Outside the secret realm, on the stone platform—

today is the time when the secret realm ends, and many elders of the Yunxiao Sect are here.

In addition to greeting, another reason is to witness the appearance and state of those disciples walking out of here.

Once recognized by the secret realm, it is no surprise that he can become a disciple of the Yunxiao Sect.

The number and quality of disciples recognized by the Secret Realm are related to the future of the Yunxiao Sect!

But this time is obviously different.

In addition to the many elders in the audience, on another high platform, there were also figures with a terrifying breath.

They are all the masters of the major forces!

Among them, there are the Great Chen Kingdom, the Zi family, and some other big families.

Their faces are not good-looking.

Some people who did not know the situation whispered:

"There are a lot of lords of the major forces present this year, right?"

"Yes, in the past, one or two were considered a big thing, but why did there come no less than ten this time?"

"I heard that all the lords of the major forces who were invited here were either the juniors of the clan who died inside, or they were in a worrying state, could it be that these people are?"

"Shhh, don't talk nonsense, you see, such as that Zi family and the Xi family are both strong families, how can their disciples be completely destroyed? Stop talking! Over

time, many noble elders appeared.

After another while, there was an exclamation from the crowd, and someone was surprised:

"What happened in the secret realm this time?" Why were even the core elders alarmed? The

person who came was a veiled woman who had no other words, just standing there as a deterrent.

Someone said her identity, and it was said that her surname was Yuan, but because she wore a veil all year round, some people, whether it was disciples or major forces, called her Elder Yuan in private.

Seeing this, the lords of the major forces who had originally gloomy faces stood up and saluted.

"You don't need to be polite, I just acted on orders to maintain order." The core elder said lightly.

Everyone was stunned, and they clearly heard the warning!

"Hmph, the core elders came out to maintain order? Are you afraid that I won't be able to make trouble? A tall middle-aged man with fair skin, purple hair and a tall figure said coldly.

His name is Ziyu, he is the head of the Zi family, and he is also the father of Zi Yu and Zi Ling.

Elder Yuan suddenly looked at him, and in an instant, an invisible coercive pressure crushed over.

Zi Yu sat upright, obviously not afraid, waved his hand lightly, and said with a smile:

"Please also ask the elder's forgiveness, please forgive a father who has just lost his child for speaking rashly."

These words were like a bombshell, which suddenly made both the disciples and the lords of other forces shrink.

The king of the Great Chen Kingdom also said:

"It seems that more than the next family encountered this situation, this year ten disciples in our country have become trial disciples of your sect, and some time ago there was news from the ancestral land that the soul lamps of these ten juniors were all extinguished."

The barbarian patriarch's voice was thunderous: "The same is true of my clan. "

Everyone's pupils shrank again, all extinguished?

They know all too well what that means.

Then the lord of the great power answered:

"Although the soul lamp of my family has not been extinguished, it is in a very bad state."

On the other side of the stone platform, Qin Yuan's face was extremely gloomy, he was holding a shattered soul talisman in his hand, and there was a flat character written on it!

These people's words were like bombs, instantly igniting the gossip hearts of onlookers.

They all want to know what is really happening in this secret realm!

Elder Yuan's tone did not fluctuate:

"For the misfortune that has occurred in your family, Yunxiao Sect is deeply sorry, it is not too late to wait for these disciples to come out and find out the reason, please be calm."


There was a boom from below.

When the ripples tended to stabilize, several disciples came out of it.

On the side, the elder in charge of recording stared at their shoulders a little nervously, and when he noticed that the mark above lit up, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

After more than a dozen people, a large group of disciples who had not been recognized by the secret realm poured out.

The lords of the major forces present leaned forward, all trying their best to find their disciples.

"Daddy? What are you doing here? At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the crowd, it was Xi Lang.

When he saw the head of the Xi family, he was immediately surprised.

On the other side, when the head of the West family saw that his son was safe and sound, his heart relaxed and he was slightly curious, why did he seem to be fine, but the soul lamp dimmed down?

"Daddy! You want to save me, Meng Qing poisoned me, and said that you should pay a ransom, otherwise you will wait to collect my body!" Xilang suddenly shouted.

The huge square was silent for a moment.

Meng Qing?

Why is this name a little familiar?

"Master, you must save us, Meng Qing caught us, poisoned us, and blackmailed you!"

"Patriarch, we are also like this, Meng Qing also poisoned us!"


the next hundred or so people claimed.

Those heads of big families can't help but be angry and poisoned? Extortion? What a big boldness!

When the field was full again, the shouting finally stopped.

But at this time, not only those lords of great power, but also many elders of the Yunxiao Sect, they couldn't help but want to cover their faces, and it was not easy to end now!

In the southwest, Xuan Shu's little face was full of worry, and grabbed Xuan Yi's clothes:

"Brother, do you say that Meng Qing will have an accident?"

Xuan Yi beat the drum in his heart, but still said calmly:

"No, don't forget, Elder Shi is Meng Qing's master, he won't sit idly by!"

On the stone platform, Zi Yu asked Zi Ling, who was standing in the crowd:

"Zi Ling, your brother was also killed by this person named Meng Qing?"

Zi Ling nodded slightly.

Zi Yu closed his eyes, then slowly opened them, and asked in a deep voice:

"So, who is Meng Qing?"

The ripples on the stone platform trembled, a figure gradually solidified, and a lazy voice came out:

"Someone called me? Is it ready for ransom and ready to redeem?

Meng Qing walked out slowly, in fact, he was still a little unhappy.

After the gate opened in the secret territory was opened, he specially blocked the door to collect tolls, how could those geniuses agree?

In this way, he expanded the army of blackmail from the original dozens to hundreds!

Zi Yu suddenly stood up, his eyes seemed to shoot a sharp sword, and the killing intent condensed into a substance and suppressed downward, pressing towards Meng Qing like a mountain:

"You bastard boy, do you know what it means to kill my clan's Qilin'er?!"

Before that coercive pressure fell, a curtain of light appeared, blocking all the attacks for him.

Not only that, that light curtain seemed to give birth to spirituality, returning all the oppression that Ziyu bombarded out!

The four pillars shone, and the terrifying killing intent locked Zi Yu's figure, as if to warn and raise points.

Elder Yuan spoke up, "

Patriarch Zi, I know you are very sad now, but I want to remind you of three points.

First, this is my Yunxiao Sect, even if this matter is Meng Qing's doing, it will be punished by the Yunxiao Sect, not you!"

Second, as long as I am in that high platform, my disciples of the Yunxiao Sect are absolutely safe, and the tricks you cast will be returned to you intact.

Third, Meng Qing was a disciple of Elder Shi Yu.

After hearing this, Zi Yu's face couldn't help but turn blue and white, and then said:

"I'm sorry Elder Yuan, the junior of the Zi family suffered heavy casualties, and Zi Mou was impulsive."

The lords of the other forces could not remain calm, the first two points were fine, but Meng Qing was a disciple of Elder Shi Yu?

Suddenly, they remembered, some time ago there was indeed news that Shi Yu had accepted a disciple, but it was this kid? This is trouble!

Shi Yu is too terrifying in terms of identity and strength, such a person, they are not willing to fight with it!

But Meng Qing killed the juniors in their clan, if this breath did not come out, how should the world view them in the future?

Meng Qing slowly looked at Zi Yu:

"Is the head of the Zi family?" You only accused me of killing him, but you didn't ask me why I killed him, so I'll tell you about it. "

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