom of the sea seemed to blow a tornado, three beams of light connected to each other, one of which was like a mirror, not long after, light and shadow appeared on it!

The light and shadow gradually stabilized, and just above a figure began to condense, Meng Qing appeared in the rear, holding a fist holster, and blasted out with all his strength forward!

Although Morgan sensed danger in the rear, it was too late for him to react!

Meng Qing's aura heritage was comparable to that of a pseudo-god, and this fist set was even more an imperial soldier, and the blow caused by the combination of the two was very terrifying!


Morgan opened his mouth to spew out blood, and the aura of his whole body was retrograde, and the mirror that the three had spent their efforts to build was even more dim.

He turned around, but into his eyes was the face of the wind howling!

"Old Feng, you are..." Meng

Qing cast a transfiguration technique, and it was exactly the appearance of the wind howling sky!

"I'm going to cut you!" Meng Qing showed a grim smile, jumped up, and a large amount of aura gathered at the fist, and he was about to blast down when he was near.

"You... Did you get the treasure? Morgan's mind was racing, and he came up with a possibility.

The fist fell, and the terrifying force carried above frightened him, and if he was hit, at least it was also a serious injury!

He chose to stop and protect himself.

But the next moment, his waist suddenly empty!

His Qiankun bag was touched!

Morgan was stunned, what happened?

Meng Qing left after winning his hand, and on the other side, the wind was also roaring, and he and Xiaotai gathered together and rushed towards the head of the Lu family.

When they understood what was happening, the two roared angrily:

"The wind is howling, this god and you do not share the sky!"

"Morgan, Honza can't spare you!"

The next moment, the two looked at each other, and they had three points of anger and seven points of puzzlement in their eyes.

Soon, the head of the Lu family was also yelling: "Morgan, you are too much, you actually robbed me of treasures!" Morgan

and Wind Xiaotian instantly understood, they joined hands to outflank forward, and at the same time roared lowly:

"Old Lu, don't be deceived by this thief, he pretended to be me and snatched your treasure, kill him back!"

The Lu family took the initiative, reversed his big hand, and put his hands forward, like a five-finger mountain, and the two palm prints were forward, as if the prison cage wanted to grab Meng Qing.

Meng Qing's hand flashed with light, and the next moment, he was wrapped in a ball of light and disappeared in place.

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