For half an hour, Meng Qing had forgotten that he had heard the girl muttering softly for the first time: "Men don't have a good thing, they all deserve to die!"

He was quite speechless, and finally couldn't help but say: "Although I don't know what your relationship is with the person you want to kill, if you continue to talk, I'm afraid I'll be annoyed by you first."

The girl pouted and ignored him, only to say it again later.

The two walked along the stone forest, but found that the realm seemed to be out of bounds.

Several times the girl wanted to ask aloud, but when she saw that the place she passed now was no longer marked at that time, she swallowed all the words that came to her lips.

Until half a day later, Meng Qing obviously felt that the towering stones around him were gradually getting shorter, and even the Xuanxian death power that lingered in the air was constantly weakening.

He was finally sure that they were not far from the edge of this stone forest.

A strange cry came out, Meng Qing subconsciously defended, while the girl on the side was obviously nervous, standing helplessly.

When he understood the source of the cry, Meng Qing took out a piece of beast meat from the mustard bracelet: "Give."

"I don't eat what men give." The girl turned her head arrogantly, obviously not wanting to pay attention to him.

"It's okay if you don't eat, there may be a fight when you walk out of this place later, don't hold me back then."

The girl then snatched the meat with her hand, temporarily turned her back, and swallowed it in a big gulp.

In the cave, Xiao Tai smiled wickedly:

"This lady doesn't look very smart, or we can kill her?" Just get a resource. Brother

Chicken also nodded on the side: "I think this plan is very good." "

What a fart!" Meng Qing said angrily: "Some things are not as easy as you think, this person can appear here, although it seems to be stupid, but if there is no real material, she has already been trapped and killed by this stone forest, and no one dares to guarantee that she has any killer skills." On

the other side, the girl replenished the food, put on the mask, and when she saw Meng Qing looking her up and down, she immediately took a few steps back and said with a serious face:

"I don't have the elixir anymore, the spirit meat is what you want me to eat, it's none of my business."

Meng Qing wanted to cover his face, did he look a lot like the kind of person who wanted resources to die? He didn't say anything and moved on.

A black shadow appeared in front of them, at first it was only at the level of the lowest end of the stone forest they could see, and then it continued to rise, and when they walked out of the stone forest, they found that the black shadow turned out to be a tall mountain!

It was like a heavenly graben, straddling the two of them, blocking the way to continue to advance, and the only way to continue to step forward was to step over it.

The girl quickly stepped forward and said excitedly: "I finally walked out of that broken place!" I'm so happy! I'm not far from you, wait, I'm going to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

Meng Qing didn't bother to pay attention to it, but before he could completely walk out of the area where the stone forest was located, the mountain range suddenly trembled, the ground dozens of zhang away suddenly cracked, and two earth people made of earth and stone condensation slowly emerged.

"It's actually two?" Meng Qing frowned, this is troublesome, if this native is similar in strength to the stone man before, then he probably can't deal with it!

The girl kept retreating, and the two natives had a strong Xuanxian death force, but unlike the previous stone people, this time the death force only extended outward, turning into a field that sealed the way forward for the two.

If you want to cross the past, you can only defeat them!

"There is nothing out of anger, you guys just came!" The girl suddenly stomped her foot, and a dark golden light surged on her body, and that light actually changed into a set of armor!

This armor seemed to have some kind of amplification effect, and it actually increased the girl's aura to the level of being infinitely close to too void!

Meng Qing's eyelids jumped wildly, he suddenly remembered, no wonder he felt that the girl was a little familiar, isn't this the young lord of the city lord's mansion?!

He had seen the latter when he was recruiting relatives in the city before, but at that time the latter wore a mask and did not speak the whole time.

Later, although he heard this person's voice with the help of the formation on Liang Zhongxian's body, he did not see the true appearance of this person because of avoiding suspicion.

Fang Cai and the two met, just a glimpse, coupled with preconceived notions, he naturally would not associate the person who appeared here with the latter.

But at this time, the armor was possessed, and with the breath bonus, he remembered it all at once.

Xiao Tai also said, "I can't rely on it, right?" What is this man doing here? Isn't this troublemaking? What a! Brother

Chicken hesitated, "Do you remember when she said that the enemy of life and death is also here?" Shouldn't it be Liang Zhongxian?

Meng Qing thought of the ins and outs at once, and suddenly had a headache: "Don't be, it must be!" Now it's trouble! "


A figure of earth rushed towards Ling You, and when it advanced, the ground around it even set off layers of soil like waves, layered on top of each other, and sharp ground thorns emerged, like sharp spears bombarding forward, but this could not even break Ling You's armor.

With a flash of cold light, a long sword appeared in Ling You's palm, spiritual energy was injected, and between the forward bombardment, a formation like a six-pointed star emerged, and the earth man punched out, and most of the strength was offset by the formation!

Meng Qing took out his fist holster and put it on as well.

The True Demon Overlord Body and the Hundred Refining Demon Breaking Strength were cast at the same time, and he still wanted to carry it hard!

Another earth figure slammed towards him, two fists collided, a layer of qi waves spread outward, and small stones scattered on the ground flew around.

At this moment, no one could help anyone.

"Huh? This native is obviously not as powerful as the stone man! So what are its advantages? Meng Qing thought quickly.

The body of the stone man is extremely hard, and ordinary means cannot break through the defense at all, and this native as an intermediate checkpoint, there should also be a difficult place.

"Well, watch me kill you first!" He roared low, a gray light appeared in his eyes, and the Origin Qi and Qi and Blood Oven appeared at the same time, pushing his aura greatly and instantly reaching a level that was infinitely close to too empty.

This sudden burst of powerful aura even shocked Ling You, who was more than a dozen feet away, and Ling You's mouth hidden under the mask skimmed slightly: "I can't see it, the sense of battle is not bad." The

earth man opposite Meng Qing also had a layer of yellow light all over his body, and the strength of his whole body seemed to converge towards the fist, although there was no aura fluctuation on its body, but it gave Meng Qing the feeling that it was not lost to any half step.

The two fists collided, and the ground under their feet was even slightly dented, and a dirt pit emerged!

The pitch-black and dark gray rays lingering on Meng Qing's fist invaded forward in unison, like a roaring black dragon strangling forward, completely disintegrating the natives.

Scattered clods of earth fell to the ground.

"Is this the end of it?" Xiao Tai asked in shock, he always felt that this was a bit too simple.

Ling You also noticed this scene, and she pouted a little unwillingly: "Can I still lose to you a little true god?!" The

long sword in her hand suddenly swirled with light and shadow, cutting forward horizontally, like a scalpel cutting through flesh and blood, and the natives had no room to resist and were disintegrated.

Meng Qing was about to put away his fist, but suddenly his brows furrowed, and the shattered earth block actually moved!

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