It was a gray space, with extremely low visibility, and there seemed to be something around that could suppress the aura, which greatly limited his perception.

With a gentle movement, there was smoke floating on the ground, which greatly hindered his perception.

When I opened my eyes in the sky, I found that this place was surprisingly large, and the things that could be observed were the sky except the ground, and I couldn't see where the surrounding boundaries were.

"Master, we seem to have arrived very close to that will, and I can clearly feel that the strength of that will is far above me!" In the tenth cave of heaven, the queen ant was shocked.

Meng Qing frowned, since the moment he landed, he had been on guard, but even now, he did not detect any threat.

For the queen ant's warning, he was particularly attentive, and what could make it so nervous, its strength must be incredible!

After walking forward, there was still an empty space all around.

Suddenly, Meng Qing's hair stood upside down, as if he was being targeted by an incredible existence!


There was a roar in his mind, as if he had been hit by thunder, and his eyes were immediately black.

When he opened his eyes again, he was in a desert.

The sand is solid, and the breath is solemn, not like it is illusory.

Soon, Meng Qing was stunned, he had been here before, it was the scene of Meng Yu at the beginning!

There was a muffled roar in the sky, and that face reappeared, horizontally in the universe, and the two eyes were like the sun and the moon, very terrifying!

"Who the hell are you?" Meng Qing asked first, he didn't think it was a coincidence.

When he was still in Meng Domain, he was summoned here by this face, and the latter asked Meng Qing to look for him, but now this can be considered found?

After a long silence, the huge face finally said, "I forgot who I am."

Meng Qing was a little speechless, forgetting who he was, okay?

The face paused, and then said:

"I think you are somewhat familiar, and seeing you, I seem to remember something."

"You must be hallucinating, I came from Meng Domain and have never seen you before!" Meng Qing said sincerely.

He feels that this kind of existence is counted as one, it is a great existence, or it is better not to be too involved.

"It's not wrong, although I am unconscious, I have been sleeping here for so many years, only I feel that breath in you." After his face finished speaking, he said:

"To be precise, your breath made me awake, the movement of opening up the ten cave heavens woke me up, and the canceled heavenly tribulation allowed me to talk to you."

Meng Qing suddenly thought of the beam of light that appeared after he opened the Ten Cave Heaven, could it be that this face swallowed that power?

It's a bit weird!

He decided to ask clearly: "Why is there a catastrophe in opening up ten caves?"

"I can't remember these things." The face failed to give a reasonable answer.

Meng Qing was a little speechless, and asking was equal to asking the series in vain!

The huge eyes like the sun and the moon suddenly looked at him, and that sight made Meng Qing's heart bristle!

"Senior, you really recognize the wrong person, although I have a little talent, I don't think I have seen you anywhere." Meng Qing said weakly.

Above, the face said: "I dreamed of you, but the place you are looking for is not here, and I am not complete here."

After that, Meng Qing was in a trance, and without giving him a chance to react, he was returned to the bottom of the abyss.

Meng Qing looked confused.


How many meanings? Can't you speak clearly?

He is not complete? Is it difficult or doppelganger? Don't give a clue either, I'll find a hammer! Meng Qing complained in his heart.


The surrounding wind and clouds were surging, as if someone had blown a heavy breath towards him, only for a moment, Meng Qing fell backwards, and it was a little difficult to even stand!

"Come and find me!" The will spoke again, and the voice was low, and finally it seemed to be completely silent.

Meng Qing only felt that his scalp was numb, and he could breathe like this, then if his real body was here, wouldn't he be able to poke him to death with one finger?

The surrounding smoke and dust dispersed, and several skeletons appeared, which caught his attention.

He leaned up to take a look, but found that these skeletons seemed to be bird spirit beasts, the size of an adult tiger, the crimson bones were crystal clear, and the spirituality above dissipated ninety to nine, but Meng Qing could still feel a terrible coercion!

Meng Qing touched it lightly with his hand, but was frightened by the terrifying temperature above.

"Master, this looks like the skeleton of some kind of powerful spirit beast, I speculate that they are the Suzaku clan, and it is said that even if the strongest person of this clan dies for ten thousand years, the body bones will still be extremely hot!" Queen Ant guessed.

"Well, your guess also makes sense, hey, why is there a tooth mark here?" Meng Qing was curious and pointed to a row of neat tooth prints and asked.

Soon, he thought of a terrible reality, could this not be the wreckage after being hunted for food by the former owner of that will?

He couldn't help but imagine this scene, but he couldn't help but fight the cold war all over his body, because the picture was so beautiful!

"Well, you can give Brother Chicken as a synthetic material!" Meng Qing suddenly had some expectations.

Although these bones have been placed for an unknown amount of time, even the blood essence inside has been lost, but this is not important, as long as there is a skeleton!

He clicked on the system, first put the bones in, and then pulled out the chicken brother who was dozing in the ninth hole and threw it into the system.

【Ding! The presence of spiritual intelligence in synthetics is detected, so this system provides you with the following two solutions:

First, the weight of the bone and the obituary golden pheasant are the same, and the common fusion is carried out, and the synthetic spirit beast is randomly given a consciousness, and the contract needs to be re-signed after synthesis.

Second, based on the golden pheasant, the bones are used as synthetic materials for fusion, and there is no need to sign a contract again after synthesis.

Meng Qing decisively chose two.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully synthesizing the Heavenly Obituary Golden Pheasant*1 with several bones to obtain the fifth-order Gilded Xuanhuo Pheasant*1! The

system flickered, and the moment the portal opened, a burst of fire burst out of it, and the temperature was blazing terrifying!

Compared with before, the changes that have taken place in Brother Chicken are earth-shaking.

It turned crimson, the tips of its wings and the crown of the chicken turned dazzling gold, its claws were bright red as if it could drip blood, breathing gently, and there was even a white mist gushing out of the tip of its nose, and even more red gold flames gushed out when it opened its mouth!


What's more, with this synthesis, Brother Chicken also entered the fifth order and became the Beast King!


A strong and domineering aura poured into Meng Qing's body, which was the feedback brought by the improvement of Brother Chicken's grade!

His whole body clicked, and his breath suddenly moved upwards for a while, reaching the mid-level of the Cave Heaven Realm!

Feeling the flow of his own breath, the corners of Meng Qing's mouth rose, in terms of pure qi and blood, he was now at least twenty times the middle of the Ordinary Cave Heaven Realm!

If he added Aura and beast control, he would even dare to confront King Wu head-on!

[Gilded Xuanhuo Pheasant: A fifth-order beast king, rumored to be an ordinary chicken spirit beast, because it was contaminated with the blood of Suzaku and embarked on a road against the sky...

Secret skills: Gilded Fire, Genfire Power. When

Brother Chicken's new introduction flooded into his mind, the corners of Meng Qing's mouth, who had originally broken through the realm, suddenly pulled slightly.

These two skills are actually amplification class?

These two martial arts are both powerful and long-lasting means for Brother Chicken to spit out flames, not a means of substantial formation!

Brother Chicken also seemed to have noticed this, and although his strength was stronger, he silently lowered his head.

"It's okay, anyway, the system is in hand, what martial arts can't be used?" Maybe you can fight even more violently like this! Meng Qing said to himself, not feeling particularly pitying.

He held Brother Chicken in his arms, looked upwards with a chill in his eyes, and said in a low voice:

"Qin Ping, since you dare to make a black hand, don't be too unbeaten, otherwise I will be unhappy!"

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