Meng Qing asked a few beasts: "Have you detected the breath of that person in Fang Cai?"

They shook their heads one after another: "No, that person seems to have cultivated several different mysteries, and the achievements of each mysterious meaning are not low, and it is difficult to locate."

He nodded, opened his wings and accelerated suddenly.

Zhai Yu in the rear also advanced at full speed, and what shocked him was that no matter how he accelerated, he always kept a distance from Meng Qing, and he couldn't catch up at all!

After the two flew out of Qianzhang, a red light suddenly came out of the sky, and the half-step of cultivating the flame mysteries was too empty and returned!

But the man did not look at the position where the two were located, but pursued straight in the direction where the golden light flew.

"Fortunately, I arranged a back hand to leave a little mark on that demon and monster, I think it was discovered by the flame man." Brother Chicken was quite proud.

Meng Qing looked forward with the latter's perspective, but found that in another direction there was a light that was constantly dissipating, and the aura emanating from above was exactly the half-step void of the golden aura before.

Xiao Tai gave a thumbs up and praised: "What a great dog mongrel!" The

corner of Meng Qing's mouth twitched, the first half of the sentence was a praise, why did the second half become a scolding again?

The most amazing thing is that when these two parts are connected, there is an indescribable harmony.

Brother Chicken immediately changed his face and stepped forward to pinch each other with Xiaotai.

The two returned to the camp, and the men apparently noticed the movement over there, but did not know what was happening.

Xiuon asked,

"How did you two get over there?" What happened?

Meng Qing shook his head: "Wasn't it thunder just now, I have never seen such cool thunder since I was a child, so go to the front to see, Senior Zhai Yu is afraid that I will be slashed by lightning, so he follows me to protect me."

After that, he looked at Zhai Yu, who nodded despite his strange face.

Xiu Weng and the others also had strange faces, but considering the identities of the two, they didn't say much, just nodded in agreement.

They went back to their respective places to meditate and rest.

As soon as Meng Qing sat down, a small voice drifted into his ears: "You saved me, I will repay you for this kindness, if you have any places you want to go or people you want to kill, I can help you."

Meng Qing's face was a little unnatural, and it was right to say so, but the person he wanted to kill estimated that Zhai Yu would not be able to get close at all!

But where he wanted to go, he thought about it and responded: "

I heard that the Genting Heavenly Palace has recently been recruiting entourage to accompany their Young Palace Master to the Supreme Academy, I want to go there, can you help me?"

There was a deep groan over there, and then he said: "I can let you enter the Genting Heavenly Palace, there are many tests in this selection, and I can't guarantee whether you can enter in the end."

Meng Qing nodded, although this was a little reluctant, it could at least save a lot of time.

If he inquired slowly after arriving in Genting City, he didn't know how long he would be busy!

"Deal!" The two reached an agreement.

Early the next morning, the merchant set off again.

For three days in a row, they had been walking on the vast plain, and if Xiu Weng had not often taken out maps for comparison, and often had some references such as hills and distant skylines, Meng Qing would really think that he had gone wrong.

By the fourth day, they finally saw a shadow hidden behind the sky.

It was like a high mountain, and it was like a giant god meditating in front, Meng Qing's first sight when he saw this phantom was that he sighed at its greatness!

It is no exaggeration to say that this is like a heavenly barrier in front of it, and inside and outside are like two worlds.

"Soon, after crossing this line of sky, we can reach the city of Genting in half a day!" Xiuweng said excitedly.

Meng Qing looked into the distance, and when he opened his pupils, he found that there was a narrow gap in the towering giant, as if it ran back and forth, even if it was separated by a thousand zhang, he could clearly see the light on the other side.

"It's kind of interesting, it's like being cut out by a living being." Xiao Tai observed for a while, and suddenly said.

Meng Qing looked at this city wall and suddenly remembered the scene he saw in the cave in the riot place!

The Great Black Wall coming from outside the domain was cut in half by one person with a sword!

"If it is done by living beings, no matter what race, it must be the top supreme!" Xiaowen Dao.

The group walked for half a day again, and finally reached the giant object at sunset.

Meng Qing really saw that it was a high mountain, but the inside seemed to be forged from fine iron.

The trace that split from the middle formed for at least tens of thousands of years, but there was no sign of passivation, the same straight, only a few places near the ground there were traces of erosion.

"Has anyone investigated what kind of material this mountain is?" Even after all these years, nothing has changed? Meng Qing asked Xiuweng a few people.

"We don't know, according to records, even if those super powers millions of miles away have sent people to investigate, no one knows what this is, no one knows how this came about, and similarly, they have used various methods, and they have not been able to get a piece from this mountain." Huon replied.

And this?

The closer he got, the greater the shock this mountain gave him!

Without him, in front of it, Meng Qing was like an ant, and when he looked at it, a sense of surrender spontaneously appeared in his heart!

"Hold on a little longer, tonight we will rest on this line and walk a little further." Huon proposed.

Everyone agreed, and it wasn't until he was completely close to the passage that Meng Qing realized that the sword mark was far bigger than he had imagined!

This can accommodate at least ten people to go forward at the same time, and Old Mao walking into it is not crowded.

The moment he stepped into it, Meng Qing felt a fierce aura!

That's sword intent!

"What level of big guy is this? After so many years, the wind and sun can still leave sword intent? Some of the top clans may not have such a strong heritage, right? Xiaotai was surprised.

Deep into it, the surrounding aura suddenly became gloomy, and although the light could still be seen ahead, it was getting late at this time, as if they were walking into the abyss together.

The gray wolf under Meng Qing's breathing gradually became heavy.

Even Old Mao began to become restless, constantly roaring in a low voice.

Zhai Yu looked at the surroundings that had completely darkened, and said, "Let's rest here today, if it is late at night on this line, strange afterimages will appear, and if you go down, something may happen to these spirit beasts."

Xiuweng naturally agreed, and they camped along one side.

It was very strange that tonight Xiuweng took out some tents, and he gave each of them one.

"Everyone should be careful, there will often be some afterimages in the first line, if someone calls outside tonight, don't pay attention!"

Meng Qing was stunned, there was still such a thing?

He received one, Xiu Weng was at the front of the line, Zhai Yu was at the end, and Meng Qing was in second place from Congxue.

Meng Qing sat in the tent and meditated, and when the sun set, it was completely dark.

The surroundings gradually fell silent, and there was not even a trace of sound.

Those gray wolves and the others were put aside by the people in the business, and the old Mao was the same, they seemed to pass by here many times, and they seemed to be very submissive.

In the middle of the night, Meng Qing suddenly caught the sound of swords clashing.

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