"What are you still stunned for? Waiting to die? Let's go together! Xi Lang screamed, he didn't care about any face, now he just wanted Meng Qing to die!

Meng Qing stepped out in one step, but still only punched, and the disciples of the Western Family were all thrown away before they even had time to summon the beast.

He collected all the Qiankun bags of these people, and due to the pressure of those humanoid beast kings, Meng Qing personally took action, and the tenth cave heaven surrounded the palm and planted golden blood poison on these people.

Xi Lang roared lowly

: "Meng Qing..."

Before he finished speaking, the moon blade came out of its sheath, less than an inch from his neck:

"Since I dare to make a move against you, then I am not afraid of what forces are behind you, and the meaning of whether you are alive or not to me is nothing more than to live more and less resources such as elixirs and martial arts, and I don't care much about more and less."

Xi Lang opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

When he turned around, he found that Xu Chen and Fang Yu were gloating at him, and he was suddenly out of breath!

The farce did not last long and ended quickly.

But after such a show, Meng Qing became the strongest in the field in terms of both number and quantity.

The young man of the Snow Clan and the girl holding the compass looked at each other with jealousy in their eyes.

Especially when looking at Meng Qing, they had a hunch that this would be a strong enemy!

Even the humanoid beast kings in front of them were a little jealous, and although they looked carefully, they still didn't notice where Meng Qing's limit was.

It wasn't long, it was already night.

With both hard and soft means, he obtained information about this boulder from Xilang.

The latter's face was swollen like a pig's head, telling him that there was probably a treasure in this boulder, and a disciple had seen a flower growing on this boulder at night, which was brilliant and intoxicating, but when he woke up, he found that his soul power had been exhausted, and if it weren't for the disciple's strong will, he would really be lost!

In this regard, Meng Qing will be suspicious.

A clear full moon suspended in the sky, reflecting the ground like frost.

Meng Qing looked at the boulder in front of him, and suddenly found that a strange symbol appeared in the shadow above!

Immediately afterwards, the ground actually shook again, and it was actually located behind everyone!

Meng Qing looked at it, and his face couldn't help but change, it was a piece of spirit beast.


At this moment, the boulder suddenly bloomed, like a light source, instantly illuminating the place like daylight.

At the same time, a beam of light rose up, just like before.

Meng Qing was surprised to see that the runes reflected on the boulder actually took the initiative to flow upwards, and it seemed to form a portal in the haze!

He was obviously not the only one who noticed this scene.

The Snow Clan boy and the girl holding the compass also looked upwards.

"Master, follow behind those humanoid beast kings!" The queen ant suddenly said.

Meng Qing nodded, and in the next second, those beast kings rushed forward and rushed towards the portal.

He moved as well, jumped and entered with him.

Below, the Snow Clan boy and the Compass Maiden follow.

Xi Lang and the others were stunned for a while, and became the third group to enter it.

Although he was suppressed by Meng Qing, if he could get a great opportunity here, he might not be able to turn over!


Meng Qing only felt that the wind was constantly sounding in his ears, as if he was being thrown forward at a terrifying speed.

Finally, the speed slowed down, and he opened his eyes and was on top of a meadow!

In the distance, three figures shot forward quickly, unexpectedly heading in the same direction.

Meng Qing ran his aura and also followed.

Soon, he was surprised to find that under the dual blessings of his physical body and aura, his speed was not slower than those beast kings.

When they traveled thousands of zhang away, a terrifying sound emanated from the bodies of those beast kings, as if they were about to restore their true bodies!

Two horns grew on the burly man's head, and a long tail like an iron chain extended behind him, and the cold light was cold.

The man with the long knife on his back fell to the ground with both hands, and turned into a rhinoceros, and the long knife turned out to be his horn!

That ordinary-looking woman was also not simple, turning into a white light and shooting forward, with five tails dragged behind her, it turned out to be a fox king!

The last man with a short stature turned out to be a mountain turtle!

Its four legs were terrifyingly long, running wildly on the ground, over mountains and mountains, and at one point it was even the fastest among the four beast kings.

Meng Qing couldn't help but complain in his heart, who said that the turtle ran slowly? Besides, don't blame him for being anxious!

After a full half day, they finally stopped, and Meng Qing stayed hundreds of zhang away, stretching his neck to look forward, and couldn't help but be a little anxious.

The last stretch of the journey was a flat piece of land, bare all around, without any obstacles, and there were shimmering lights on the ground, and he feared that if he got close to it, he would be detected by several beast kings.

Directly in front of it is a stone pillar, which is extremely thick, like a pillar that supports the sky.

Immediately afterwards, several beast kings seemed to have a dispute, and there were signs of fighting.

But in the end, they all transformed into human forms and stood in the four directions of the pillar.

Immediately afterwards, the light in those four directions lit up, and the lines spread, connecting into pieces, and finally completely lighting up the stone pillar.

For a while, the light here was terrifyingly big!

But for a moment, the aura here converged, and looking forward, the beast kings disappeared.

Meng Qing rushed to the front, but found that the portals in front of the four directions had a palm print, and there was a faint light coming from the crack of the door, obviously those beast kings had entered it.

He pushed open one of them, made sure it was okay, and entered it as well.

It was a crimson world.

He should be on a stone platform, there are several stairs extending in front of him, and in front of him is a clearing, many bones so large that terrifying bones are lying down, the ground is like a formation, and the lines are intricate!

Meng Qing looked closely and couldn't help but be surprised that those lines were all tiny grooves, and some kind of spar was placed on them!

He looked up, the aura here was furious, and he couldn't detect the breath of the four beast kings.

Moving forward, a huge skeleton is displayed in front of it.

It seems that endless years have passed, and this skeleton has decayed, but through the traces on the ground, Meng Qing has restored a spirit beast with a small head but a huge abdomen and four legs that are very short.

Xiao Qiang was surprised:

"This skeleton looks very much like a pear marten!"

"What kind of spirit beast is that?" Meng Qing became curious and couldn't help but ask, after all, the spirit beast that even Xiaoqiang had heard of should be very powerful.

"This spirit beast is very magical, and for a period of time the members of the race are very strong, but because of some magical characteristics, uh... Their excrement is incense, and it can even be used in medicine, which is necessary to refine some elixirs, so it was slaughtered by the joint slaughter of the Terrans and the Beast Race, and now, this race should be extinct. Xiaoqiang said.

Meng Qing's face was a little strange, seriously... What about the amazing race!

Brother Chicken was interested, looked at the skeleton in the cave, and asked: "Seeing that their lower abdomen is already very large, but their limbs are very short, how do they go to the toilet?"

Xiao Qiang thought for a while: "Relying on the branches, legend has it that in the place where that group lives, don't believe in any forest that wafts with fragrance or even has been smeared with gold above!"

"Then looking at the time this bone exists, there won't be one in this place, right?" Brother Chicken asked curiously.

"This is not good, it is rumored that the excrement of this family can be preserved for a long time, but over time, the medicinal effect will be much worse."

Meng Qing interrupted the two spirit beasts, and he had already begun to regurgitate!

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