The more you go above this mountain, the greater the temperature changes,

and the temperature in the middle of the mountain is some distance away, and the temperature around it has even reached the point of exhaling frost.

But after crossing a taiga, the temperature is rising rapidly.

"What the hell is here? Why is the temperature change so outrageous? Chen Yu was puzzled, one moment of cold, the other heat had touched the edge of her bearing.

Xiao Budian, who was lying on her shoulder, explained:

"Now this is the middle part of the entire sacred mountain, and the spirit beasts that are not the top in strength live here, because the ethnic groups and living habits are different, so the temperature and environment in this place are also very different, and further up, the worst spirit beast you encounter will be the Beast Venerable."

Along the way, it either lay on Meng Qing's shoulder or let the latter hold him, because he had dealt with Yunsu just now, so he asked Chen Yu to take care of it.

But later, Xiao Budian said that he would not come back, on the grounds that Meng Qing had many bones on his shoulders and was lying in a panic, so he lay on Chen Yu's shoulders.

"You've been here before? How do you know so clearly? Meng Qing asked.

"A creature told me, but I don't know the identity of the other party." Xiao Bu said seriously, it was also a little puzzled when it said this, it was clear that it had never seen the person who told it this information, but it felt that the other party could be trusted, and even everything it said was true.

"Keep walking, since you have all walked halfway, it is not far from the top, and there will be an answer soon about what the other party is." Chen Yu said.

Meng Qing picked up the halberd and waved it casually, feeling more and more like taking advantage of it.

The two continued to step forward.

During this time, he unsealed the halberd a little.


A shocking aura was transmitted outward, and at the same time, a wisp of spiritual energy like a blade came towards him.

Meng Qing did not dodge, and with a gentle blow, the aura immediately collapsed.

He probed the artifact up and down with his true soul and quickly found the place where the artifact spirit was hiding.

He wanted to bind the latter, but that part of the true soul was taken to a mysterious space.

It was a realm where there was nothing but darkness, and the part of the true soul he had sucked into it turned into human form and stood between heaven and earth.

There was a light, it was a figure that was exactly the same as Yun Su except for his expression.

This is the spirit of the halberd.

"How about we make a deal? You released me, and I released this part of your true soul. The spirit of the instrument said condescendingly.

Meng Qing looked at it in surprise, and asked with a slight doubt: "It is said that stupidity is a contagious disease, and I was neutral on this before, but now it seems that it may be true." Ji

Ling's face sank: "What do you mean?" Aren't you afraid I'll kill you? I know you're a true soul, but losing this part of your soul is also a big hurt to you, right? "

Naive." Meng Qing suddenly stretched out his hand, and the rich soul power spread forward.

That soul power was like a big golden hand, spreading forward like a big sun, shining brightly in this space.

"Presumptuous!" The true soul suddenly roared low, stretched out his hand forward, and the gray aura around it gathered forward like a wave of smoke, like a prison cage covering it forward.

The two forces collided, and Meng Qing's true soul collapsed.

"Is the True Soul powerful? Look how I crush you! The instrument spirit was extremely proud, and his hands were raised, like a peace face, harnessing the gray aura and constantly rubbing the spiritual energy in front of him.

After ten breaths, the golden light was completely crushed by the gray aura, and those gray auras collapsed, spreading out like clouds and mist.

Meng Qing stood in front of him steadily, his face was very calm, and he did not feel lacking because his move was suppressed.

The instrument spirit was very tired of Meng Qing's attitude, and said indignantly:

"I can't see that you are quite able to pretend, let's wait until I suppress you, see how you still pretend!"

Meng Qing suddenly raised his head, he looked at the palm pattern, and said softly:

"I have to say, with Yunsu, your instinct as an artifact spirit has degraded a lot, you really didn't find that you are already a turtle in an urn now?"

The spirit looked around, everything was business as usual, at least on the surface, there was nothing wrong.

It was sure that Meng Qing said this just to scare it:

"It's a mystery!"

It spread out its hands, and the gray aura around it continued to roll, surging towards the center in unison.

Meng Qing sighed: "Forget it, I originally planned to accept you to let you follow me, but now it seems that your brain is here with me, and I am afraid that it will lower the average IQ of my team." As

soon as the words fell, a large area of golden light suddenly gushed out from the gray aura around him.

The power of the true soul that should have been hidden in it surged in large swaths, like a large net, and the golden light was connected into one piece, enveloping the entire spirit of the vessel.

It was roaring, trying to mobilize the gray aura around it, but those auras disintegrated before they could get close, and later, it even lost its connection with the artifact.

"How is this possible? How could I not perceive the ontology? The spirit still couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

"It's simple, because it's worthless for you to continue to live." Meng Qing raised his palm, and his body forged by a true soul was even collapsing, and finally turned into a soul sword and shot forward.

The spirit roared, the soul sword fell, and the sound of the barrier shattering came out, and the surrounding darkness completely dispersed.

At the same time, Meng Qing's body, who was rushing outside, suddenly frowned, he felt a little dizzy, and for the sake of safety, he forged all that part of the true soul into a soul sword and bombarded forward.

Losing part of his true soul all of a sudden was still a little reluctant for him.

While unsealing the halberd seal, his eyebrows suddenly felt a little cold.

"Don't move." Chen Yu's voice came.

Meng Qing did so.

A cold breath came, giving him the feeling as if his divine soul was completely immersed in warm water, and his divine soul was recovering rapidly.

In less than a moment before and after, Meng Qing's divine soul returned to its peak.

Chen Yu withdrew his hand and continued to hurry ahead.

Meng Qing said softly, "Thank you." "

There was no response.

Ascending Qianzhang again, the corpses of large spirit beasts began to appear on the ground, and the worst was also the Beast Venerable.

"I'll go, the spirit beasts here won't be isolated from the outside world since ancient times, right? Most of them turned out to be exactly the same as the ones I remembered! Xiaotai exclaimed.

The two continued to step forward, and Yun Su seemed to have killed a bloody path here, and the spirit beasts that blocked in front of them were all ambushed regardless of their cultivation level.

Meng Qing was surprised, it seemed that this Yunsu was not so wasteful, many of those spirit beasts were close to too empty, and even the corpses were emitting broken runes, which were very strong.

He looked up at the sky and said thoughtfully:

"I don't know if you have noticed, since we stepped here, time has been different from the outside world, there is no night and day."

In the cave, Brother Chicken, who was about to poke out his neck to look out, suddenly withdrew his body and quickly took out a jade Jane.

It was a teleportation formation, and a person with the 'Du Pet: Xiaobai' note on it sent a message:


Brother Chicken's hands were a little shaky, and he quickly edited a morning word and prepared to send it.

Just as Xiao Tai came over, she glanced at him and said,

"My wife told you early?" The fool just returned early, and the words of high emotional intelligence replied to warm her all day!

After that, he had already put on a posture of asking Brother Chicken to beg him.

Brother Chicken nodded, quickly edited and sent:

"Warm her all day!"

"Warm your mother!"

! “?"

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