Meng Qing's palm hidden in his sleeve robe shook slightly, wondering if this was a narrow road.

There will be no second person in this voice, it is Luo Zheng!

He didn't turn around, he didn't even look over there, turned and left.

In the rear, Luo Zheng was blowing water with a hangover and a few people of the same appearance, but suddenly frowned and took a few sharp steps forward: "Wait, I seem to smell the smell of acquaintances!" Follow me!

He walked forward quickly and patted one on the shoulder:


Turning around is a face full of pockmarks and craters like a crater, Luo Zheng saw the moment, only felt a tumble in his stomach, rushed to the corner of the wall to vomit wildly, while pointing at him while saying: "My grass, it's not your fault that the ugliness is long, it's your fault to come out scary in the daylight!" I grass..." The

man didn't say anything, glanced at him and quickly walked away.

When his figure turned into another street, Luo Zheng shook his head and wondered:

"No, isn't the formation set up by the fifth grandfather at that time that people who don't look good can't come in?" Wait a minute...... This smell is..."

He put the palm of Fangcai's hand that touched the passerby's shoulder under his nose and sniffed, and then suddenly said:

"Dare to fool me?!"

Several people from the rear rushed and hurriedly said, "What happened?"

Luo Zheng shook his arm: "Remember when I said before that there was an old iron who touched the dust kite?" It's the man just now! He changed his face! The

group rushed to that street, but among the people came and went, Meng Qing's figure had long disappeared.

On the other side, Meng Qing hid in a crowd of people bargaining with many treasurers to buy souvenirs, frowning slightly.

If he could, he didn't plan to get involved with the Five Coles, after all, the former had a grudge with some subordinate forces of the Extreme Northern War Divine Palace, and he also knew that this force had a bad reputation in the vicinity before he searched for the pseudo-god soul of a Five Coles.

Just as he was about to go out, he found that Luo Zheng and his group had already walked in, and the latter beckoned the young man behind him to guard the exit, and then said loudly:

"Brother, I know that you are here, I have no malice towards you, I just want to make friends with you!" I guess you were also caught from out of town to Mine 30, right? If you want to go back, maybe I can help you! At

this time, whether it was buying something or selling something, people all looked at each other, after understanding the meaning of these words, they looked at each other suspiciously, could it be that Luo Zheng's friends were mixed in here?

Meng Qing's face remained unchanged, but he had quietly opened the Ancient Pupil Technique and looked around.

But the trouble is that there are many people flocking from all directions, looking at the costumes and dresses are all warriors of the Five Coles!

But the next moment, Luo Zheng suddenly said: "Forget it, it seems that you don't want to make me a friend!" Then I'm leaving, if you change your mind, don't forget to come to the north of the city to find me, the most luxurious house is! The

group retreated.

The owner of this shop and those who were shopping were almost stupid.

They really don't quite understand which one is making a fuss about!

"Forget it, Young Master Luo Zheng, it's not unusual for me to make anything, okay, let's continue, where did you just talk?" The re-passage of the dispenser.

Meng Qing did not walk out of here at the first time, but also walked to the counter, casually picked up a uniquely shaped bow and arrow imperial soldier and asked,

"How do you sell this from the treasurer?"

"Eight holy medicines." The skillful way of the treasurer.

"Four holy medicines." Meng Qing bargained.

The treasurer couldn't help but laugh: "Young man, I've been doing business for so many years, I've never seen you bargain so much, directly cut in half?" Chengcheng, see that you are also a raw face, it doesn't hurt to sell it to you, just make a friend! "

Two holy medicines." Meng Qing said again.

The treasurer's face changed slightly, but when he saw Meng Qing's plain look with a little seriousness, he nodded and said, "

It's not impossible..."

Meng Qing bargained again.

The treasurer laughed happily: "I gave it to you!"

"No, you have to send two!" Meng Qing said positively.

He was almost blasted out of that store!

Meng Qing was a little puzzled: "No, is my bargaining method wrong?"

The queen ant was almost speechless: "Are you haggling?" You call this chopping!

Meng Qing walked out of the shop, and before he could move his body, he found that there were warriors around him.

A smug voice came from above:

"Play peek-a-boo with me? I haven't lost since I was a kid! "

It's Luo Zheng.

Meng Qing's face remained unchanged, and now he knew that the latter must have recognized his identity, and immediately said, "

What do you want to do?"

Luo Zheng naturally said, "Didn't I say it, make a friend!" Go, I'll take you to my house for a stroll, you want to go to the Heavenly Rune Holy Palace, right?" I'll show you how to get there to save the most time!

Meng Qing's eyebrows moved, and he silently followed behind.

Luo Zheng proudly said to several young people around, "Did you see it?" People are here, how? Don't hand over the five demigod pills yet? "There

is no basis for words! Who knows if this is the childcare you're looking for? Wait until you see the Lord. "There are young people who disdain.

Luo Zheng immediately shouted, "Do you want to settle the bill?" I don't want to take you like that! A

group of young men walked towards the north of the city.

Meng Qing did not participate, his focus was all on the strength of several people, and their bodies were surrounded by strange runes, which could cover the release of their own aura and shield the aura of others.

He used the Ancient Pupil Technique, among these people, Luo Zheng was considered to have the shortest cultivation time but the strongest strength, the divine fire had been ignited, as long as the latter was willing, he could step into the true god at any time.

The other few people have been cultivating for more than thirty years, and although they are all in the pseudo-god perfection, they have not lit the divine fire.

He thought of the things in the stone cave, and couldn't help but be curious, could it be that he still needed a beast god's divine soul before stepping into the true god?

They arrived at a luxurious area, from the outside, the walls here are high, like a separate small city, here the qi and blood are amazing, forming a crushing aura around them, those are the true gods sitting in it!

Meng Qing was shocked, just looking at these qi and blood, the number of true gods here was at least more than ten!

How could the Extreme Northern War Divine Palace tolerate the existence of such an organization with such a number of strong people in its territory?

Luo Zheng was very proud, led them into it, went straight to the largest palace, and said boldly:

"Don't be restrained, just treat this place as your home!"

Those young people consciously walked away, Luo Zheng saw Meng Qing not moving, and went straight to the subject:

"I believe you also know, in a month it will be the warrior conference, I hope you will join the Five Warriors camp, if you can help us achieve victory, after the matter is completed, I will find a way to let you take the teleportation array to go to other places, if you fail to win, I will pay for your journey to the Heavenly Rune Holy Palace out of my own pocket."

After Luo Zheng finished speaking, he looked at him quietly, waiting for a response.

Meng Qing slowly raised his head, and although his speech was slow, he said very firmly:

"I'm sorry, I refuse."

As soon as these words came out, Luo Zheng's face suddenly collapsed: "Why?" "

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