At this time, although the little lady was still wearing clothes, she was very messy, her hair was scattered, and her face was full of big red lip prints one after another.

And its pace is also very vain, like the body is overdrawn.

"Master, I... I am back! After Xiao Tai finished speaking, she went directly to the ground, and her confused face and demeanor all showed that she had just experienced a big war.


If Meng Qing remembers correctly, isn't the little lady hermaphroditic? There should be none... Right?

Apparently he was not alone in asking,

"What's going on with you?" Can a eunuch go to the Qinglou like this? It's really a knife cutting the butt, opening the eyes! "

Two light clusters flew in the distance, it was Brother Chicken and the Queen Ant.

They had been maintaining the order of this market before, but now in the evening, most of the people in the market had dispersed, and Zhou Ni and the others could naturally control it.

Seeing that it didn't answer, Brother Chicken kicked Xiao Tai on the waist, and Xiao Tai reacted normally:

"What did you do by kicking Lao Tzu?"

"Have you gone to the little girl to talk about your ideals in life? No, aren't you without a bow? Brother Chicken spoke straightforward and asked the thoughts of the spirit beasts and people present.

Xiao Tai finally got up:

"Vulgar! Do you know what soul sex is?

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the creatures present were not very good.

Strange posture, no, it's knowledge increased!

Brother Chicken was quite curious and poked the ant queen on the side:

"What is soul sex?" How about we try it? The

queen ant's eyes were cold, and as soon as her long legs were raised, Brother Chicken immediately flew out, and the screams were endless.

In the end, it was Xiao Zhen who said:

"It's not early, there is another auction next, this market is over, does the master want to go and see it?"

"I won't make fun of this kind of thing, the forces that come here are mixed, but compared to this, I have more important things to do." Meng Qing said.

He asked the ant queen and the chicken brother to continue to maintain order here, and then stuffed the little Budian who had not disappeared into the small tower and quickly left here.

Just over a high mountain, a black-robed man blocked his way.

Meng Qing stopped, he glanced at these people, and asked directly: "Xie family's?" I'm afraid it's not enough for you alone. The

man cultivated to the extreme half-supreme, did not speak, did not mean to move, but slowly raised his hand, his palm flipped, and a silver envelope appeared.

He flicked his fingers, and the latter flew out.

Meng Qing stretched out his hand to catch it, and after confirming that he did not carry any secret tricks above, he asked the letter: "This is for me?" The

black-robed man was silent, took a few steps back, turned and swept into the distance.

Meng Qing did not stop him, but only opened the envelope after the figure completely disappeared here.

It was an invitation cast in unknown material, the mark on the top was Wolf Warrior, and the money was a military alliance general.

"Ouch, the sun is coming out in the west? The military alliance actually sent invitations to the master? But then again, is this the event that's about to start?

Meng Qing nodded, he played with the invitation, but did not think of anything, and finally only put it away:

"Forget it, just save me a trouble, no matter what idea the military alliance wants to fight, I will follow."

He continued to sweep forward.

Thousands of feet away, the black-robed figure stopped in front of a small puddle, which looked like some kind of artificial breeding ground, where many low-grade spirit ducks foraged in the puddles.

A figure silently watched all this.

The black-robed figure took off her hat, her long silver-gray hair scattered in the wind, this person had a pair of dark green eyes like jewels, and she said softly:

"The things have been delivered, he is not embarrassed for me."

The figure said to himself: "Shh, don't talk, the show is about to play." A

spirit duck swam towards this figure, at a certain moment, it suddenly burrowed into the water, and suddenly a large number of blisters surged below, and when the spirit duck reappeared, it fluttered its wings and went ashore, and its mouth was bitten by a mussel.

The man smiled, stepped forward to pick up the two, turned around and said happily:

"Go, open the meat tonight!"


Meng Qing was quickly shuttling between the mountains, and when he arrived at a valley, he suddenly received a distress signal from Xiaowen!

He set his bearing, opened his speed, and rushed like a long rainbow.

Thousands of zhang away, in a space isolated by the field, a big war is taking place!

Xiaowen's true body appeared, and he was roaring lowly, and opposite him were more than a dozen half-supremes, and each of them had a displacement rune on him!

Those warriors were constantly cutting themselves with sharp weapons, their wounds were healing quickly, but one after another blood holes appeared on Xiaowen's body, and blood was dripping!

"Little beast, it's cool to be Meng Qing's beast tamer, right? He killed a member of my Xie family, and our clan will definitely make him pay the price in blood, of course, before that, we will kill everyone related to him, starting with his beast!" "A member of the Xie family levitated above, and he had a displacement formation in his left and right hands, but unlike the people below, these displacement formations of his had a warm and jade-like luster.

And the brighter the luster of these two formations, the greater the power of the displacement runes below, and the more serious the injuries on the corresponding Xiaowen's body!

Xiaowen's face turned pale, it couldn't break free from those runes, and its body seemed to be blocked by some special power, unable to manifest its body, let alone attack!

"Take advantage of your rampant now, the master will avenge me, and then see if you can still laugh!"

"Still rampant? Maybe today, let's take your head to sacrifice Xie Zhen, I think Meng Qing will have some feelings after seeing your head!" The corners of the man's mouth rose, and at the same time he ordered everyone below to strike with all their might.

The next moment, his face changed:

"No, there is a powerful aura approaching... We are exposed! As

soon as the words fell, the field enclosed here was bombarded, like a membrane suddenly piercing a long knife, and a large hole appeared in an instant.

A figure whose whole body was wrapped in extremely obscure aura broke in!

He didn't say much, he sneaked into the middle and pulled his hands, and all those displacement runes collapsed!

Xiaowen was rescued, Meng Qing sent him into the cave, Brother Chicken took over, Ming God cast, and all the runes in Xiaowen's body collapsed!

Meng Qing moved, rushed to a person who had been slightly backlashed, his hand rose and fell, blood rushed wildly, and a pangolin-like spirit beast just burst out of the cave halfway, and Meng Qing split it vertically!

"Do it, kill him!" The person who had previously held a formation in both hands roared lowly.

There was a killing intent surging behind it, fast as an afterimage, it was a black mink.

He was scratched in the back, and the blow that could even tear apart a 10,000-pound stone in other places only made him feel a slight pain.

The long knife was raised, Meng Qing stepped out in successive steps, slashed horizontally in front of him, and the moment the afterimage passed, blood splashed, and it was cut in two by a knife.

A Xie Family Semi-Supreme had a pale face, and red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Meng Qing stepped out again, avoiding several aura light masses that fell one after another, and when this person appeared, the long knife slashed again, harvesting one person again.

Suddenly, runes appeared in the realm under his feet, green and red.

The next moment, a rich poisonous gas and scorching flames emerged, intertwining with each other, making the field there extremely disordered, and ordinary semi-supremes would die if they were not careful!

"Poison? If you have fire and ice, it's a bit challenging! Meng Qing disdained.

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