Meng Qing knew at a glance that the middle-aged man lying on the bed was his father, but at least three kinds of poison had gathered in the latter's body at this time!

Following those breaths, those poisons were all related to that woman!

The movement of his intrusion was very large, and the people who were closer instantly found him, and immediately said with a bad face: "Who are you?" Who allowed you to trespass into the Meng Domain Lord's dormitory? Want to die?!

Meng Qing was silent, slowly walking forward, his own aura gradually released, as if a pair of big hands forcibly separated a path in the crowd.

Those who can appear here have a certain status in Meng Domain, and in recent years, with the rise of Meng Domain, their status has also risen, and now they are treated like this by Meng Qing, naturally angry, but when they feel the breath that is so strong that they almost suffocate, they all closed their mouths.

Suddenly, a young man dressed in armor and dressed as a soldier excitedly said, "

It's the Young Domain Master!" The Lord of the Young Domain is back! "

Everyone is stunned, Young Domain Lord?

More and more elders became excited, and they recognized Meng Qing one after another!

These are the people who held important positions in Mengcheng in the past when Mengcheng was not yet rising, although Meng's domain expanded and a large number of strong people defected to make their status suffered, but because they were deeply trusted by Meng Xuantian, their prestige and dominance were still there!

There were elders who burst into tears with excitement: "The young domain master is back, and the domain master has been saved!" The

hall gradually fell silent.

Meng Qing walked to the bed, Meng Xuantian opened his eyes, his eyes burst with essence when he saw the former, he forced a smile, raised his hand slightly, but was weak and couldn't even speak.

Meng Qing held that thin palm, and a rich life aura was continuously transmitted into his body, but as soon as these auras entered the latter's body, it was like a sheep entering the mouth of a tiger, and it was swallowed in an instant!

With a sweep of his breath, he figured out the location of those poisonous rays.

Xu was the aura that Meng Qing conveyed played a relieving effect, and Meng Xuantian gently spoke:

"Don't waste the aura, Qing'er, you can come back, I am dead without regrets."

Meng Qing said lightly: "This is where to go, just give me a quarter of an hour."

With a flip of his wrist, a fist-sized holy medicine emerged, he did not deliberately hide the fragrance, and in an instant, the entire hall was occupied by a charming fragrance.

The onlookers' eyes widened one after another, and there was a humane who saw the goods:

"This medicinal fragrance... Last year, I participated in an auction in the royal city, and one of them was an auction about this, which is a holy medicine, and it is extremely valuable!

Meng Xuantian's eyes widened, and just when he wanted to speak, Meng Qing directly blocked his mouth with that elixir.

Then, he took out five holy medicines one after another, forced out the pure medicinal power in them, separated thousands of strands, and all of them entered Meng Xuantian's body.

The onlookers were almost stupid.

Holy medicine, looking at the entire Meng Domain, you may not be able to find a single plant, but Meng Qing actually took out six plants in a row? It's a bit scary.

Soon, the power of the holy medicine was like a continuous stream of water poured into Meng Xuantian's body, and the moment he entered, layer after layer of dirt appeared on the surface of the latter's body, which were all impurities in the body!

Soon, Meng Qing guided those medicinal forces to the direction where the poison was.

Those poisonous people seemed to sense the arrival of the aura, and rushed to rush over, all wanting to devour that rich to the extreme medicinal power.

Meng Qing frowned slightly, these poisons were obviously fed, as if they had entered Meng Xuantian's body very early, and it was only after being constantly fed that they caused the current situation.


The medicinal power of several holy herbs completely exploded in an instant, feeding those poisons to an almost terrifying level in an instant!

Meng Qing's face was expressionless, and then he took out the seventh and eighth elixirs.

The poison was instantly burst!

The rich medicinal power is wrapped in poisonous gas, and it is constantly purifying the latter!

"It seems that our father can also be regarded as a blessing in disguise, and after this time, he should be able to step directly into the Holy Sacrifice Realm!" I'm afraid that this kind of cultivation speed can be the highest breakthrough speed in the Xuanxiao Continent! Brother Chicken hissed again.

Meng Qing didn't beat it this time, after all, what he said was the truth, his father's current strength is only the peak of the Cave Heaven Realm, and the accumulation over this period of time plus the pure medicinal power of these holy medicines, it is natural to break through.

Brother Chicken thought that speaking now was very useful to Meng Qing, and continued: "Speaking of which, our father is also not old, he is so old and still thinks about the old tree blossoming, haha, in fact, if it weren't for this girl's malicious intentions, I think that the time after you leave is enough to give you a whole brother... Ouch..."

Before he finished speaking, Meng Qing's face had already begun to darken.

He found that Brother Chicken belongs to the typical type of starting to tear down the house without fighting in one day, and only by constantly using violence to make his position clear.

Seeing that Brother Chicken still wanted to argue, Meng Qing suppressed it in the ninth cave day.

As the remaining pure medicinal power gradually integrated into every inch of Meng Xuantian's skin, his aura began to suddenly become stronger, the originally dry flesh and blood regained their luster, his complexion became rosy, and even his skin became plump and wrinkled.

The spiritual energy in the latter's body continued to impact towards a new level, but in a moment, it was already on the verge of a breakthrough!

This is the medicinal power of those few holy herbs that began to feed back!

Everything is moving towards good!

Meng Qing then turned around: "It seems that many interesting things have happened during this period of my absence, no matter what demons and monsters have come out to be domineering."

Everyone present was stunned when they heard this, and then they all looked at the woman on the edge of the soft collapse.

The latter quickly got up and said softly:

"Qing'er, you can be regarded as..." "Don't

shout so fleshy, first, I am not familiar with you, second, should you explain to me why the poison in my father's body has been fed?" Meng Qing said lightly.

Although his tone was very light, the chill in it made everyone present shiver.

The elders of Meng Domain still remember that in the past, Meng Qing swept through Qi City and Fang City alone, and cut down all the high-level people, and his terrifying was not just talk, it was all reflected in strength!

The woman was stunned, and suddenly burst into tears: "I really don't know, the domain master has eaten a lot of things over the years, and I am present when he eats everything, if you think this is related to me, then why am I okay?"

"It's very simple, because some elixirs are originally non-toxic, if mixed together and eaten, they are highly toxic, similarly, several elixirs are taken in different ways, and the effect will be one in the sky and the other on the ground!"

The moment these words were spoken, the woman's face suddenly changed.

But she still didn't give up and insisted, "I know I don't have any reputation, but since I came to Meng Domain, I have never done anything that is unfavorable to Meng Domain or the domain master!" "

Never done anything bad for the domain owner? Does that include these? "There was a person outside the door, it was Mu Yao, she had a long whip that emitted a red light in her hand, and there were more than a dozen people tied to the end of the long whip!

Those people turned out to be martial kings, and each of them was well-equipped, and looking at the angular figure and breath, you could tell that this was organized and scaled!

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