Meng Qing fell, and he could see at a glance that the figure shrouded in white light was very strong, but he was not afraid, but said calmly:

"You are very daring to snatch my people away without saying a word?"

The light and shadow frowned slightly: "It's really interesting, I'm curious, why do you have the audacity to talk to me like this, can you tell me?"

Liangyu wanted to move, but was resisted by a barrier and couldn't move at all.

Meng Qing ran the Origin Qi, and when that layer of gray aura shrouded outward, the halo on Liang Yi's body suddenly trembled.

"Kind of interesting." Liang Yi said softly.

Meng Qing moved, he did not intend to talk to this person, the fist sleeve was taken out, the flames and gray mist were intertwined, and the visual impact was full.

But in the face of his punch, Liang Yi did not pay attention to it, but gently raised his palm and blocked forward.


The fist collided with the barrier, and the latter only fended off less than two breaths before disintegrating.

Liang Yi's palm trembled slightly, blood flowed out, and he was actually injured.

Liangyu broke out of the restraints and stood beside Meng Qing.

She explained the matter to Meng Qing in as concise language as possible.

Meng Qing nodded: "You rest on the side first, and I'll leave the rest to me." Brother

Chicken also walked out of the cave: "Little kitten, don't you know that Liangyu is my person now?" Abduct her without permission, your courage is really not ordinary.

Liang Yi laughed: "No wonder it's so rampant, it turns out that there is a second-order beast Venerable... Wait, you are a first-order beast Venerable human, how can you have a second-order Beast Venerable as a beast? "

It's very puzzling.

Meng Qing was too lazy to explain: "Let's go together and solve the battle as soon as possible, otherwise there will be more trouble later." Brother

Chicken nodded in agreement.


Brother Chicken took the lead, and the halo of his body spread out greatly, like a big sun, and at the same time, the surrounding space has been blocked, which can ensure that no one is disturbed during the battle.

Liang Yi smiled disdainfully: "In a moment, you will find that blocking this surrounding space is the most wrong decision you have made in your life, and there is no one!" "

It moved, took a step forward, revealed its body, and ran forward, during which time the earth trembled and the mountains disintegrated!

"Si Chen Burning Sun Wheel!"

Brother Chicken did not dare to be careless, and came up to make a killer move.

Meng Qing gave his Aura forward, allowing a layer of Origin Qi to be attached to Brother Chicken's light wheel.

The light wheel slashed forward, Liang Yi didn't even perform any martial arts, but jumped forward, and the aura was floating and condensed into an incomparably condensed light and shadow in front of him.

It roared, and the halo even showed signs of distortion.

The Burning Sun Wheel slashed forward, but when it touched Liang Yi's body, it collapsed.

A shock wave spread outward, and many holes appeared in the barrier that shrouded this hundred square meters of space.

One man and one beast quickly retreated, and it took more than a dozen feet to offset the impact.

"What a terrifying fluctuation!" Brother Chicken has palpitations.

"You can't resist before I even use a trick!" Liang Yi was very proud, almost arrogantly roaring.

Meng Qing looked at Liangyu: "Do you want revenge?" Now there's a great opportunity.

Liangyu shook his head very firmly: "Think!" Meng

Qing punched out a set of seals and attached them to Liangyu's hand.

"Kill you first!" Liang Yi roared low, jumped in front of Brother Chicken, raised his paw and shot down, invisibly as if a large mountain fell downward, and some towering mountains even had rocks collapse at the top.

Brother Chicken turned around and urged, "Are you okay?" This fur rushed right away! Although

Liang Yi realized that something was wrong, he still charged forward, and at the same time, the aura lingering on his body became more and more violent!

"Devouring Spirit Against Blood!"

Meng Qing roared lowly, pointing at Liangyu and Liangyi at the other, and a seal appeared in front of him.


Two muffled sounds came out in succession.

One of them came from Liang Yi, who was originally unstoppable, and suddenly seemed to have been drained of all the spiritual energy support, fell to the ground with a bang, and the flow of qi and blood in his body was also blocked.

It seemed that there were countless more vortices in its body, and spiritual energy flowed into it.

It shouted hastily: "What is this thing, why does it devour my aura?"

Meng Qing was silent and looked at Liangyu.

The claws on the latter's hands emitted dazzling red light, and at that moment, the murderous aura that erupted from this claw even gave Meng Qing goosebumps!

That ray of light rose up like a pillar of light, straight into Jiuxiao, and even reflected a large formation above this heavenly domain!

Liang Yi was completely panicked: "What are you?" Why is my aura running to you?

Liangyu roared lowly, her eyes were blood-red, and her qi and blood even crossed Zhenwu in an instant and entered the Tai Void!

"Blood God Technique, First Form, Angry Blood!"

She took a step forward, moving quickly and even dragging out the afterimage, and she grabbed Liang Yi's neck.

The latter looked at the astonishing Liangyu in front of him, and was completely panicked, especially that killing intent made his psychological defense completely collapse.


Liangyu's left hand blasted out, and this move directly pierced the latter's chest.

That pair of white wings were stained with blood, very hideous, and it was full of visual impact to look at.

A longing surged in Liangyu's heart, she wanted to eat Liangyi!

She bit Liang Yi's neck, and before the movement fell, a white light fell from above, like a body-fixing technique, stopping the former's movement.


An indifferent voice fell, Liangyu unconsciously let go of his hand, and even the soaring qi and blood on his body were suppressed.

Meng Qing looked up and saw that a figure appeared above him at some point.

It was as if he had touched the sky, and a supreme aura crushed downward, making his heart tremble.


It was a woman with white hair, delicate skin, delicate facial features and three-dimensional features, who could not see her age, but her face was somewhat similar to Liangyi.

"It's really sad, after betraying my Lightwing Divine Tiger clan, did you join such an unworthy race? I don't know what the two clansmen who gave you life at that time would think when they saw you doing this. The

woman seemed to be very disgusted with her, full of disgust.

Liangyu suddenly raised his head, and his body was violently alive!

A layer of red flame burned on her body, her hands were completely claws and her whole body was made of crystal, beautiful and flawless, but the murderous aura lingering above was terrifying.

She moved, rushed straight at the woman, clasped her hands together, and slashed downwards!

"No!" Meng Qing also stepped forward, and he and Brother Chicken joined forces to run the aura forward, wanting to stop Liangyu.

Without him, that woman's cultivation is one, and rashly starting can only be a dead end!

"Still not convinced? Now, let you, the lowly person, recognize the gap in strength between me and the others! The woman's brows furrowed, and her sleeve robe waved suddenly.


That space collapsed, and the distance between her and Liangyu seemed to go from several zhang to hundreds of zhang in an instant!

Liangyu was hit hard, and a tooth-souring sound of bones breaking came out, and at the same time, an unimaginably large force came, layered on top of each other, like a tide pushing forward, wrapping the three of them and flying backwards.

Knock knock!

It was like setting off firecrackers, and a ball of light flew backwards, hitting the hills and causing them to disintegrate.

Eventually, the light mass fell below and smashed a large hole in the ground.

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