The man's hands were still a little red and swollen, and when he saw many true gods around him looking at him with murderous expressions, he was almost scared and crying, and he said repeatedly:

"Don't be adults, I know it's wrong!" I shouldn't slander him! Don't kill me!

The few people who were infinitely close to the half-supreme turned and entered the cabin, and only a faint voice came out:

"Slander and slander are one of the most unforgivable sins in the world, not to mention that you insulted my intimate companions, and handing you over to him is already your forgiveness, if you give it to me and wait, you will regret living in this world."

Meng Qing was still pushing back: "This is not good, right? Although this person did slander me, but it is a miner you need, and if there is one less person, the top will not be pursued? The

true god who had previously appointed Meng Qing shook his head slightly:

"Although I wait for a lack of people, it is better to lack than abuse, not everyone is qualified to go, this kind of person, don't do it."

Meng Qing nodded, took out a sharp blade from the mustard bracelet, and picked up the man with one hand.

The blade reached into the man's mouth, and the palm of his hand holding the blade suddenly rotated.

The man's eyes widened, and a muffled snort that was suppressed to the extreme came out.

Meng Qing's face was expressionless, his palm rotated in the opposite direction, and the blade was withdrawn, and there was no blood stain on it.

The man covered his mouth, blood flowing from the gap in his palm, and because of the severe pain, he curled up on the ground and rolled around.

"Since everything rises because of his mouth, then deprive him of the right to speak, he must live, and live well, mining needs him."

A true god nodded approvingly: "Good boy, he will become a great weapon in the future."

Meng Qing noticed that although those true gods were indifferent, excitement appeared in their eyes when they saw this man's miserable appearance!

This made him sigh that they were all a bunch of sanctimonious violent elements....

The true god in the cabin quickly left, and soon only Meng Qing and the man rolling on the ground were left on the deck.

Meng Qing threw him back and continued to study the formation.

But this time, even if he touched that formation with his own aura, no one came to check anything.

In the cave, Brother Chicken said with a smile: "Master, I didn't expect your acting skills to be so good, if we hadn't known, I would have thought that you were really wronged."

Meng Qing's face was flat: "Life is like a play, all relying on acting skills."

Xiao Tai was lying in a very comfortable position in the cave, and when she heard this

, she gave a thumbs up and said: "This is really a goat that farts a sheep, and it is angry and coquettish!"

Meng Qing's face darkened, and he found that Xiao Tai's commotion was increasing.

Xiaowen suddenly said: "Master, don't let your guard down, those true gods don't fully trust you, and there is a half-supreme aura that always lingers around, as if observing you."

Meng Qing nodded, staring at the formation, and at the same time took out the formation materials, as if he was tracing.

He pretended to be very similar, and he sat for half an hour, during which the breath was always around, as if he was observing, and it took a long time to leave here.

The spaceship shuttled through the night, the dim moonlight shone on the deck through the barrier, like sparkling water, and the dirty mysteries in the air were projected on the ground, quite a bit of the smell of a lonely shadow of a cold river.

Near midnight, Meng Qing finally came up with an idea.

He discovered a flaw in the formation.

To be precise, it is the aging part of the formation, there are many traces of maintenance in this spacecraft, but some maintenance personnel have not completely removed the original aging runes after replacing the aging part.

Because those runes all served in the same formation before, they will produce attraction, a large number of replaced runes will gather together, and the new formation will generate a lot of energy when running, and those replacement runes will melt over time!

And Meng Qing saw one on the edge of this formation!

If he can detonate this formation, he can tear open a hole in the surrounding barrier, and he can use this to rush out!

Meng Qing continued to sit cross-legged here, like an old monk.

The most important point was that he still didn't know which part of the barrier in each corner of this formation corresponded, and if he couldn't determine the location, unauthorized detonation would only expose him.

It was nearly midnight, and most of the inmates in the cage began to rest, they had adjusted to their current status as prisoners.

Xiao Zhen suddenly said:

"Master, maybe you don't need to bother so much, there is another way!"

Meng Qing was stunned: "What way?"

"There is also a flying spirit weapon in the clouds on our right, the breath on this spaceship is very similar to that of a madman, we can try it." Xiao Zhen said again.

"What are we going to do?" Meng Qing asked.

Without waiting for Xiao Zhen to answer, many true gods in the cabin moved again, and the spacecraft quickly entered a state of combat readiness.

Meng Qing casually stuffed a temporary magic array around the spaceship barrier law array, and at the same time quickly stood up, puzzled:

"What's wrong?"

At this time, there were obviously many true gods on this ship who changed their views on Meng Qing, and someone said softly:

"Don't worry, there is a flying spirit weapon in the distance, I don't know if it is friend or foe, let's come out and take a look, and it's not too late for you to continue your research when it's safe."

Meng Qing deliberately pretended to be stupid: "We are so invincible and have to worry?" Can't just rush over and turn them all over?

The true god smiled gently: "You still don't understand, when you reach our realm, you will understand the truth of people outside people."

Meng Qing nodded as if he didn't understand.

Brother Chicken was almost twitching with laughter in the cave: "I'm really going to die of laughter, to their level?" Is the ultimate true God? The master is now killing the ultimate true god and can't count it on a pair of hands, right? The

real body of the accused soul also walked out of the cabin, holding his hands and looking at the periphery, looking cold.

The aura on the spaceship changed, as if it were all invisible, stagnating and hiding in a dark cloud.

As if it didn't notice anything, the other spacecraft was still leaning towards them, and the distance between the two quickly shrank to less than a thousand feet.

Meng Qing clenched his palms and quietly arrived at the entrance of the cabin while many true gods were paying attention to the periphery.

He had already seen a point of light, the spaceship was very open, the flag was glowing, shining upwards into the clouds, reflecting a huge skeleton pattern in the sky.

The distance between the two spacecraft is less than five hundred zhang.

Four hundred zhang.

Three hundred zhang.

With each closer, Meng Qing's heart became closer to his throat.

When the distance is only a hundred feet, the channels of the two spacecraft are staggered, and if the current situation is carried out, the two spacecraft will not meet.

Xiao Zhen suddenly said: "Master, do it, right now!"

Meng Qing's fist hidden in his sleeve robe suddenly clenched.


There was a burst of sparks at the location of that formation, and then, the barrier of the entire spaceship trembled violently, and the barrier on his right missed a hole, and the violent aura suddenly poured into the deck, and even this dark cloud was becoming thin!

"Who's over there?!" The madman's centaurs discovered them, and for a while, at least five and a half supreme auras locked onto this side.


The half-supreme who was accused of soul suddenly pulled out his long knife, and the aura poured out in an instant, slashing at a perfect true god in front of him, directly splitting him in half!

Then, he even rushed out of the gap with all his strength, the whole body Spiritual Qi rushed away, the qi and blood tumbled, and a spirit beast with wings but resembling a jackal rushed out, and both bloomed with a terrifying aura!

"Madman's cubs, your silver angel uncle has come to take your dog's life!"

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