"There are people there!" Xiao Qiang's eyes were sharp, and he pointed to a point of light in the middle of the blood pool.

Meng Qing looked, but found that there was a young man who couldn't see his face clearly sitting in that light spot, and he was subjected to four whirlpools, constantly swallowing the surrounding qi and blood!

This scene is really weird.

"No, he must be stopped, I have a hunch that if this person successfully breaks through, he may directly step over the false god and enter the true god!" Xiao Qiang said solemnly.


"The qi and blood here are too dense, and most of them come to commit suicide with extremely strong spirit beasts, he is absorbing this qi and blood while still comprehending the meaning of killing, he wants to kill Dao!" Xiaotai also saw the problem.

Meng Qing made a move, he took out the Collapsed Mountain Fist Holster, and smashed it forward.

There was a muffled sound in the sky one after another, and two fist sleeves fell, like two meteorites falling down!


The figure sitting in the middle of the blood pool suddenly opened his eyes, gently raised his left hand, and at the bottom of the blood pool, two Sensen white bones burst out, each exuding an aura that was infinitely close to a pseudo-god!

"You want to stop me at this point? You better do it yourself! Just

when the two white bones were about to collide with that fist sleeve, Meng Qing recalled the fist sleeve and blasted out two punches in succession, smashing it into powder!

At the same time, two figures suddenly appeared beside the man in white, it was Xiaoqiang and Xiaotai.

"Don't you think about what to do with us?" Xiao Qiang smiled slightly.

The man in white turned around in shock, and when he noticed that the two stretched out their hands, he suddenly stepped back, and at the same time his left hand moved slightly.

Two figures emerged, exuding the aura of the peak of the Holy Sacrifice Realm, and attacked the two respectively.


Before their palms even touched the front, the two figures disintegrated first, and the space where the two were located stopped slightly for a moment!

It was at that moment that the man in white successfully escaped.

Meng Qing came from the rear and slammed a punch into the back of the man in white.

But this punch is like hitting cotton!

"Doppelganger again?" Meng Qing was a little puzzled.


The walls on both sides of the blood pool cracked, and dense star-devouring locusts flew out, wrapping the place where Meng Qing was into a cocoon!

At the same time, Xiao Qiang punched out, the huge blood pool was turbulent, a vortex emerged, a large amount of qi and blood were devoured, and it planned to destroy here!

This trick really worked, the man in white couldn't bear it, killed from behind Xiaoqiang, and smashed it out with a punch!

"Dare to sneak up on me? Find your own death! Xiao Qiang smiled, in order not to scare the grass snake before, the two taming beasts did not exert their breath, but now, it does not need to worry about these!

The breath of the true god is released!


For a moment, the man in white only felt like he was hit by a meteorite traveling at high speed, like a broken kite falling downwards!

"This breath is... True God?! How is this possible?! The man in white said in shock.

Xiao Qiang flicked his sleeves and said lightly:

"What is impossible?" The world is so big, go out and see more.

The man in white suddenly raised his head and looked at Meng Qing with hatred:

"I counted all the hundred mansions, but I didn't expect to miss a trigram, this time I recognized it!" Boy, I remember you, and the next time we meet, what you owe me will be doubled!

Meng Qing was a little speechless, and said slightly:

"No, where did you get the confidence to say escape?"

The man in white closed his eyes slightly, and then suddenly opened his eyes and roared lowly:

"A thousand people and thousands of faces!"


In the blink of an eye, countless figures appeared above this huge pool of blood, and even doppelgangers appeared on the shore and in mid-air!

They moved, as if they had discussed before, and flew to another place.

Xiao Qiang and Xiao Tai shot at the same time, the breath swept, and countless figures disappeared, but those figures seemed to be able to copy, filling this place again in the blink of an eye!

"Forget it, these are all fake, his real body has already run away." Meng Qing sighed.

"But I obviously feel that he is still here, and his breath is nearby." Xiao Tai was puzzled.

Meng Qing shook his head slightly:

"This person's degree of caution is far beyond my imagination, and what we have fought and touched is not his real body!" Only then did I find out that there was a passage under the blood pool, where a spatial transfer talisman remained, and he left the moment Xiaoqiang's aura was released.

Even if you join forces to kill all the doppelgangers here, it will not help, it is originally an abandoned thing. Xiao

Tai lifted up the pool of blood and found a space that could accommodate one person's activities.

"Then aren't we going to lose our blood this time? This kid had planned for a long time, and the essence in this blood pool was destroyed, although Xiaoqiang devoured a little, but it was not enough to return to the original. Xiao Tai said unwillingly.

Meng Qing looked around:

"Not necessarily, there is another treasure here."

Xiao Qiang guessed something: "The master must want to..."

Meng Qing nodded slightly, they acted together, swept the huge space, and in the end, the number of star-eating locusts they collected was enough to make people's scalps numb.

He turned on the system, took out the egg that was never famous, and scanned it with the system:

[Ding! Is it synthetic that detected an unhatched egg *1 of a sixth-order spirit object and a star-eating locust *500 million that has just died of a gradeless spirit beast? Yes


[In view of the existence of psychic intelligence in synthetics, this system provides the host with the following three synthesis schemes, and the host is asked to make a choice:

First, unhatched eggs are the mainstay, star-eating locusts are used as auxiliary materials, and the synthetics obtained are mainly unhatched eggs.

Second, the star-eating locust is the mainstay, the unhatched egg is used as the auxiliary material, and the synthesized material obtained is mainly the instinct of the star-eating locust.

Third, the two synthetics are given equal weight, and the obtained synthetics are given new consciousness.

Without any hesitation, Meng Qing chose the third one.

Without him, the first two were too risky for him, and when the system said that this egg still existed in his consciousness, Meng Qing felt a chill behind him.

It was really on the stone platform that day, and the latter behaved too terrible!

The system glows, and a creepy sound comes from it, as if someone is chopping a hard object with a blunt axe!

A brilliant halo of light emanated from the system, Meng Qing looked at it with excitement, and a prompt sounded

: [Synthesis successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Beast God: Wenqu Heaven Devouring Beast *1! ] 】

【Wenqu no Heaven Devouring Beast: Beast God, rumored to come from an unrecorded history, is a divine beast born from the stars of Wenqu, and the Kunwu Beast of Wuqu is two innate gods.

Secret technique: swallow the sky with one finger, annihilate ten thousand stars!

Meng Qing gasped.

Good guy, he called good guy, just reading this introduction, it gives people a very awesome feeling.

The reaction of the little tai people was similar to him.

"History before antiquity? When was that? Does this level of spirit beast really exist? Brother Chicken muttered.

Xiao Qiang couldn't hide the horror in his eyes: "Although we can't be sure of his origin, but the innate god alone is already shocking, do you know that in ancient times, several powerful races united to do an experiment?" "

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