Then, this crane chirped a lot, most of which were the glorious achievements of this person.

The corners of Meng Qing's mouth rose: "If this is the case, then I really want to meet this person, and I heard the description is a personality lover."

Heming nodded frantically, but randomly and sadly: "I can see it, but I am afraid that I will not be far from death when I see him, and the mine he manages is indeed good, but it is a bit wasted."

Meng Qing did not continue to answer.

The two trudged through the rugged pile of rocks, and it was not until noon that they saw a sign erected in the distance.

Looking at the ores of various colors reflected in the sunlight around him, Meng Qing felt a little dazzled, no wonder those top powers could last for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

With such abundant ore resources, there are naturally many strong people under the door, no matter who wants to beat their idea, they must weigh it before they start.

Meng Qing asked curiously, "What is written on the sign here?"

"Welcome to Mine Thirty." Heming glanced at it, said casually, and then suddenly seemed to remember something: "You can't understand these words?" Could it be an outsider?

"I didn't go to school." Meng Qing said lightly.

Heming immediately shut up.

The two walked into the mine one after the other, the light and shadow flickered in the distance, and an afterimage swept over, this is a man who looks roughly in his thirties, three-dimensional facial features, burly and strong, he said very formulaically:

"I received a notice last night, claiming that two cultivators from the Holy Sacrifice Realm are coming, my No. 30 mine is 13,000 miles away from the No. 58 mine, your speed is not late, in the future, you can call me Boss Mei."

Meng Qing was stunned, this one is really... Eclectic!

He secretly observed this person, but found that this person turned out to be an individual cultivator, with strong muscles and full of qi and blood, and what was even more exaggerated was that if he used his aura a little, he could clearly see a layer of qi and blood shields around him!

This is physical cultivation, and it can only be achieved after cultivating one's own qi and blood to a certain extent.

In terms of estimation alone, this person who claims to be Boss Mei can hang and beat people such as Su Zhenyi!

The crane on the side nodded again and again and said yes.

"The content of the work here is the same as the fifty-eighth, you go to report first, my indicator for the Holy Sacrifice Realm here is four hundred catties of ore per day, and there is no food to eat." Boss Mei said again.

Meng Qing secretly estimated that although he would give him a dismount when he came up, in terms of such a task volume, this person was not very difficult.

The two went to the check-in office, received clothes and some simple daily necessities, and there was someone to control where they slept!

Without waiting to go to the resting place to find out, the two were driven directly to the mine.

These No. 30 mines are divided into several areas, people with different cultivations and people with different cultivations, seeing someone coming, many people obviously have a slower speed of mining, but when they saw that it was Meng Qing and the two, they all returned to their normal speed.

Heming originally wanted to work together behind Meng Qing, but when he noticed that the latter went straight to the other side, he quickly caught up and asked, "Sir, aren't we together?"

Meng Qing said lightly: "Of course not, it doesn't matter if I eat or not, can you?" Heming

listened, his face turned red, and finally did not continue to follow.

Meng Qing's place was slightly remote, he glanced around, and said to himself: "The magic of the Meru Copper Pillar still can't be exposed, and now that the strength has not fully recovered, it's better to keep a low profile." He

held a shovel and pretended to beat it, and after about half a column of incense, he finally broke a piece.

At this rate, you can collect about forty pieces a day, which is far from the number on the indicator.

About half an hour later, Boss Mei came, he first scanned the upper side, stayed in several places for a while, Meng Qing could obviously see that the faces of everyone in those teams suddenly became very ugly.

You don't have to guess to know that their task volume has gone up.

But what made him strange was that after inspecting several places, the former did not walk up to the two people, and did not even look at them, as if the two did not exist at all.

Meng Qing initially thought that there was fraud, but after worrying for a long time and finding out that the latter was indeed gone, he quickly mined the cold heart in a small corner alone.

Of course, these cold hearts were swallowed by him.

The spiritual energy in his body basically recovered to its peak, thanks to the nourishment of the immortal law day and night, if he relied on the cold heart alone, it might take two or three days.

By the end of the evening, Meng Qing's fifth cave sky had turned gray, and the latter was already able to enter and exit normally!

He handed over all the more than forty catties of cold heart essence mined, and the person in charge of registration glanced at it, and was not surprised:

"Good job, the mine owner specially explained, if you can mine the ore today, you will be rewarded with one holy medicine, and if you can mine to fifty catties, you will be rewarded with two plants, after all, you are a newcomer, oh, this is for you."

Saying that, the man actually took out a holy medicine!

The fragrance of the holy medicine exploded like a bomb around everyone, and the rich and extreme medicinal fragrance washed around, instantly attracting the attention of everyone present!

All kinds of desires erupted in Meng Qing's body, as if thousands of small hands were calling him to take it down and refine it.

The old miners around them were like people who had seen peerless beauties for many years, and shouted:

"Young man, this holy medicine sent me, I will cover your task volume for the next two months!"

"Don't listen to him, I will exchange this holy medicine with you, and I will pack your task volume for the next two months, plus half of my rations!"

"Don't listen to them, exchange with me, I use three months' task volume plus half of the daily ration!"

The bids of these old miners soon reached a point where people were stunned, and even many people claimed that as long as Meng Qing was willing, they could even commit themselves to him!

Meng Qing felt a chill and refused again and again.

Soon it was Heming's turn, he found a few people to cooperate, and actually collected a hundred pounds of ore, and as a result, he got three holy medicines!

In just an instant, the former became a fragrant potato in the crowd, without him, these people had already seen that Meng Qing would not exchange these to death, since this was the case, they might as well choose Heming, and the chances of three holy medicines were always greater.

Heming did not resist the temptation mentioned by those people, and finally sold a holy medicine plant for three months' task plus half of the daily ration.

Meng Qing did not stay here long, but found his resting place according to the number.

The person in charge of distributing the elixir also waved his hand and reminded

, "Meng Qing, if you can mine more tomorrow, maybe you can get more holy medicine!"

The next day, Meng Qing was still touching the fish unhurriedly, and only when dusk approached, he gathered forty pieces of cold heart essence and handed them over.

Facing the doubts of the person responsible for distributing the food, Meng Qing said seriously: "The ability is limited, you can only do this step, even if you give me a hundred holy medicines. "

On the other hand, Heming riveted the ore today, and a single person actually completed nearly three hundred catties of ore!

Meng Qing looked at Heming's elated appearance and the slightly raised corners of the mouth of the person distributing the food, and couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

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