An hour later, Meng Qing took Wang Meng and the three to the gate of the camp.

Because of the short time, the first team has no black-armored warriors to replenish for the time being, plus this mission and the second team cooperation, so the four of them are a squad for the time being.

He noticed that in just one day, the injuries of several people had basically recovered, especially Li Hou, whose hands were almost split before, but now he looked no different from ordinary people.

Only by using the pupil technique could Meng Qing see some subtle cracks in the latter's hand.

When several people came, they had already heard about the mission, and when they knew that they were going to cooperate with the second team, they all cheered up.

Meng Qing recalled that Wang Meng once told him that although Luo Qing would be very thoughtful when treating his own team members, and even try to protect his team members when fighting, he was very vindictive!

Especially the people who have hurt her.

Luo Qing put on a silver armor, and without waiting for Meng Qing and the others to stand firm, he said, "Go." "


The two teams of people unleashed their body techniques one after another, shooting out like off-string arrows, extremely fast.

Meng Qing and the others quickly followed.

Half an hour later, the gap began to appear, and everyone in the second team seemed to never get tired, and the speed did not slow down compared to the beginning, but accelerated a lot!

Wang Meng and the others gritted their teeth, and the high-load rush was obviously extremely consuming to them.

He took out the token, and their mission this time was to get rid of a large mountain at the junction of the military alliance and the madmen outside the northwest.

These bandits have only appeared in the last few months, and according to reliable intelligence, two semi-supremes are sitting in the town, relying on intercepting military alliance materials to converge a large number of warriors in a short period of time, because they touch the bottom line of the military alliance and therefore will be eliminated.

This mountain is extremely precipitous, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and what is more deadly is that those two semi-supreme cultivators are earth and control mysteries, and they are simply kings in that terrain!

Three hours later, they were already near the foot of the mountain, and there were already bushes nearby, and in the distance a false god could be faintly felt standing guard here.

Luo Qi ordered: "Zhang Chong Cao Yong, you go and solve the guards, Wang Qi Zhengze, you arrange formations in conspicuous places everywhere to see if those two half-supremes have set traps." "

The second team of four warriors led the order and went quickly.

Luo Qing disappeared into the void and crossed the breath of those standing guards, and every time she crossed, she would cast a curse on these people's weapons.

Zhang Chong and Cao Yong were in place, and those pseudo-gods were killed without even sensing what was happening, and the corpses were dragged into the rings worn by the two, which was like some kind of special spatial spirit weapon.

A total of four false gods stood guard here.

On the other side, Wang Qi Zhengze is also building a formation, and at the end of the only path here, sure enough, a trap has been applied, and once a strange aura approaches, it will be discovered.

Above, Luo Qing was constantly casting spells, and one point after another of light was released from her body, and then merged into the space in front of her, floating towards the distance.

"Boss, we're watching right here?" Wang Meng stepped forward and asked.

Since he became an assassin, Wang Meng had changed his name, and Meng Qing couldn't help but feel strange when he saw this man almost the same age as his father calling him that, and immediately said:

"You can go and help, but do you think you have a chance to help?"

Wang Meng was stunned, although he didn't want to admit it, but the second team was indeed much stronger than them, which was not only reflected in strength.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the trouble here was basically solved, and the second team of warriors hid their methods forward, and did not greet them the whole time.

Li Hou was a little angry: "Why are these people like this?" Although our strength is poor, we are partners, right?

"Think too much, no matter where you are, speak with strength." Meng Qing shook his head, this is an immutable truth.

Four people followed.

The mountains here are extremely long, and people stand guard at various positions every hundred feet.

Under the efficient harvesting of the second team, they did not encounter any difficulties along the way.

Deep in the mountains, a cliff almost perpendicular to the ground appeared in front of everyone.

This cliff is engraved with intricate patterns, like a complicated formation, its function is to absorb the surrounding spiritual energy into the space behind the cliff.

There are two extremely long stone stairs on either side of the large stone, every five turns, and each turning point is guarded by the true god.

He noticed that these true gods were only standing there symbolically, each busy, some holding scrolls, some looking around, and he didn't even notice that the green light point that Luo Qi had emitted was close to it.

Inside the boulder, there are often quarrels coming out.

Luo Qi had already jumped on top of the boulder.

Meng Qing made a few gestures and signaled Wang Meng and the others to go to the top of the stairs, where each of them had an Ultimate True God meditating.

Once they act, they need to suppress the top combat power here in an instant.

"Something is wrong, the aura here is changing!" Meng Qing keenly noticed some changes in the aura around him.

He walked up the stairs, and when he reached the top and saw the scene behind the boulder, he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle.

There were large iron pots containing a lot of yellow liquid, and groups of ragged warriors lined up, and when they approached, they were banned by the people at the front to cultivate their whole bodies.

Each of them was divided into a box with a yellow liquid that had solidified, and a needle at the edge of the box.

Inside the small tower, Xiao Budian saw this scene and was a little puzzled:

"What is this doing?"

Suddenly, there was a wail ahead, and the yellow solid in one's box was pierced by a needle and turned into two halves.

Two false gods dragged him into the woodland on the side.

The warrior seemed to have suddenly seen something most terrifying, frantically fleeing, and then the next moment, a group of black-haired giant wolves rushed out and split the corpse in an instant.

On the other side, a warrior held a knife in his hand, and in front of him was a group of old, weak and sick people in a long line, and at the leader of the long line was a more athletic woman.

Someone ordered, the sword-wielding warrior rushed forward like crazy, the woman blocked forward, and the people behind her followed behind the previous one to dodge.

In the end, a warrior with inconvenient legs and feet lagged behind, and the warrior with the knife stabbed into the heart of this warrior.

Everyone was separated, and the woman who led the team was also dragged and thrown into the woodland, and the next moment she was divided by the giant wolf.

The second person in Fangcai's team arrived at the head of the row, and the rest stepped forward in turn.

The sword-wielding warrior was taken to another field, with ten more cards drawn on rock-paper-scissors in his hand, and an extra epaulette on his shoulder with three stars on it.

On a table not far away, the two took out a card each, and the person standing in the center flipped it over, a scissors and a fist.

The warrior who came out of the fist had one more star on the epaulette, and the one who came out of the scissors had one less star....

Meng Qing paused before saying, "This is hell, a group of weak people are torturing the weaker, that's all." Luo

Qing entered the middle and quickly walked towards the end of the field.

Meng Qing then discovered that in addition to the two half-supremes mentioned in the intelligence, there was actually a half-supreme here!

Moreover, this person is strong in blood and full in temples, and his divine soul has actually reached the Divine Soul Realm!


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