Jiang Lou took a deep breath, and there was an endless battle intent in his eyes:

"Then it seems that we must have done one, just right, looking at the extraordinary combat power you showed in the ruins before, I want to learn that there are only two of us here, if there are many people, we will end up in the name of bullying more."

Meng Qing nodded, and he thought of another aspect:

"Since you are talking about this, then I promise you, if you do not fight with a beast in this battle, I will never summon a beast."

Jiang Lou no longer spoke, his sleeve robe caressed, and a huge amount of spiritual energy surged from all around towards the center, and from a distance, he seemed to become a large whirlpool, and the spiritual energy around him was summoned in some way.

A light and shadow appeared behind him, occupying a square circle of space.

Meng Qing opened his pupils, only then did he see clearly that the true body of that light and shadow was actually a jade seal!

"The name of the mysteries I have cultivated is justice, which is intended to dispel all darkness!" Jiang Lou whispered, under the shroud of that jade seal, he moved, although his body exuded righteous qi, but in Meng Qing's eyes, he was like a fierce beast that preyed on.

He punched, and the space where Meng Qing was located was slightly distorted, and some of it even collapsed.

Facing Jiang Lou, who exerted his full strength, Meng Qing did not dare to be careless, and the True Demon Overlord Body and Origin Qi were exerted at the same time, and the momentum was huge.

The two fists collided, like two high-speed moving heavy objects colliding with each other, and the earth under the feet of the two exploded one after another, flying around, and a hole as deep as a zhang formed was formed.

Meng Qing stepped back seven or eight zhang, and Fang Cai's punch gave him the feeling that he had smashed into a mountain range made of fine iron, and his fists were slightly red.

On the other hand, Jiang Lou only retreated three or four times, and although the expression on his face was indifferent, it could still be seen from his gently trembling palm that he was not feeling well.

The two fought again.

The two of them were full of aura, each of them urged their own mysteries to the extreme, and they used their hands, palms, fists, and legs to the extreme in hand-to-hand combat.

There were constant sonic booms in this area, and occasionally the shock wave generated by the battle between the two spread out to all around, and when they landed, they all pulled the ground out one after another.


Meng Qing's fighting intent was high, and he decisively urged the war intent oven.

When the dark gray and strange gray glow of the battle intent oven appeared, Jiang Lou was obviously shocked.

He had also seen Meng Qing Shi before, but he had not observed it closely, but now he found that Meng Qing's oven only had a strange color, which was not good, and the power was even more terrifying than the increase of ordinary ovens!

As soon as Jiang Lou's sleeves were raised, he had to urge the oven to deal with it as well.

No, if he didn't fight with the oven, his mysteries would be shaken by Meng Qing!

It was something he hadn't thought about before.

Although Jiang Lou has always been peaceful, he also has a proud heart, in his cognition, only people who are stronger than him can become his opponents, which is also his principle since he embarked on the martial arts, but now he is fighting with people who are a big realm lower than him, which makes him somewhat unbalanced.

The two fought each other, and soon a hundred moves passed, but during this period, the two remained deadlocked, and neither of them could break the other's defenses.

By the time he reached the third hundredth move, Meng Qing already showed signs of being in a weak position.

His aura had already shown signs of scarcity under the long-term burning of the True Demon Overlord's body, which was very deadly.

Jiang Lou's spirit lifted, and he used his martial arts:

"Purple Qi to the east!"

The jade seal suspended above his head emitted a strong light, and what made people feel strange was that although the light wheel emitted at the edge was very dazzling, the center was pitch black.

When suspended in mid-air, it is as if the whole piece has been dug up, like a black hole.

The next moment, the spiritual energy in this domain seemed to be inspired and rushed forward.

A round of purple big sun was held up by him, and locked Meng Qing while being thrown by Jiang Lou.

"Origin Qi!"

"True Demon Town Heavenly Fist!"

Meng Qing continued to burn the spiritual energy in his body, his left hand was pitch black, his right hand was dark gray, intertwined with each other, and a punch blasted out, and the dark gray aura was like a dragon bombarding forward, making the power of the fist seal even more terrifying.

The Purple Great Sun kept cutting forward, but in the face of Meng Qing's fist, he couldn't do anything, and the gray aura carried on the fist was even eroding the Purple Day!

Jiang Lou noticed this scene, and he asked in surprise: "What is this mysteries?!"

Meng Qing was silent, stepped out, and as the fist mark moved forward, the purple sun was disintegrated, and he also arrived in front of Jiang Lou, and another punch bombarded, hitting the latter's chest.

That jade seal emitted a strong light, bombarding him back for several zhang, just as he punched again, Jiang Lou condensed the aura again, it was a light and shadow, the shape was like a big ding, it was frantically swallowing the aura, and it was extremely unstable.

"Annihilation of the country!"

When the last word was spoken, the big ding spun and killed.

Meng Qing's eyelids jumped wildly, his hands turned dark gray, and a dark gray space condensed in front of him, which was completely condensed by the Origin Qi.

"You have to carry this trick! Annihilation is to cut off all your own luck and prevent you from taking advantage of it! National Death is that the aura carried by this great ding will be released to the castee when it comes into contact with the medium. Jiang Lou said coldly, a rune appeared in his eyebrows, a golden light lingered throughout his body, and an extremely rich aura was instilled into his body.

The moment Da Ding came into contact with the deep gray space, the terrifying power gathered in it was released in an instant, and at that moment, the field that wrapped the two of them in it was even trembling!

Meng Qing's body was instantly overwhelmed by that terrifying energy.

That raging aura lasted for nearly a hundred breaths, and when it finally stopped, it suddenly exuded wisps of gray aura.

Jiang Lou frowned: "This is..." Without

waiting for him to think about it, the gray aura suddenly increased, like a large net erupting from the inside out, suppressing all the chaotic and raging forces!

The next moment, Meng Qing walked out of it.

When he saw that Meng Qing was unharmed except for most of his clothes, Jiang Lou was shocked: "How is this possible?!"

At this time, Meng Qing's whole body seemed to have been rubbed fiercely by a pair of invisible big hands, no matter where it was sore, most of Fang Cai's damage was absorbed by that black inner armor, and only a very small part of what he had endured.

He knew very well that at the moment, he was definitely not Jiang Lou's opponent by relying on Aura alone, if he added those four innate runes, it might be difficult to predict the victory or defeat, but exposing the hole cards too early was not what he wanted, moreover, with Jiang Lou's vision, once he recognized the innate runes, the follow-up trouble would be even greater!

It's time for this battle to end.

Jiang Lou quickly woke up from the shock, and he said seriously: "Even if you are unharmed, it will not help, there is not much spiritual energy left in your body, unless you meet it with a true soul, but I advise you not to do this." He

took out something that looked like a conch shell.

"Yo, it turned out to be a holy conch shell, this person's foundation can be, this kind of thing is rare now." Xiao Tai seemed to have discovered a new continent.

Then, he explained this thing to Meng Qing, claiming that this object could carry divine soul martial arts, simply put, it could absorb and return all the divine soul martial arts cast by the other party!

The corners of Meng Qing's mouth rose: "Is it?" I'd like to see where the limits of this thing are! "

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