She suddenly turned around and looked ahead in disbelief, her body trembling slightly.

The qi and blood that had been circulating in her body for decades, making her suffer day and night, was as if she had seen a natural enemy, and was actually retreating, and there were signs of concentration flowing somewhere!

Not only that, but the organs that had been eroded by the cold were even rejuvenated under the light of this light!

The woman got up and was about to devote herself to the sunlight when the chicken brother's wings converged and the light dissipated.


At that moment, several people present seemed to hear a roar, like a flame suppressed by firewood burst out again, and the qi and blood in the woman's body became more and more cold, and the backlash suffered was more serious.

A trace of anger appeared in her eyes, and she roared low to Brother Chicken: "I want that light, quickly give me that light!" She

jumped forward and wanted to move forward, and with a wave of her wings, the aura that belonged to the Tai Void erupted, shaking her back continuously.

"How is this possible? Why do humans in the True Martial Realm have too virtual level beasts? The woman roared lowly, her eyes were full of stunned, and for a moment, she even forgot to suppress the cold qi that was constantly surging in her body.

When she realized that the cold qi was surging, she let out a low roar, and the terrifying qi splashed, and the extremely violent qi and blood were suppressed downward, and finally crushed the cold qi in all directions.

Meng Qing couldn't help but give this woman a thumbs up: "This is really a cow, the two forces have been colliding for a long time, and it is a blessing that she can be alive now!"

"Okay, let me briefly talk about the conditions, in the future, I will be my guard for a period of time, no more than one year, I will help you deal with the qi and blood in your body, but how to deal with it I have the final say." Brother Chicken was very heroic, and even snatched Meng Qing's lines.

The corners of Meng Qing's mouth stiffened slightly, and he couldn't help but be a little speechless, this chicken brother is really ...

But to his surprise, the woman actually agreed!

For a moment, the little lady was looking at each other frantically, they were all muttering, Brother Chicken should not be looking for a little wife!

Meng Qing had a headache, according to Brother Chicken's nature, this is completely possible!

He secretly said to Xiaotai and the others: "You must watch Brother Chicken, you must not let him fool around."

The beast nodded as if on the verge of death.

Brother Chicken summoned the sun halo again, and the woman sat down to receive the light.

Meng Qing winked at Xiao Tai, who realized it, quietly stepped forward and planted a divine soul mark on the woman.

A quarter of an hour later, that mass of cold qi was forced out of the body, and under the watering of the woman's blood for decades, the mass of qi and blood that exuded cold qi actually shimmered like a miracle medicine!

"Judging by the situation, that woman should have kept putting herself into a violent state before barely maintaining her balance, the cold qi swallowed a large amount of qi and blood essence, this thing said that there was no problem with the unformed miracle medicine, and it was also a great creation!" Xiao Tai said to Xiao Wen with some envy.

The latter took it, nodded solemnly to them, and then took a step into the cave sky.

Meng Qing looked at the closed Cave Heaven Gate, expecting that maybe Xiaowen could rely on this mass of qi and blood to enter the level that was infinitely close to the Tai Void.

Glancing at the time, it was already early in the morning, and not long after, Brother Chicken said proudly: "Master, that woman has all moved!"

"Recruited what?" Meng Qing asked.

"Her height and weight are three measurements... No, it's her origin and the experience of the original mass of qi and blood entering her body. After Brother Chicken said the first half of the sentence, he instinctively felt that something was wrong, and said with a smile.

When he knew the reason for the matter, Rao Meng Qing was also a little surprised:

"There is such a thing?"

That woman was originally a tiger, but after the qi and blood were contaminated, a pair of sharp horns grew on the top of her head!

Even later, when she looked at the members of the original group, she was like looking at prey, giving birth to the heart to hunt and devour, and she took the initiative to leave the group and seek medical treatment.

When she arrived here for several years, Yunqin City was recruiting troops, and when she learned that if she won, she could get the boundary breaking stone, she was moved, and she wanted to recreate her body with the boundary breaking stone!

As for those pills, they are a substance that can fill the aura with inertia, and if they are not found for more than an hour, they will be unaware of the follow-up!

"Her starting point and intention are good, no one can deny this, but unfortunately, this brain is really not enough, to build a body with a boundary breaking stone? Not to mention whether Yunqin City can get the first, even if it gets the first, the probability of getting the boundary breaking stone is very small. Meng Qing said.

Xiao Tai and the others nodded one after another.

Later, under the persuasion of Brother Chicken, Meng Qing released the woman and asked her to prepare for tomorrow's competition, and before that, he had to take down all of Fang Cai's pills.

"My name is Liangyu, and you can call me by my name in the future." The woman whispered outside the door, closing the door as she walked out.


Early the next morning, when Meng Qing was still cultivating, the door was kicked open by Qi Bei.

"Wow, the hardworking little Qingqing is still cultivating, did you sleep well last night? Did you dream of me at night? Are there any wet dreams? Come, sister check your body.

Seeing that little hand reaching out where it shouldn't, Meng Qing gently caught it, but Qi Bei was slippery like a loach, and pulled it backhandedly, taking advantage of Meng Qing's lack of reaction to interlock with his ten fingers.

"Early in the morning, aren't you like this?" Qi Beijiao said shyly, after speaking, she missed her body and fell backwards.

The corner of Meng Qing's mouth twitched, and he quickly avoided it.

Qi Bei looked like he would not give up if he did not achieve his goal, waved his long sleeves, rolled Meng Qing's waist, and gently pulled.

Meng Qing broke free, and Qi Bei with sharp eyes was about to get up, pointing to the acupuncture path with his aura, and fixed it.

"If I mess around again, I'll fix you for three days and three nights." Meng Qing threatened.

Qi Bei's mouth was unforgiving: "You know I won't resist, if you want people, a word of things, and..." Meng Qing

covered her mouth and frowned: "Don't make trouble, there will be a competition later." "

Someone coughed lightly on the periphery.

Meng Qing turned around but saw a guard facing away from the two, and he quickly said: "The competition is about to start, please let go of the children's love for the time being, and wait until the competition is over." "

This... The misunderstanding is big!

Qi Bei pretended to be coquettish and said in a sweet tone: "Okay, Brother Meng Qing, when the competition is over, you have to love others well."

Meng Qing turned around and left, Qi Bei was poisonous, if he stayed with her for a long time, he was afraid that something would happen to him.

The location of the contest is located in the northernmost part of the main mansion of Quanyincheng City.

It was an empty arena, surrounded by a freshly reclaimed appearance, as if it had been untouched for a long time, and now it was temporarily needed, so the ground was turned over.

Most of them are occupied, and the few empty seats are at the front, which are the positions of the contestants.

"Those city lords and the elders of various cities have actually arrived!" Meng Qing was surprised.

"What are you thinking? That is the core of a city, it is the most important, and the strong people selected by each city are fighting on behalf of the city, can they not be present? Zibei laughed.

In front of outsiders, she didn't look like before.

The two walked forward, and someone who knew Zibei greeted her, and the latter responded politely one by one, which was almost like the difference between the two of them.

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