Meng Qing was not afraid, he wore a fist, and when the aura was urged, his body naturally attached a layer of flame, which greatly offset the flames killed in front of him.

Facing the slashed sword, he stretched out his right hand and shook his hand into a fist, intending to fight hard!

The fist and sword qi collided, and it was like two giants colliding there, and the flame and sword qi crisscrossed, reflecting the magnificence there.

Zhao Yi took a step forward, withdrew his long sword, and slashed downwards.

A pair of hands exuding terrifying flames went up and caught this sword.

Zhao Yi was shocked, the power of this sword could even kill the ultimate true martial arts, but how did Meng Qing take this sword?

"Is there a more powerful trick?" Meng Qing asked calmly.

His whole body breath suddenly soared, and a punch hit his chest, this force was very strong, Zhao Yi's chest immediately emitted a thunderous sound, he suffered heavy damage!

Meng Qing cast his body, and he took a few steps forward in succession and made up another punch!

Zhao Yi's body flew out horizontally, but fortunately, he urged the Aoyi True Spirit in time, which barely stabilized his body.

"Any more tricks? If not, I can just kill me. Meng Qing stepped forward again, and he flew up with a kick, this time like an iron whip, and blasted Zhao Yi away again.

"You... You are overdoing it! Zhao Yi was filled with resentment, he was surprised by Meng Qing's strength, but he was even more angry that he spoke so angrily.

"That seems to be gone." Meng Qing shook his head, and he blasted Zhao Yi, and one of his punches landed on the latter's face, knocking out half of his teeth.

Zhao Yi spoke indistinctly, and several times he wanted to urge the Aoyi True Spirit behind him, but he was interrupted by Meng Qing again and again.

He was so numb from the beating that he almost forgot to resist.

"Are you half a step too empty? Also mastered the mysterious true spirit, such a dish? It won't be a deformity that has been quickly cultivated, right? Meng Qinglang said loudly, he fell, although the force was extremely strong, but each one avoided the point and was not fatal.

Another punch fell, Zhao Yi couldn't stand it, he then the strong backwards, a roar, the hole sky opened, and a spirit deer with a fierce aura all over his body walked out.

Meng Qing stepped out in one step, held the latter's pair of antlers, and with slight force, the latter was lifted up without any resistance, and flung it on the ground, and most of the bones in the latter's body were broken.

Zhao Yi was implicated and injured and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Meng Qing turned around, looked at the swarthy field around him, and said calmly:

"You can really endure, your subordinates are almost killed by me, and you don't come out to help him vent his anger?" Aren't you afraid that the news here will make the Zhao family chill?

Zhao Yi raised his face that was about to swell into a pig's head, but saw that there was a light and shadow behind him that was constantly solidifying, and it was Zhao Ying.

Zhao Yi tried hard to open his eyes and explained vaguely: "Miss

, I..." "You have worked very hard, I see this in my eyes, there is no need to explain anything." Zhao Ying said softly.

Meng Qing raised his hand: "I thought you planned to watch the excitement all the time, how, you know that you are not my opponent, so you deliberately hide behind the cat?"

Zhao Ying didn't want to talk to him: "Let him go, and the previous things will be written off."

For a moment, Meng Qing even thought that he had misheard.

"Are you really talking to me? Let him go? A write-off? How do you say this and I occupy a weak position, in fact, I am quite curious, how is your mentality so good? Meng Qing couldn't help but ask more.

Zhao Ying raised his hand, and the surrounding field suddenly seemed to boil.

Meng Qing only felt uncomfortable all over, he opened his pupils, but found that there were dense sword blades displayed in this void!

"Obedient, it's the mysteries of space, this woman is incredible, according to my previous observations, the Zhao family should be a sword cultivator for generations, and this woman should be a bloodline mutation!" Xiao Tai seemed to have discovered a new continent and said seriously.

Brother Chicken added: "The master must take her down!" In this way, your baby's future cultivation of the mysteries will have 100% room for the mysteries!

Meng Qing couldn't help but darken his face, he could be considered to have found out, as long as Brother Chicken spoke, he would definitely not leave the shit in three sentences.

"That's my confidence, I admit that your combat power is terrifying, but you are not my opponent." Zhao Ying said.

Meng Qing raised his hand to pick Zhao Yi up:

"Not your opponent? How about we try it? Or in this way, you pay me a miracle medicine, I will release this person, and we will write off the previous grudges. "

Miracle medicine? Wish for the moon! Zhao Ying flatly refused.

Zhao Yi said toughly: "Miss leave me alone, kill him!" I, Zhao Yi, am willing to go to the soup for the Zhao family! This person insulted my Zhao family, his subordinates were incompetent, and he asked the young lady to come forward!

"Give you ten breaths and release Zhao Yi, otherwise there will be no good fruit for you to eat." Zhao Ying's face turned cold.

Meng Qing loosened Zhao Yi and pierced his chest with a punch, and the Origin Qi carried in the Spiritual Qi instantly eroded the latter's internal organs.

"I won't give you a breath!" Meng Qing said coldly.

"Beasts, look for death!" Zhao Ying's face was as cold as frost, and with a wave of his sleeve robe, all the massive sword shadows in it slammed in!

"True Demon Overlord!"

Meng Qing roared lowly, and the flame aura on his body was replaced by pitch black in an instant, and he stepped out and rushed into the invisible sword shadow.


Those sword shadows could not break through the defenses of the overlord body, and they disintegrated when they came into contact with the Origin Qi, causing him to fall into the storm of sword qi.

Meng Qing's steps were steady, approaching Zhao Ying, he raised his fist, and the three colors of pitch black, dark gray, and crimson were intertwined with each other but did not merge, and they bombarded forward in unison.


A barrier emerged, a wall completely condensed by the mysteries of space, and Heng Chen blocked his path in front of him.

It was very strange that although Zhao Ying was standing less than a foot in front of Meng Qing, he gave Meng Qing a feeling of being thousands of miles away!

"This trick I call the end of the world, under this move, my trick is just a stone's throw away, but your trick needs to cross the end of the world, do you understand?" Zhao Ying suddenly raised his palm and faced Meng Qing at a seemingly casual point.

A sword blade that exuded terrifying sword qi formed, blasted towards him, and in the blink of an eye, it stabbed Meng Qing, and the strong force above carried him backwards, and the entire barrier that hit trembled slightly!

Zhao Ying slowly walked forward and said calmly: "Although you have some strength, but unfortunately, everything should be over, you, as a more interesting opponent, may be remembered by me for three or five days, after that, everything about you will fall silent as the corpse decomposes."

"Really? I don't think things will go in this direction, or that, I don't know where your confidence comes from. The smoke wave was suppressed, and a figure walked out slowly, with steady steps, not hurried, and did not look like he was injured.

This is exactly Meng Qing.

Zhao Ying frowned: "How can you be unharmed?" "


A strong coercion descended from the sky, and a gold-armored guard descended from the sky, like the sun, illuminating this dark alley at the moment of appearance.

This is a strong person who is infinitely close to too void, and his breath is extremely strong!

"Miss, there is a change in that ruin, please return quickly." The golden-armored guard directly ignored Meng Qing and said to Zhao Ying.

Zhao Ying's eyes lit up, without looking at Meng Qing, he left directly, and the golden-armored guard followed.

In the alley that turned black again, Meng Qing couldn't help but turn his face black, what is this?

Just as if he were air?

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