After doing this, he glanced at the high-level of the Shadow Demon Sect who was in a stunned state and the many disciples who were in confusion around

him, and gave the order: "Don't leave a single high-level disciple, and then check those disciples, all those who are contaminated with this strange aura in their bodies, kill them all, and let the rest go."

Fluttershy nodded, and then suddenly snapped:

"Butterfly God Slash!"

A brilliant brilliance moved forward, and the Shadow Demon Sect elders who were still fighting with Fluttershy were instantly killed.


In the distance, an elephant with hair like a steel whip roared, and opposite him, Brother Chicken was constantly flapping his wings, igniting tufts of elephant hair with flames.

"You damn turkey, give me death!" Suddenly, an extremely cold cold aura was spit out by the elephant and blasted towards the chicken brother, and even the air was frozen everywhere it went, like a forbidden area for life!

"You're a chicken, your whole family is a chicken! I didn't expect you to still play with ice, but it's a pity, your grandfather and I play with fire! "Brother Chicken clanged lightly, opened his mouth and spewed out flames, and the terrifying high temperature was like the scorching sun in midsummer, exuding a terrible high temperature!

The flames invaded forward, crushed the ice, and slammed into the elephant's mouth!

The bitter scream came out, the flame of the chicken brother could not be extinguished, and after entering the elephant's mouth, the burning became more and more vigorous, and soon the smell of meat came out!

This elephant was an elder's beast, and when he saw this, his eyes widened as if he was about to split, and he roared: "You actually killed my beast, I want you to pay for it in blood!" Brother

Chicken said with some disgust: "It's also worthy?" Since you love it so much, go down and accompany it! Another

flame flew out, instantly covering the elder's body, and another bitter scream came out.

The next moment, the shouting stopped abruptly, and a silver light flew back into Meng Qing's palm, and he threatened: "Your personal proclivities have nothing to do with me, but the premise is that it can't affect me, and next time, I will let you call for ten days and ten nights like them!" Brother

Chicken suddenly tensed his whole body and said honestly: "Yes!"

"Please don't kill me, I'm willing to surrender!" I am the elder in charge of the resources of the Shadow Demon Sect, and I know where the treasures of the sect are! Suddenly, an old man chased and beaten by the queen of ants spoke, and his beast was a crane, shouting as he ran.

Meng Qing waved his hand when he heard this, and the queen ant suddenly turned to other targets.

"The surname Li, when did the sect treat you badly? At this juncture, you actually rebelled? Aren't you afraid of retribution in the future?! On the side, an elder immediately scolded angrily.

The elder surnamed Li who was riding the crane saw Meng Qing stop, and immediately came forward like a pug, and even glanced back at the person who had just spoken, and said sarcastically: "I don't fucking want to die!" The sect didn't treat me badly? Haha, are you sure? Over the years, which time has the benefit of the top not been given to you first? I've had enough! I wish you all died!

Then, he got down from the immortal crane, carefully walked to Meng Qing, and said humbly

, "If the little one tells you where the treasures of the Shadow Demon Sect are, can you spare my life?"

Meng Qing smiled: "Why do I need you to tell me?" Is there anything I can't find? Moreover, if you don't take out what you hide in your sleeve, I'm afraid you won't have a chance in this life.

Everyone was stunned, and even this elder surnamed Li was stunned.

Then he let out a low roar, almost roaring: "Little beast, you give me death!" "

It was a spell, and the moment it was taken out, it burst into brilliant blue light, and in a very short time, the dark clouds above were all over, and one after another thunder light like a dragon fell, and any one seemed to be able to collapse the mountain!

"The charm is good, but the person who uses it is too crotch-pulling, which will actually insult the reputation of the charm itself." Meng Qing said lightly.

He stretched out his right hand and gently moved forward, so thick that it could be called terrifying, and in an instant, the kung fu condensed into a barrier in front of him, like several walls condensing together, locking Elder Li in it!

In the latter's shock, the thunder light fell like a tide, drowning it in an instant.

When the thunder dispersed, everything was calm, and the elder surnamed Li did not even leave ashes.

Meng Qing looked at it calmly, and commented half-loudly: "Very heartfelt, the acting skills are also good, but it's a pity that I can't let your conspiracy succeed."

He didn't look at the others again, handed over the home to Fluttershy, and after letting Xiaotai and Xiaowen completely destroy the Guardian Sect Array, he walked straight towards the beach.

Under the ancient pupil technique, he found that this was the place where the treasure was really placed.

He looked around, and then suddenly smashed a rock on the right, and in an instant, there was a roar all around, as if many mechanisms were coupling each other below, and finally, a portal appeared that could only accommodate one person.

"These big forces are really searching for them, and they are not even willing to make the door bigger." Meng Qing said with disdain.

When walking inside, Brother Chicken, who was chased away by Fluttershy and Queen Ant, opened a way in front of him very smelly, and there were constant mechanisms along the way, but under the flame of Brother Chicken, those high temperatures were completely a decoration.

In the end, an undersea palace appeared in front of a man and a beast.

The two walked into it, but found that there were rows of cabinets, and there were bags on top!

He opened it casually and saw that there were ten identical holy herbs in it.

"Huh, what is this?" Yu Guang glimpsed that above those elixirs, there was a card with some words written on it that Meng Qing did not recognize!

Brother Chicken came over, glanced at it and gave up: "This is not the text of the upper realm, I have never seen it."

Meng Qing opened another one, it was empty, and there was obviously a card above it, but the time had passed and the traces were very blurry.

He opened several again, most of them empty!

"Why do I feel that this is not the treasure hiding place of the Shadow Demon Sect? It's like... A treasure left behind by a force older than them? Meng Qing's face was slightly complicated.

"Master come quickly, there is a mustard bracelet here!" Suddenly, Brother Chicken's words aroused his curiosity.

Meng Qing stepped forward quickly, but found that these mustard bracelets were very new in appearance, and many of them even had traces of violent disassembly on the surface, but none of them had been opened.

"Strange, according to Su Zhenyi's words, there should be no mustard bracelet in the Nether, could it be that this is the same force as the Wang family in a small corner of the Upper Realm?" Meng Qing said to herself.

Brother Chicken said seriously: "This is not clear, do not rule out this possibility, it seems that the people of this Shadow Demon Sect also occupy the pit and do not, look at the things in those Qiankun bags in front, the treasures in these mustard bracelets must be more precious, this is the rhythm to get rich!" Meng

Qing injected soul power into it, and opened it according to the method that Su Zhenyi had given him before, and there were fifty holy medicines neatly placed in it!

Several were opened one after another, except for one demigod weapon with a bracelet type, the rest were all kinds of rare holy medicines!

Meng Qing was delighted, and said to Xiaowen and Xiaotai:

"Come on, don't waste your talent outside, there is a task for you."

When the two spirit beasts saw this scene, they were shocked!

Instead, Xiaowen looked at the cards in those Qiankun bags and fell into deep thought:

"Strange, how do I feel a little familiar with these words?"

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