The three of them walked along the path, often looking around, both wary and curious.

In less than half an hour, they had seen many spirit beasts that they had never seen before.

"That little creature is so cute, I want to hold it in my arms and stroke it!" Ling You rubbed the little dot in his arms, compared with the spirit beast in front of him with pure blue body hair, fluff on his neck showing gradient color, short limbs, and lazily napping on the ground, he suddenly felt that the latter was more cute.

Xiao Budian pricked up his ears, glanced at the little creature over there, and said disdainfully:

"Cut, what's the use of being cute?" Not a flower rack yet? After

speaking, he didn't forget to sell a cute to Ling You, and his head arched around, wanting to ask for some elixir to eat.

In this regard, Meng Qing rolled his eyes: "You seem to be a soft rice eater."

Xiao Budian raised his head and said, "What's wrong with eating soft rice?" Being able to eat soft rice is my skill, but if I want to eat it, I can't eat it! "


Suddenly, a sonic boom sounded in the distance, it was a white spirit wolf, covered in silver runes, and it was like a silver lightning bolt when it leaped forward.

Its cultivation was roughly equivalent to the peak of the Holy Sacrifice, and the target it hunted was the little blue creature.

Ling You was anxious: "Do you want to save it?" It's so pitiful, it's about to be eaten!

Meng Qing raised his hand to stop it, and said gently: "The law of the jungle is the law of nature, and don't judge the strength of a spirit beast by appearance, especially ... A creature who is weak and uncontrollable when surrounded by strong enemies.

When it approached, the spirit wolf suddenly opened its blood basin and mouth, and for a moment, its eyes turned blood red.

The little blue creature's cheeks bulged up, and suddenly blew forward.

The originally quiet place suddenly lit up, and a large whirlpool emerged, just like the sucker cup of a giant octopus, which was extremely terrifying.

The spirit wolf had already reached the front, and before it could even resist, it was swallowed whole, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The little creature burped very comfortably, and turned to look at Meng Qing and the others, but at this time, it was no longer lazy before, and the aura it emitted was only indifference and bloodthirsty.

Ling You was frightened by this breath and couldn't help but retreat.

Xiao Budian jumped down from her arms and said to the little blue creature: "What to see?" Get out of here! Looking so ugly and looking around? You can't die if you want to!

The little blue creature stared at Xiao Budian coldly, but the next moment it seemed to see something terrifying, and he ran away in a panic.

"Did the master see it just now? The mysterious runes on Xiao Budian's body. Xiao Tai asked.

Meng Qing nodded, and at that moment, a trace of light emanated from Xiao Budian's body, although it was dim, but it had a shocking power that frightened his heart, and most of the blue creatures noticed this and fled.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's a Beast God rune! This is a secret technique that can only be mastered by the beast god or the creatures recognized by the beast god, and it can make the surrounding spirit beasts obey unconditionally. Fluttershy said.

"I've heard of this thing before, but isn't it something that only appears when you reach Zhenwu?" Meng Qing was curious, when Brother Chicken abducted Xiao Budian out of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, he had done a lot of homework in secret and learned some information.

"Xiao Budian once saw the ancient beast god in the secret realm before, maybe he was ordered by him, and I heard that the beast god has a special preference for people with the same identity, so if they meet, most of them will plant many runes on the latter, maybe it is just one." Fluttershy said.

Meng Qing nodded, and then looked at Xiao Bu, it was already triumphantly leaning on Ling You's arms and eating a bunch of demigod medicines.

"Well, this is really delicious, crispy very, wow, how good it would be if I met you earlier, unlike that Meng pickpocket, stingy to death, only give me a little food to eat every time, so that I haven't eaten enough every time, and even my height has fallen a lot." Xiao Budian was saying bad things about Meng Qing to Ling You in a voice that he thought was very small.

This made the latter can't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

"You're a little bastard, and if you have milk, you're a mother?" Meng Qingdao.

Xiao Budian was taken aback: "Wow, how do you eavesdrop on people?"

Ling You protected Xiao Bu tightly, and said at the same time: "How can a child lie, you must have treated it badly before."

Meng Qing was too lazy to explain anything, and walked forward without thinking about himself.

Soon, the three walked to a small town.

When they entered it, they found that although it was large and the buildings were densely packed at a glance, the flow of people was very small, and there were not even a few guys in charge of hospitality in a luxury restaurant.

"It's not quite right, it's a little too deserted." Meng Qingdao.

He went to a shop, and when he inquired, he understood that there was a secret place nearby, which would open every three months, and the restaurants and inns here were opened for those who participated in the trials of that secret realm.

"You guys really don't hurry, the secret realm has just opened for a month last time, and the next time it will take two months!" The stall owner explained enthusiastically.

Meng Qing thanked and repeated these words to the two women.

Ling You's eyes widened and he said with joy: "If this is the case, then there must be a super large teleportation array in this city, and I can go to my relatives!"

At the same time, she invited Chen Yu and Meng Qing to go together.

Chen Yu was obviously a little hesitant, along the way, Ling You did not tell her that her relative had a vast water area, and if she could practice in it, it would be of great help to Chen Yu now.

Meng Qing took out a delicate small earring and handed it to Chen Yu:

"This is a treasure I got before, which can protect the divine soul from prying eyes, maybe you can use it."

Ling You quipped on the side: "Xiao Beisheng is newly married, and now you start sending love tokens?" Rest assured, Sister Chen Yu's heart will always be with you.

Meng Qing glanced at her and said angrily: "If you don't speak, absolutely no one will treat you as a dumb."

Chen Yu's cheeks were slightly red, but when he was about to take it, he was held by Ling You's hand, and the latter said with a smile: "

Hey, this is the treasure you refined, there must be many mysteries above, right?" Sister Chen Yu's first contact, what if it is broken? Why don't you help her put it on.

Chen Yu immediately blushed to the root of his ears and whispered, "This... This is not okay.

Meng Qing said with a dark face: "Don't talk nonsense, people are smart, but they won't mistake these simple things."

Chen Yu put on the earrings, Meng Qing opened her pupils to observe, and there were Dao runes lingering around her, playing a protective role.

He looked at Xiao Budian again: "Then you stay by Chen Yu's side, don't run around by yourself, do you hear?"

Xiao Budian nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice: "Okay, I will definitely obey!"

Meng Qing sent the two women to the location of the teleportation array, and was about to leave, but found that Xiao Budian rushed out from the inside like a small whirlwind with his short legs, and suddenly got into his arms.

"Well, aren't you going to follow the two of them?"

Xiao Budian shook his head like a rattle: "No, I'm going to explore, being with them will only wear down my fighting spirit!" I want to get stronger! "

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