The two looked around, but found nothing.

Just when they thought they all had an illusion, the flames in the fire pit in front suddenly jumped:

"Digging a groove, which one who killed a thousand knives is roasting Lao Tzu with fire?!"

It turned out to be the turtle that was constantly grilled by the flames.

It suddenly spat out words, rolled over and broke free from Meng Qing's restraints, and rolled on the ground.

Its turtle shell is burnt black, and there is even a faint smell of flesh coming out in some places.

Soon, the temperature on the surface of the turtle's body dropped, and he looked up and looked at Meng Qing.

One person and one turtle are stunned.

"Are you?!" They said in unison.

This is exactly the little turtle that snatched his treasure in the Nether!

"Well, you are a Wang Ba, you even dare to run to the Upper Realm? See if I don't kill you today! Meng Qing got up.

The little turtle pulled out its legs and ran, and wanted to pretend that he didn't know Meng Qing: "Who are you?" Do I know you well? Do you want to bake me and I can't run? I have a lot of adults, so I won't think about these with you first, I'll go first, goodbye!

Meng Qing almost laughed angrily.

But after a while, the little turtle escaped faster and faster.

If he really didn't have it in the past, but now...

He took out the small tower, confined the space around the little turtle, and pulled the whole into the small tower.

The little turtle who was running wildly was still muttering in his mouth: "Is this person's ghost still ghost?" How can Lao Tzu see him every time he wakes up? In order to hide from him, Laozi also ran to the upper realm, but the first person he saw when he opened his eyes was him, which is also too miserable, my turtle is so pitiful! "

But running and running it obviously doesn't feel right.

Looking around, I found that he was in mid-air!

"Keep running and see where you can run." A loud voice came out, like a decree, echoing in this heaven and earth for a long time, and never dissipated.

The little turtle raised its head, and when he saw Meng Qing overlooking it in mid-air, like the lord of this heaven and earth, he subconsciously said: "My grass, why have you ascended to heaven?" Hearing

this, Meng Qing immediately became angry!

As soon as he held his palm, the surrounding soil rolled over, and a cube emerged, and spikes spread, instantly trapping the little turtle in it.

"You are an artifact-level space spirit weapon?!" The little turtle had runes spreading outward all over its body, and the space around it seemed to be solidified, and the spikes could not be infinitely advanced to the near front.

Its limbs are shrunk into the turtle shell, revealing only one head.

The spikes couldn't help it.

The little turtle shouted: "You are so strange, you want to eat people when you meet, and if you can't eat people, you will imprison people, I tell you, you can only get my body at best, you can't get my turtle!"

Meng Qing said coldly: "Quickly say, where is my treasure?" If you don't hand it over, I want you to look good!

The little turtle quipped, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Meng Qing grabbed his palm in the air, and a large area of mountains collapsed in the distance, and all the trees that had grown above flew in.

He snapped his fingers, and the trees all burned spontaneously, enveloping the front like a fireball.

The little turtle initially saw that it was okay, and laughed: "Big pen!" What about your turtle master inside, my layer of barrier is inaccessible, you want to hurt me when you light a fire outside?

Meng Qing raised his eyebrows slightly, and did not speak.

In less than a hundred breaths, the little turtle suddenly felt wrong, and the temperature around it was rising violently!

In a short time, the barrier resembles a large steamer, and it jumps sharply inside:

"Scalding... You remove these flames, we have something to say!"

Meng Qing ignored it, but with a move in the air, a cluster of trees flew in again, building a bonfire on the barrier under the little turtle!

One snap of your fingers and the flames are blazing!

The little turtle was anxious and yelled: "Don't burn it, don't burn it, if you burn me to death, you won't get anything!"

Meng Qing suddenly raised his head, glanced at him, and beckoned again, this time, almost the trees in the entire secret realm flew in!

The little turtle was completely panicked, it knew that Meng Qing was a ruthless person, but it didn't expect him to be so ruthless!

It quickly shouted: "Don't burn it, that thing was snatched away by others, don't believe I can let you search your soul!"

Meng Qing's movements came to an abrupt end.

He withdrew the flames, but not completely, and the roaring flames kept the temperature inside the barrier undiminished or increased.

"Snatched by something? Where was it snatched away? Meng Qing asked.

The little turtle said quickly: "It's a small bird with a few colorful feathers on its head, and when I was dormant in the Nether, it suddenly broke into the place where I slept, and I chased all the way, and I chased it to the Upper Realm." Meng

Qing's face was strange, this product actually ran to the Upper Realm like this?

Isn't that a bit dramatic?

He asked, "And then you lost it?"

"My eldest brother, this upper realm is so big, I landed around here randomly, how do I know where it went?" The little turtle is about to cry, and it has smelled its own flesh, which is very bad.

Meng Qing completely removed the flames, and the little turtle hurriedly cast spells, and the runes spread, which made the temperature of the body surface drop.

"So what have you been doing all this time? Why is it in the seafood market? Meng Qing asked again, he still didn't believe the little turtle's words.

Previously, Xiao Tai had speculated that the former was a robber, which just explained why it did not have Aura in its body but was extremely fast.

"Eat and wait for death, occasionally fishing in the hope of catching that little bird." The little turtle returned to its original state, but the shell was still dark, which was burned by Meng Qing with charcoal fire when it was dormant.

It muttered: "The ghost master's famous name is going to be ruined, this black that is burned by the fire is not slippery, so how can I see people in the future?"

He remembered the image he had seen, threw the jade Jane away, and landed it firmly in front of the little turtle, and he asked in surprise: "Don't say that you made this thing."

The little turtle glanced at it, and when the two small paws were held in front of him, he said proudly: "Ah, yes, yes, this is what I made, how is it, is it very realistic?"

Meng Qing only said funny in his heart, and at the same time, he really wanted to beat this pit of goods, this is really a talent.

With his own strength, he actually played so many people around!

He asked, "How did you do it?" At that time, there were many people who saw this scene, and there were some famous people of great power, didn't they see the flaw?

The little turtle's eyes widened: "How is it possible, this is what the turtle master has experienced!" I put my own personal experience out there, the details were flawless, how could it be wrong?

Meng Qing's brows frowned, and he began to feel that this pit was unreliable again.

With a palm in his hand, the trees came again.

The little turtle immediately compromised, and it explained to Meng Qing, claiming that it was dreamed of, but it had a strong sense of substitution, as if it had experienced it personally, and before that, it often had some memory fragments in its mind, all related to that scene.

Meng Qing muttered in his heart, could it be that what Wang Ba said was true?

The little turtle rubbed its little paws below: "Now I have said everything that should be said, can you let me go?" I will definitely disappear rounded and will not hinder your eyes!

"Stay here until I retrieve my treasure!" Meng Qing snorted and lowered a barrier around the little turtle, building a movable space with a radius of hundreds of square meters.

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