Fang Cai happened suddenly, did not prepare for the measures, and as a result, he rashly slammed the Demon Spirit Pestle, and the spiritual energy in his whole body was instantly swallowed ninety percent into nine!

The demon spirit pestle was ejected and flew out, not to mention moving to pick it up, he even lost the strength to speak at this time.

The immortal law is activated, a warm current travels throughout the body, and when the spiritual energy from the outside world pours into the body, it is like a ganlin scattered on the desert, and everything is full of life!

Xiao Tai came over ashamed, and sent the demon spirit pestle with both hands:

"I'm sorry master, it's just that I don't think about it, I shouldn't be so impulsive."

Meng Qing struggled to sit up and said seriously:

"Promise me, next time don't be so impulsive, go with your brothers and sisters, okay?" I'm still young and want to live a few more years! In

the cave, Brother Chicken said triumphantly:

"Don't worry master, as long as I am there, let alone a few years, you can live for at least ten years!"

Meng Qing's face suddenly darkened, slapped over, and roared lowly: "Have those people let go?" If they don't let go, I'll sew your mouth up and let you be a companion for them!" Brother

Chicken said repeatedly: "Loose, don't say, those people don't seem to have experienced such a thing before, it's called a tight ah, but under my strong output, it began to loosen, and now, hehe, one by one black and something."

Meng Qing's face was strange, and he asked weakly:

"Your output... Is it serious? Brother

Chicken didn't understand the meaning of these words at all: "That's not it, what is my Brother Chicken, the prisoners who pass through my hands, every one who does not loosen, whether men, women or children, all of them!"

The queen on the side just wanted to cover her face: "How long has this symptom lasted?" What do doctors say?

Meng Qing subconsciously blurted out: "Dao Keter!" Seeing

that Brother Chicken and the others were curious, Meng Qing quickly coughed twice, and said to Brother Chicken in the same serious voice:

"How good it would be if you were a dumb, listen to me, can you shut your mouth in the future?"

Brother Chicken immediately did not adhere to it, took him to Xiaoqiang's domain, and showed off like a show:


Meng Qing looked, but found that the True God who had been caught before, as well as the Eastern Mansion Lord and the high-ranking officials of the Shadow Demon Sect, were kneeling neatly in a row like war criminals.

Among them, except for the Dongfang Mansion Lord who was a little better, the rest could only barely tell from their appearance that they were once decent people.

Seeing Brother Chicken coming, several people from the Shadow Demon Sect trembled and said, "

I have seen the master."

Meng Qing was stunned for a moment, looked Brother Chicken up and down a few times, and finally asked, "Are you S?"

Although Brother Chicken didn't understand this new word, he could also tell from his expression that his master was not a good word, and after a little thought, he compromised and replied:

"Didn't you let me do this?" Let me put them in service.

Meng Qing was speechless for a while, and when he saw that the few people in the Shadow Demon Sect who had half of their bodies in the earth were like this, they were really a little blind, and simply said:

"You just said, what news did you get?"

"The Shadow Demon Sect is indeed related to the King Killer Alliance, this is the consensus of the high-level, every time before the start of the Great Sect Alliance, the Shadow Demon Sect will be filled with a strange aura, and at this time, there will be many disciples and even elders' strength skyrocketing!

After investigation, they found that there was a place within the sect that could lead to another world, and that was the source of the strange aura! Brother Chicken briefly summed it up, and then said seriously.

Meng Qing was stunned:

"You mean that the King Killer Alliance is not a local force in Xuanxiao?"

After speaking, he suddenly closed his mouth, to the extent that he is now, if it were not for the old monsters in several major sects, Meng Qing could be called invincible, but even so, he did not find that strange aura in places other than the King Killing Alliance along the way.

To his extent, even if a false god wanted to hide his breath in front of him, it was impossible!

"Then do you know the origin of this strange aura?" Meng Qing asked about the several taming beasts in his body.

"No impression." Several spirit beasts said in unison, this strange aura was like the taste of food to spirit beasts, but if they had been in contact with it and saw it now, there was no reason they couldn't think of it.

"I know, it seems that I still have to go to the lair of the Shadow Demon Sect again when I have time, as for these people, first search for their souls, and then kill them all." Meng Qing said lightly.

When those people heard this, they suddenly got up and said with horror on their faces:

"It can't be like this! We have explained everything, why kill us?

"It's nothing, if I'm not mistaken, you once sent people to hunt me down throughout Xuanxiao, you wouldn't think that this matter was just like that, would you?"

After speaking, he returned to his body and handed over the home field there to Brother Chicken.

Seeing Meng Qing gone, Xiaowen leaned over to Fluttershy and asked with a gossipy look,

"What does S mean?"

Fluttershy looked at Brother Chicken, who was constantly rubbing his fists at the Shadow Demon Sect, and said as if he didn't understand:

"I don't know, but the master is always right, let's say... Let's define this word as this abnormal behavior.

"So it is."


Outside, when Meng Qing fully recovered, the place fell silent again.

A thick dead qi was flowing out of the area between the two pillars, and the pitch-black one seemed to have been deprived of all light.

After about two hours, Meng Qing finally reluctantly got up, and his muscles, which were still a little sore when moving around, were relieved, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy also increased exponentially!

After another two hours, he finally returned to the peak again.

"But it's really slow, I still think that I can return to the peak in two hours, it seems that I paid by mistake after all." Meng Qing sighed as he walked.

If these words were heard by outsiders, Meng Qing would undoubtedly be beaten, and the more people with rich spiritual energy resources, the slower they would recover, which was suitable for everyone, especially those who consumed all their spiritual energy at once!

And Meng Qing can recover within four hours, which has already killed nine out of nine people in seconds!

He walked into the darkness, as if there was a big black mouth to swallow it in one gulp!

The breath of death became more and more intense, and the breath around it seemed to have its own life, dancing lightly around them.

"Wait, why is there a meaning in this? It is not death, it seems to be a combination of many different meanings! Meng Qing exclaimed.

Fluttershy and the others had never been here, but still gave a guess:

"It is said that the underworld is the final destination of many geniuses, and the underworld is a part of it, naturally it is also the same, could this be left by the strong people who died here in the god realm before?"

Meng Qing remembered what Zang Qian had said again.

If you want to enter the pseudo-god, you need to find your own way, but Meng Qing did not pay attention to this before, and he rarely saw it even during war.

After all, his opponents usually don't have a chance to show it.

He also wanted to find his own way.

The light and shadow changed, and he only felt that he was forcibly pulled from one place to another by a mighty force, and when his eyes could focus, he found that he was in a dark land.

The breath of death was thick and almost liquefied, but when it fell on him, it was like glue, sealing the pores and full of depression.

This is the underworld!

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