The corner of Meng Qing's mouth twitched, and he subconsciously asked, "What are these words?" Where did you learn it?

The little lady also felt strange, and asked rhetorically: "Isn't it the word in the master's mind?" I specialize in the divine soul, and I am the master's beast, so our divine soul often blends, and I can often glimpse the master's thoughts, and these words are what I heard from the master.

Meng Qing was speechless for a while, it seemed that Xiao Tai had said this topic, but he didn't pay attention at all at that time.

He thought that he had to be careful next, otherwise he didn't know what strange words Xiao Tai would learn.

He lightly touched the bud, and the temperature above was still very frightening.

But this scene fell into the eyes of those people but became a different matter, and some people shouted:

"Boy, do you deaf our words?" Get out of there now, there's still a way to live!

The short woman was also shouting:

"That flame old lady is determined to win, and leave quickly!"

The creature like Yasha suddenly smiled:

"Boy, they all want your life, I am different, if you offer that flame with both hands, this god will not only keep you safe, but also find you a top-grade fire plant for you before leaving this crypt, how?"

Lan Yu's voice became more and more cold, but the way he spoke at this time was very different from before, and he seduced: "

The one over there, I am from the Heavenly Rune Holy Palace, if you can send that flame, I can arrange it for you, and when this is the time to enter the Heavenly Rune Holy Palace to practice, what do you think?"

Chen He on the side prescribed the same conditions.

The wind around everyone was constant, and someone arrived again, and among them was Bai Li.

She looked at Meng Qing, her face was only worried, she was very special, she was the only one among the many forces in the field, which attracted many people's eyes.

When later people learned about the situation in the field, they were also opening conditions.

Meng Qing half-squatted on the ground, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Half a quarter of an hour later, he finally reached out and put away the fire.

After that, he turned around and looked at the people on the other side whose faces changed drastically: "Sorry, what were you talking about just now?" I didn't hear it, can I say it again? "


Somewhere behind him, there was a fierce aura, and a flame mixed with a furious aura struck, turning into a big hand and slashing towards Meng Qing's right hand.

"Playing with fire? I'm good at this! Brother Chicken walked out of the void, his blond hair was very conspicuous, facing the slap that was caught, the corners of his mouth rose, and his sleeve robe waved suddenly.

Everyone was surprised to see that the flame that was originally pointed at Meng Qing seemed to have been intercepted by a strong force, and it fell off one after another, evolving into a large golden hand that was several times stronger than before, both in color and power!

That space almost collapsed! The golden light spread, burrowed through the gap, screamed continuously, a blurry figure fled into the distance, but did not go far before falling from above, his body had been burned black!

An arrow was shot, carrying a curse above, and the aura was plundered everywhere it went, and there was a long green mark in the air!

This arrow is enough to shoot an ordinary beginner True God-level powerhouse!

Brother Chicken moved again, pointed out, spatial ripples emerged, and a corpse that was pierced through the chest fell from the other side.

Almost at the same time, several breaths that were no less than true gods killed him at the same time.

Meng Qing did not make a move, Brother Chicken shot out one after another, pulling the power of flames in this crypt, and burned several true gods alive!

Meng Qing opened the ancient pupil technique, followed the light displayed by those warriors to find the force they belonged to, and pointed forward:

"No need to keep your hand, kill them all!"

The people who were hit by the point were stunned, they all did not understand a little, this is calling the shots?

The next moment, Xiaowen Xiaotai Xiaoqiang appeared at the same time, and each one exuded the aura of a beast god!

It was a one-sided massacre.

When he was in a foreign land, Xiao Tai had fought with the Semi-Supreme, and its strength was not the strongest among Meng Qing's beasts, but Rao was able to do so, let alone Xiao Wen.

And the restriction of this crypt is that the strength of the warriors who are not allowed to enter is higher than that of the first true god, but their beasts do not have this limit!

But looking at the martial artists who can enter the crypt, who can be like Meng Qing, who has several beast gods and beasts before entering the true god?

It was a massacre without suspense.

The woman who looked like a Kinder Fun Egg could not even resist Xiaowen's palm wind, the latter slapped out a palm, the armor on her body disintegrated, an unstable fall into a fire, just as the chicken brother pulled the ground fire, the flame rose, she only screamed and fell completely silent, even the mysteries with cultivation were completely burned.

The leader of the Snow Rider Peak is covered with this layer of frost armor, Rao is the fire of the top grade of the earth level will be a lot dimmer here, but under the flame of the chicken brother, not only the armor, his whole person seems to be melted, and a lot of water is evaporated!

In the end, he was actually baked into a dry corpse by that flame!

There was a beast wailing, it was a tiger with golden hair and a ring of red hair on its neck, only the pseudo-god cultivation trembled under the power of Xiaowen, and it didn't even have the courage to fight back!

On the other side, Lan Yu looked at Xiao Qiang who had killed and merged with Foxy again.

His aura continued to skyrocket, and in an instant, he reached the level of the Perfection True God.

Xiao Qiang roared in a low voice, the field descended, and the boat against the water was invisibly cast, and it constantly suppressed his breath, instantly bombarding him back to his original form!

"This can't be!" Lan Yu's eyes widened, and merging with the beast to increase his own aura had always been his reliance in battle, but now his own dependence was lost, which was equivalent to cutting off his arms!

Xiao Qiang was silent, took a step forward, carried the field forward and rampaged, and the whirlpool of the boat against the water covered it forward, and only one collision stripped Na Ruixue from his body.

Lan Yu saw its intentions and shouted in horror: "Don't! "

Ruixue's foxy back body was already hidden in the ice and snow, seeing this, he quickly moved the front half sideways into the void, but Xiaoqiang's domain expanded faster!

Lan Yu was stunned in place, he watched Xiao Qiang swallow his beast in one bite, but he couldn't do anything like a marginal person!

His breath suddenly dropped, and in one breath of qi and blood retrograde, he only felt that the sky was spinning!

The beast was killed, and his strength decreased!

A stream of flames struck, enveloping Lan Yu, and he was burned to ashes before he could even resist.

In less than half a column of incense, several forces that had attacked Meng Qing were completely wiped out.

The rest of the forces stood in place dumbly, looking at the youth in front of them in awe, and did not dare to breathe!

Several beasts returned, standing beside Meng Qing, Brother Chicken was very warlike, constantly provoking the flames in this crypt, and was eager to try: "Master, do you want to kill them all?" We can!

Meng Qing shook his head and glanced at the trembling people below: "Everything here has nothing to do with you, I don't care about other places, now, you have ten breaths to leave." "

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