Meng Qing was alert, how did this not sound right!

He nodded to the man, and the cabin opened, and some of the true gods even stepped on the nearby mountains.

In the end, several warriors whose cultivation was very close to the half-supreme joined forces to lay down a formation to cover the spaceship and everyone.

Meng Qingyue was suspicious.

According to the information he got, these 406 mines belong to the high-level of the madman, and the kidnapping must also be ordered by the high-level, do you need to be so secretive?

The true god who had appointed him as the overseer here also came out, and when he saw the peace on the deck, he nodded and said, "

You did a good job... Hey, how did the man fall? I remember he was unharmed.

Meng Qing also pretended to be puzzled:

"Oh, you said that he, after waking up just now, he has been encouraging people around to rebel, but no one has promised him, so he has been hammering the wall with both hands, this time he may be tired of the hammer and sleeping, but you see that he also hates himself, and he actually hammers both hands swollen."

Many true gods around were speechless for a while, and their eyes were all right, and they could naturally see that it was caused by external forces.

However, looking at the appearance of other people's obedience, they did not intend to pursue anything, and they were still willing to give Meng Qing this little right.

"You've worked hard too, come down with us." The true god said casually.

The true god who wanted to make a move on Meng Qing last night frowned: "This is not in line with the rules, right? The

previous true god said softly: "The rules are dead, people are alive, and besides, the above also instructs you to check on the deck at all times, last night we handed it over to this little fellow, didn't there be accidents?" Then

the true God shut up.

Meng Qing frowned, waiting for the opportunity, he must make this person look good! Oppose him several times, is it true that he has no temper?

After walking into the mountains, many true gods meditated and pranayama, and they obviously had different small groups.

And the true god, who spoke coldly to him, sat alone on a high ground.

Meng Qing brought a large stone and sat opposite the true god.

This is the first time he has faced this true god, who has a face that is cross-fleshy and his facial features are very open, so that his face appears extremely incongruous, belonging to one face and two faces of others, which refers to the area of the face.

The latter frowned: "You know that Honza is not happy with you, so close to me, pinching you to death is as easy for me as probing for something."

"I believe the truth is in the hands of a few, do you agree?" Meng Qing asked first, and when he said this, he deliberately glanced at the many true gods who were meditating in the distance, and then looked at this person.

The big-faced true god was clearly interested: "I agree with this, so what are you trying to express?"

Meng Qing got up and said quickly: "This is the same as the fact that the pen only accounts for a small part of the human race, I feel it, you must not take a seat." He

said and ran.

There was laughter all around the mountains.

The big-faced true god walked away, stood up with a rub, took off the long knife in his hand, angrily looked at Meng Qing, who was fleeing forward, and roared lowly: "Shaft, you dare to insult me?!"

Meng Qing rushed to the True God who brought him down and hugged his arm: "Help, someone wants to kill me!" All

the real gods around were amused by him, and some true gods laughed and said:

"Relax, as long as we are there, he can't move you."

Shocked by the aura of the true god holding his arm, he gently pushed Meng Qing aside, and then looked at the true god holding the knife:

"Okay, you have also entered the true god for so many years, why is your state of mind so impatient?" Put the knife down and practice with peace of mind.

Then, he looked at Meng Qing again: "And you, be safe, don't make trouble." "

This trick looks really wonderful to play fifty boards each!

That really sat down angrily, meditated on the spot, and before he could breathe ten breaths, he suddenly opened his eyes and smashed a punch at the big stone that Meng Qing brought over.

The big stone shattered in response, but Meng Qing noticed that when this punch touched the stone, the face of this true god suddenly changed, and even the fist was slightly red and swollen.

In his cave, Brother Chicken and other spirit beasts blossomed happily, and Brother Chicken scolded with a smile:

"Master, you are so bad, how do you know that this person will punch this stone?" He also let Xiao Zhen inject some spiritual energy into it in advance, and I am afraid that his hand will not be good for two or three days.

Meng Qing said gently: "This trick is called specific analysis of specific problems, this person has an impatient personality, then I will deliberately provoke him, violent people can't teach me a lesson, naturally they will choose things that can be touched around them to get angry."

Xiao Tai's eyes lit up: "I also know this, this is the dialectic part of materialist dialectics!" Meng

Qing's body shook, he was really afraid now, how could Xiaotai know all this? Is this divine soul sharing so outrageous?

Several spirit beasts asked curiously, "What is materialist dialectics?"

Xiao Tai cleared his throat pretendly, but when he was about to speak, he was stuck, and he was stunned for a long time, only to find that most of the things he had comprehended could only be indescribable!

As soon as he looked up, he found that Meng Qing was staring at it with death.

"Ah this... Hehe, it's a little embarrassing, don't panic, wait for me to sort it out. Xiao

Taigang wanted to slip away, but was grabbed by Meng Qing's hand, and it was pressed to the ground.

Meng Qing glanced at Xiao Wen, who understood in his heart, and entered the small tower to cover Xiao Budian's line of sight who was lying on the ground watching the play: "Xiao Budian

, the next picture may be a little cruel to you, let's not watch it first, okay?"

Screams rupted....

Meng Qing's mind returned to the outside world, and everyone was meditating, and even the true god who was sitting alone on the side seemed to have entered a state of concentration.

It was half a day, and during this period, the True God also gave some resources to Meng Qing.

In the evening, the valley in the distance roared, and suddenly a breath that belonged to the semi-supreme was released!

Many true gods present awakened from their state of cultivation.

The true god who was sitting next to Meng Qing ordered: "All the staff are on guard, the idle people and others retreat, except for a team guarding the ship, the rest of the people will follow me to investigate the situation." "

These people moved one after another, extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, they all reached a dozen zhang away.

Meng Qing got up, couldn't help but be a little confused, just a semi-supreme, as for the reaction is so intense?

Without waiting for him to think about it, a field shrouded him and included him.

A figure exuding a terrifying killing aura was located in the rear, it was the true god with the sword.

"Little beast, still rampant for me to see?" The true god roared.

Meng Qing looked around, but found that the few true gods who were standing guard guarding here turned around one after another when they saw this scene.

He understood instantly.

"I think you should know your situation, right?" That true god smiled viciously, stretched his left hand forward, and the aura carried above was like a shackle, imprisoning the space around Meng Qing.

Meng Qing's eyes lit up, and a mighty aura slowly spread outward:

"You are right, I do know my situation, they are all gone, and there will be no one to help you, right?"

That true god was slightly stunned, and for a moment, he even wanted to wonder if he had heard it wrong!

Meng Qing raised his head, and the golden light released outward in his eyes was as bright as two small suns, making him involuntarily want to surrender!


Xiao Zhen's breath was released, and the true god knelt on the ground before he even had time to resist.

Meng Qing stepped forward and held this person's head, Xiao Tai shot, probe the soul!

It's all a long story, but from start to finish, it's no more than ten breaths.

Meng Qing withdrew his palm, and the true god got up, carrying the knife, and looked ahead with dull eyes.

Xiao Tai suddenly said: "

The master's previous suspicions are correct, these people have problems!"

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