The group walked along a downward passage, and the further down they went, the richer the furious aura lingered in the air.

It was the breath formed by the ore that had been hidden in the ground for many years after being immersed in the aura.

This naturally has no effect on a martial artist of Meng Qing's realm, but being in this kind of place for a long time may become depressing.

At the entrance of a very spacious mine cave, two people dressed in the costumes of Frost City guards were waiting there.

"This mine is well connected, and you can basically go to the ore mining boundary along every passage." The guard introduced succinctly.

Meng Qing nodded, and then, the former asked if he needed to accompany, but he politely refused.

"According to the city lord's orders, we have evacuated the miners in the mine in advance, if you need the assistance of the miners, just say so." The man said again.

Meng Qing nodded in surprise, he planned to enter alone.

When he learned of his plan, Zibei frowned slightly: "Really don't need helpers?" And what about bodyguards?

"Naturally not, you should know, I never do things that I am not sure of." Meng Qingdao.

"Whatever you want, then I'll wait for you outside, and I'll get you out when you don't come out at this point tomorrow!" Zibei said very unceremoniously.

Meng Qing nodded, and his body disappeared into the mine cave with a ledge.

The little one in his arms looked here and there excitedly, often stretched out his claws to hook some spars on the ground with aura, put them in his mouth and chewed them slowly, and at the same time let out a burst of satisfied cry.

Meng Qing casually asked, "Why do you like to eat boundary breaking stones?" Don't you think this thing is hard to digest?

"Of course not, I know from the previous beast god grandfather that every beast god can condense a space in the body that only he can find and use, of course, the more precious and hard the materials consumed when building this space, the more indestructible the space built at that time!" Xiao Budian quickly shot out while digging up all the scattered ores on the surrounding walls.

"Is it the Beast God Space? As far as I know, the Beast God Space can only be built when the spirit beast reaches the true martial arts, can Xiao Bu Dian do that step in advance? Xiaotai wondered.

This is not to question the ability of Xiao Bu, spirit beasts, especially those with higher bloodlines, must lay a foundation step by step in each realm, and if they are greedy and rash, they will even cause irreversible damage!

When he knew Xiao Tai's doubt, Xiao Budian explained: "Of course not, I have the law mark left by the previous Beast God Grandfather in my body, and he will teach me what to do!" Every step I do now is over-fulfilling!

Meng Qing put down his heart and said, "That's fine."

He thought about it and made a suggestion: "It's not small, how about we cooperate?"

"Cooperation with what?" Xiao Don't ask.

"I'll help you find the ore with the purest spiritual energy in this mine, you are responsible for collecting, and then the ore collected by the two of us is half of it?" Meng Qing smiled like a bad uncle who tricked children.

Xiao Budian's eyes immediately lit up: "Okay, okay, I want those with the purest aura, preferably without any impurities!"

Meng Qing packed the ticket and said, "Wrap it on me!" He

opened his pupils and quickly shuttled through the well-developed passages.

"Quick, over there, all gnawed!"

"Wherever, I'll come!"

"Quick, there is another party over there, all of them must be gnawed!"

"Where where? I'll come too!

"It's very pure here, pick it quickly!"

"Where? I'm coming,"

"There's still over here, you can't stay at all."

"Which? Here"

"There are also here, this is generous, work harder! That's fast! "

Here it is,"

"And over here!"


the first more than an hour, Xiao Xiao was full of energy, nibbling around at the ore.

Later, it became less interested.

When five or six hours later, it simply picks up and stops.

Although it ate a lot, looking at the amount of ore that Meng Qing got with just moving his mouth, he couldn't help but sit on the ground and said aggrievedly: "I'm going to tell a few grandfathers that you bullied me!"

Meng Qing was also a little weak-hearted, he dangled the various boundary breaking stones that were almost piled up into a small mountain in the mustard bracelet, and after asking the little empress dowager, he determined that these boundary breaking stones and even two weapons were more than enough.

"Okay, okay, we're not mining, go to the depths of the mine to see what the most essence of the place is, okay?" He picked Xiao Budian up.

The latter pretended to wipe a handful of tears and nodded, "Good."

Meng Qing walked along the winding passage, and the more he went forward, the more difficult the road ahead became, and in some places there were even puddles of tunnels, in which extremely corrosive liquids were located.

"It seems that those forces did not have smooth sailing when mining these ores, and they even had to open up a way forward with foreign objects," Xiaotai said.

Meng Qing nodded, the road to the depths became narrower and narrower, and often some excavated spaces that could only accommodate one person stood on both sides.

These are emergency passages, and if the mine collapses, these places can save the lives of those who mine in it.

After walking for almost a quarter of an hour, things such as special iron pickaxes and safety equipment for mining began to appear on both sides.

The ore here is surprisingly large, but most of it is only a small part of the outside world, and more is buried underground.

Xiao Budian is swallowing saliva frantically, and it is moving again!

"Do you have a way to get these ores out?" Meng Qing asked first, he claimed that he couldn't help it.

Xiao Bu nodded and said, "I can, but I need your help for me, and we will pay fifty-five points after the matter is completed!"

Meng Qing naturally agreed.

He hugged the large boundary breaking stone as Xiao Budian said, and Xiao Budian stood in front of it, and it spit out a rune, which spread outward when it was close to the ore, covering the whole body of the ore.

Meng Qing was surprised to find that most of the ore that was still hidden in the ground was loose!

Under his gaze, it was as if a layer of special spiritual energy spread to this huge boundary-breaking stone, and he withdrew it completely with a slight force!

When he pulled out the boundary-breaking stone entirely, he found that the stone was actually one foot long and one foot wide!

It's a cube.

Then, a scene that made Meng Qing's scalp numb appeared, and Xiao Bu opened his mouth wide, and actually swallowed this huge cube whole!

"My grass, what the hell is this little stomach made of? This boundary-breaking stone is almost ten years bigger! Xiao Tai and others were also frightened.

In less than ten breaths, the whole piece of ore was swallowed by Xiao Budian, who burped very satisfied, and then said: "It's okay, eat eight points full, let's continue to work!" A

boundary breaking stone with only one corner exposed caught their attention.

"Wow, this piece is good enough, I want it!" Xiao Budian screamed and rushed out.

Meng Qing also followed, but in the next moment, his brows furrowed and he yelled, "Xiao Bu quickly leave there!" "


The boundary-breaking stone was distorted, and a figure holding a sword appeared, slashing down with a sword against Xiao Budian!

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