Meng Qing looked curiously, but found that this was a young girl standing on top of the Dharma Formation, her figure was very petite, her skin was dry, and she looked like she was extremely malnourished.

He roughly compared, but found that this girl only looked less than one meter three, standing on this formation, like a doll.

When the latter heard Bai Li's words, he immediately became angry:

"There is no big or small thing, no matter how I say that I entered the division gate for a while before you, it stands to reason that you should call me senior sister!" Why, a little achievement has already floated to the point that even the teachings of the senior sister are not obeyed? Bai

Li was not to be outdone:

"Sorry, the Heavenly Rune Holy Palace has always ranked seniors according to their strength, how about you enter the division early?" After joining the division, there are many people who are stronger than you, and the little time advantage you have left is like your fig leaf, and it is good for you and me not to mention it. The

people watching the excitement around were startled.

People from forces outside the Yan Domain re-examined Bai Li, and they all felt that this person's combat power was too strong.

Offending two classmates in a row in less than a hundred breaths, this speed and efficiency is terrifying.

Some people whispered below, basically about the competition within the Heavenly Rune Holy Palace.

Meng Qing gradually sorted out some things, such as the internal division of the Heavenly Fu Holy Palace into four factions, which were divided by east, west, south and north, while Bai Li and Su Pu were both in the north, the young man who had spoken with Bai Li before belonged to the south, and now this girl belonged to the west.

When externally, the Heavenly Rune Holy Palace is naturally united, but if it is competing for resources internally, several parties will also fight and use all means.

Meng Qing was not surprised by this, after all, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and it is naturally difficult to avoid competing for something.

The girl snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter, you will regret it when you fight for the fire later, as far as I know, the Blood Hell Peak where you are located is even a stragglers recruited on the spot?" If you meet in it, I'll let you know what cruelty is!

Bai Li countered unwillingly:

"Then I'll wait and see, then again, if you lose this time, don't cry your nose again and let those senior brothers help you out."

The two women gradually subsided, but the smell of gunpowder in the air did not weaken.

They waited here for a day, and when all parties arrived, the leaders of all parties stepped forward in unison.

Suddenly, the space they were in began to tremble.

It was as if a pair of invisible big hands were pushing forward, and the terrifying force trembling air rippled boundlessly!

The hot breath spread outward, and the protection of the warriors of some forces was not in place, and the body was scalded one after another blister, and it broke open with a little friction, and pus and blood flowed out, which was very terrifying.

Meng Qing secretly protected his body with aura, and he always felt that the flames here were not as simple as they appeared in front of him.

In the cave, Xiao Tai frowned and said, "Why is there a divine soul aura mixed in this flame?"

Meng Qing was surprised: "Divine soul breath? How to say? "

It's like... What terrifying creature is suppressed below, in order to wear out its will, it burns with flames, and makes it disintegrate after its spirit!

He was awe-struck in his heart and secretly wrote down the matter.

Ahead, the ripples of space that were constantly rolling outward suddenly stopped.

A crimson halo appeared, initially very blurry, like a red sun rising under the waves of water.

When it was fully revealed, everyone realized that it was actually a scarlet hole like blood!

There is a burning aura that is constantly discharged outward, and there are warriors who are closer to observe with pupil techniques, but they can find nothing.

Meng Qing secretly opened the Ancient Pupil Technique, and finally saw the whole picture.

This movement is like a crypt, which contains a lot of colorful things, they are constantly beating in the crypt, and the surface contains extremely terrifying energy, these are all fire!

The powerful people moved, it was a group of forces from the Central and Northern Regions, their leaders had gray eyes, and they took the lead in rushing into the cave with this warrior.

The bodies of those dozens of people only blurred for a moment, and then they broke off from the outside world.

Seeing this, the people of other forces followed.

Meng Qing followed behind everyone in the Blood Hell Peak and walked into it unhurriedly, which gave him the feeling of entering the big mouth of a brutal and ferocious beast.

Everyone's eyes blurred for a moment, and when they opened their eyes again, they were already in a very open area, which was very dry, and everything that was slightly moist would be quickly evaporated.

From time to time, there are faint flames floating everywhere.

"That's a human-grade fire core! Such a flower can sell at least one demigod medicine in the outside world at a high price! "When a warrior saw a white shadow, he immediately shouted and rushed forward to mine.

Bai Li hurriedly stopped it.

Facing the warrior's puzzled look, Bai Li lightly pointed his finger, and the center of the white fire was empty, leaving only a shell.

This is a fire core that has already been mined, and the light mass they see is because this fire core is ready to brew a tinder again, and this will take at least years or even decades!

The time for different grades of fire cores to breed tinder is not fixed, human-level tinder usually takes years to decades, while the ground level takes tens or even hundreds of years, as for the heavenly level, thousands of years or even ten thousand years are normal!

"It takes at least decades for a fire core to form, and if we pick it away, we don't know when the next time it will form. Bai Li said softly.

Everyone nodded.

After they had walked less than a hundred zhang, a domineering voice suddenly came from behind:

"My grass is really lucky, I just came in and saw a human-level fire core, is this the favor of the heavens?"

Meng Qing and the others turned around one after another, but found that a group of warriors wearing various robes walked in front of the previous fire core, and the leader took the human-level fire core away.

Someone in the follow-up was not angry: "How can you do this?" These fire cores are used a little less, are you not afraid of being punished by heaven when you do such a thing?

The leader was quite disdainful: "Isn't it jealous to put on the Virgin less there?" I didn't stop you from moving forward, if you move faster, you can find a better one in front. Those

warriors were suddenly speechless.

The warrior who was about to pick the fire core earlier looked at Bai Li with resentment, the latter's cheeks were slightly red, and he held back for a long time before saying, "Take care of yourself!" "

They went all the way and they were moving fast.

Meng Qing quietly left the team.

He took off the armor of the Blood Hell Peak, only felt as if he had removed a layer of shackles, this armor was strong, but this sturdiness was exchanged for the addition of a large amount of Xuan Iron, and in this hot field, wearing it was like holding a brazier forward!

He returned in the direction he had come from and soon heard movement.

The previous team was still shouting: "Don't be polite here, just think of it in your own home, fancy what core to pick directly, don't listen to those people outside to use a little less or something, even if we don't pick, there will always be people behind who will pick!" This

person glanced at it, and suddenly saw a light blue fire core, he quickly stepped forward and grabbed this fire core in his palm, but before he could hold it steadily, someone picked a peach, and the fire core changed hands.

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