"The lair may really have a nest, but it is impossible to judge what spirit beast it belongs to and what age it left behind, it is very important that the spirit beast lair is not the same as other places, and this is not something that is more useful over time." Xiaotai said seriously.

Meng Qing nodded: "Said so, but to make such a big movement, it should not be out of nowhere, besides, first obtain the qualification to enter, as for whether to enter or not at that time, then say another."

After a little thought, Meng Qing looked at Liang Zhongxian:

"Tell me about your conditions?"

Liang Zhongxian took a deep breath before continuing

, "I want a piece of wood inside, and I want you to help me get it with all your might."

"First of all, what kind of thing it is, if it is the most precious or heavy treasure among them, everyone wants it, then I can't help you with this." Meng Qing responded.

Although he really wanted to know what the Ancient Spirit Beast's lair was like, if he needed to put himself in a situation opposite ten thousand people, it would not be cost-effective.

Liang Zhongxian packed a ticket and said: "This naturally not, what I want is a specific item, to be honest, until now I don't know if that thing exists or not, if it doesn't exist, then go in and open your eyes."

Meng Qing agreed, but then he added: "How many people can you bring in?" I also have a companion.

Liang Zhongxian seemed to have anticipated this, and said, "This is not a problem. The

two agreed to meet here in the future, but Liang Zhongxian said that there was no exact time for the opening of the lair, and Yang Men and the Zhao family were very strict in guarding, although they worked night and day, but they never found a passage to enter the lair.

Meng Qing said he would come back in three days.

He walked all the way back to the inn.

When he turned into the inn, he clearly noticed that several sneaky figures were staring at him.

When I entered the inn, I was startled by the steaming heat that rushed to my face.

He didn't react for a moment to what was happening, and when his sleeve robe was raised and was about to disperse those breaths, a voice suddenly came out:

"Don't come in, get out!"

This voice is a little cold, which makes people can't help but feel a chill in their backs.

Meng Qing immediately stepped back and took the door with him.

A quarter of an hour later, the door opened, the steam in the house had dissipated, and a face like frost stared at him, not giving him a good look at all.

Meng Qing was a little confused, and asked first: "What kind of bath do you take in the daylight?" Not closing yet?

This sentence suddenly seemed to light a powder keg, and Chen Yu said coldly: "Can't take a bath during the day? Do you know how long I haven't washed properly? I closed the door, but you forced your way in, I have a way?

Meng Qing hurriedly stopped: "Yes, my fault, my fault, I apologize to you, okay?"

Chen Yu said coldly

, "Seeing you like this, you are quite aggrieved? Do you think I blamed you wrong?

Meng Qing's head suddenly grew big: "Then what do you say."

"If you make a mistake, do you need someone to tell you what to do?" Chen Yu still didn't give him a good face.

In the end, under his various persuasions, after paying a lot of resources by the way, he was able to stabilize this time bomb.

Only then did he talk about the information he had heard from Liang Zhongxian.

Chen Yu was wearing long hair at this time, and a robe wrapped around his body, although he was not wearing a corset and other things, but his delicate waist could be well displayed.

Meng Qing stood on the other side far away from her, and only felt like sitting on pins and needles.

He even regretted a little, he shouldn't have brought this person for that innate companion rune, and let her wander around.

After all, the rune is gone, you can find it again, but if the little life is gone, it is really gone!

Chen Yu tilted Erlang's legs very comfortably, and said softly:

"Then go, if the field is underwater, maybe I can find the entrance to enter first."

Meng Qing said calmly: "Then you have three days, during which time Liang Zhongxian is paying close attention to the movements of all parties, and take a look separately."

Chen Yu suddenly looked up: "You don't follow me to protect me?"

"Protect you? At this stage, there will not be too tough enemies in this vicinity, and furthermore, it is efficient to act separately. Meng Qing said calmly.

Chen Yu did not agree, so he silently followed behind him, wherever he went.

According to Liang Zhongxian's method, the two bypassed those guards and successfully arrived outside the city.

The two walked to a body of water, and Meng Qing released Xiao Tai from the cave.

Chen Yu was surprised: "How is this person..."

Without waiting for Meng Qing to answer, Xiaotai said first: "My name is Xiaotai, I am the master's beast, you can call me Mrs." "

You stared over there at the post station that day, wouldn't it be to see him?" Chen Yu suddenly asked.

Meng Qing was puzzled: "Yes, otherwise what else can I watch?"

Chen Yu stopped talking.

Xiao Tai began to work, and not long after, Chen Yu also began to communicate with the various aquatic spirit beasts below this sea area.

They are quickly troubleshooting the location.

About half a day later, they made a discovery.

It was where two bodies of water echoed each other, with only a staccato of sand in between.

Meng Qing was puzzled: "Isn't this where our teleportation array disintegrated at that time?" This is the Yangmen Territory? The

two looked at each other and moved in one direction in unison.

They stopped on a mountain top.

The vegetation here is dense, and there is even a simple camp on the top of the mountain, where several real warriors are stationed.

Meng Qing opened his pupils, only to see that on the opposite side of this mountain was a big pit surrounded by various formations!

There was a tight guard, and people in Yang Men and the Zhao family's two-colored costumes quickly communicated in it.

There are even half a step too weak for ordinary people to approach at all.

They changed direction, and before they reached the mountainside, they were surprised to find that there were other people besides them.

They were either lurking in the forest, underground, and many underwater, at least from ten forces, all paying close attention to the movements ahead.

"Wow, a lot of people, is there any treasure underneath?" Little not a little surprised.

Meng Qing whispered, "It seems that Liang Zhongxian is right, the nest should be below." Meng Qing said.

Chen Yu frowned and said

, "No, this place is too far from the water, and I have contacted many nearby aquatic spirit beasts."

Xiao Tai sighed: "It's not that you can't get in touch, it's that most of the aquatic spirit beasts here have been strangled clean, and the water and earth realm have been blocked by the formation, and if they are not recognized by the runes, they will be discovered at the first time." "


There was a roar somewhere, and the three of them saw that it was a streamer rising from the ground, rushing out from the halfway up the mountain, jumping forward, and spreading wings like Yasha behind it!

It was a true martial arts statue.

It seems to have been discovered by the inspectors here and wants to forcibly rush out.

In just an instant, three half-step Tai Void rushed forward.

More formations extended forward, blocking all of this person's path in an instant.

"I just saw movement here to see the liveliness, why are you doing it to me?" That Zhenwu Cheng saw that it was not good, and quickly said.

"See movement? So what do you run? Let's keep this statement for the king of Hades! Those three half-step figures roared in unison and attacked forward.

That Zhenwu resisted with all his strength, but he was not the opponent of the three people opposite him at all, and he was killed after only a few moves!

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