"A person who flaunts his own fairness and positive energy to write reviews of various places, and opens the eyes of people who want to travel here or who want to meet the world." Wu Tian said calmly.

"There is such a thing? And what is that stone for? Meng Qing asked again.

"It is a photo stone, in which the formation is special, it can store people's images, and if the method is right, a photo stone can be copied in thousands of copies, and this person will write down the evaluation of the place and sell it to those who want to see it, so as to obtain resources." Jian Jian introduced.

Meng Qing nodded, to be honest, he was still very familiar with this piece.

Luo Zheng said indignantly: "Zhente wants to rush up and give this two punches, this entire night market is the largest flow of people here, and the price is naturally the most expensive, this thing chooses to start here, isn't it open and say nonsense?"

"We can't manage it, let him do it, someone will clean him up, besides, the audience of this store is not an ordinary person, let's go, there are still many places to visit, there is really no need to be angry for this kind of person." Xu Shaojie waved.

A few people stepped forward again, and after walking for a while, Luo Zheng caught Meng Qing in front of a building with a small pink lamp hanging in the back, Meng Qing frowned and said,

"You guys are here for this?" The day after tomorrow is the warrior conference, will your body eat and die?

Luo Zheng said proudly: "Of course, I am known as the Xuanshan Little Golden Gun, standing tall!" Several

people walked into it, but Meng Qing and Jian Jian did not enter.

Meng Qing was a little hesitant: "Isn't this not good?" I feel like I'm going to stop them.

Jian Jian was a little helpless: "Actually, I have been stopping them all this time, but it has backfired.

"What do you say?" Meng Qing was curious.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this first, let's go in." Jian Jian pulled him in as well.

Meng Qing squatted above, but because it was not an hour, the people among them told them that they could not enter it.

Jian Jian waved his big hand, hugged a girl with an excellent figure, and then pushed the other one into Meng Qing's arms, instructing him to follow behind.

In an alley, Meng Qing excused himself to the other side.

Xiao Tai asked curiously: "Master, what are you going to do?"

"Just look at it." Meng Qing didn't explain much, but when he walked to an empty room, he found several empty bottles lying on the ground.

He picked it up and looked at it, and immediately wondered: "How is it a sea dog pill again?" Is this thing selling well?

He didn't think too much, a gray light appeared in his eyes, and a large net slowly opened in front of him.

Rarely, the net is filled with subtle millimeters.

He frowned slightly, because he included too many people in it at once, Rao was his soul strong, and ordinary people were a little overwhelmed.

But soon, the problem came, there were many people on this floor, even the pseudo-god consummation had more than a dozen people!

He could barely recognize Wu Tianwangzheng and Xu Shaojie according to his breath, but Luo Zheng's breath appeared two, and the spirits of the two were very similar.

"Forget it, just blindfold one." Meng Qing stared at the light with his whole body, and the index finger of his right hand hooked, constantly stretched out and then bent.

Xiao Tai was curious: "What is the master doing?" Why does the index finger bend back and forth and straighten again?

The queen ant shook her head: "I don't know, but in human language, it seems that gestures can also represent some words, for example, in the case of a fist, the index finger bent represents nine, and the straight represents one, and the owner wants to indicate that it means nine-one?" Ninety-one what?

Several spirit beasts shook their heads at each other, and before they could think about it, a scream came from the other side, followed by the woman's scolding:

"Do you want to be happy with the old lady?" Blowing yourself outside for a night seven times, come in and be soft, the old lady is ugly? Two

hurried runs followed.

Meng Qing even heard a small sob, and he said in his heart: No, just cry about this little thing?

He looked at the other rays of light and waved his palm slightly.

At this moment, Jian Jian found him, and there were several water balls suspended in his palms, and those water balls changed naturally under his control, which was very magical.

"Is this the mystery of water? You actually cultivated the double mysteries? Meng Qing was surprised.

Jian Jian said gently: "It's a double mysterious meaning, but my comprehension of one mystery is not formed, and it is not of much use except for occasionally teasing people."

Meng Qing was curious, his right hand naturally clenched into a fist, and he naturally hit the left side, and asked, "What kind of trick?" Elaborate! As

soon as the words fell, there were a few more snatching doors and scolding.

When the few people met again, it was already in a small alley far away from here, and there was silence all around.

Wang Zheng said in a faint tone: "Is that thing expired?"

Luo Zheng's legs were a little soft: "Blind said, wasn't the effect good before?" I'm also curious, something is wrong, something must be wrong!

He reached into his sleeve robe with his left hand and tinkered, and took out a bottle of fur seal pills again.

Meng Qing took it, and said with a strange face: "Why are you eating this thing?" What are the unspeakable hidden diseases?

As soon as these words came out, not only him, but even Wang Zheng, Wu Tian, and Xu Shaojie's faces were a little embarrassed.

Luo Zheng pulled him aside and whispered:

"Actually, my body is not very good, there are several of us, but Jian Jian is normal, we speculate that it may be my father and they sleep all year round, so the quality of the offspring is not very good."

Meng Qing was almost dumbfounded: "Huh? And this is exquisite? Elaborate, what happened?

He looked Luo Zheng up and down a few times, and then looked at Wu Tian and Wang Zheng a few times, and he was still muttering in his heart, all the qi and blood are like ovens, it shouldn't be so empty, even if it's a void, you can't eat a bottle of sea dog pills at once, right?

Moreover, in the realm of false gods, even the true and false can adjust themselves.

"It's just... I pee bifurcated... Shh Luo Zheng said thoughtfully.

Meng Qing's face became more and more strange:

"Pee forks? I don't think there's anything wrong with that?

Luo Zheng lowered Meng Qing's head: "No, I pee a little more, the three of them too, for several years, we have asked many Langzhong in private, but they can't be cured."

Meng Qing looked at Jian Jian, who was doing nothing in the distance, and suddenly thought of something, and said curiously:

"Your symptoms should not be all year round, right?"

"This is also true, there are two seasons a year, the cold season and the summer season." Luo Zhengdao.

"Is it all Jian Jian's vacation time? Think again, when did you start peeing bifurcally?

As soon as these words came out, Luo Zheng immediately understood, although he was usually rambling, he was not a fool, and the time when the symptoms of the three of them began indeed began when Jian Jian comprehended the mystery of water!

The mystery was revealed, and the five scuffled together immediately.

They did not use aura, but rotated their fists at each other, and all of them greeted Jian Jian:

"I just said that someone must be a ghost, no matter how outrageous the fork is, it should not be divided into six forks!"

"Oh, I've split up to twelve forks! Sometimes I even suspect that I have a shower underneath! Today I have to hammer you to death!

"I'm grass, how many handfuls buddy, just kidding?"

"Come, four to one or one to four, you choose one!"


Qing on the side was also a little dumbfounded, this is really magical!

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