Meng Qing urged the spiritual energy in his body with all his strength, and in the blink of an eye, he jumped beyond the mountains and forests.

That was too furious, Rao was not expecting that the former's real purpose was to rescue Xu Jianyu!


Meng Qing, who was advancing rapidly, suddenly felt a chill behind him, and at that moment, his sweaty hair stood upside down, and he felt a complete threat under this move!

He rolled over in the air and threw a punch at a passing tree, falling with the help of force.

There was a very clear sense of friction behind him, and a stream of blood light almost flew forward against Meng Qing's face, and the trees along the way were cut off one after another, and the soil was flying, which was terrifying.

A bright red red shadow descended from the sky, and the dagger flashed with cold light, like a sharp spear falling.

His hands attached to the aura and flew out like an off-string arrow.

The red shadow soon chased after him again.

The two of them went one after the other, and from time to time, terrifying aura fluctuations exploded around him, Meng Qing's hair stood upside down, some fine needles pierced him, and even punched out small holes in the origin qi!

Soon, a red shadow rose up in the air, it was an arrow.

In an instant, Meng Qing even felt that it became difficult to breathe!

He turned his backhand, and a snow-white thing appeared, which was exactly the white jade little lion.

He injected spiritual energy into the interior and threw it back.

In the chaotic field, there was suddenly a beast roar that resounded in the sky!

At the same time, everyone who was watching from afar on the periphery and did not dare to approach felt a palpitation for no reason.

"What's going on? What a terrible feeling, at that moment I seemed to feel that my soul was out of the body!

"I lean on, I actually broke out in a cold sweat unknowingly!"

None of them knew what was going on in it, but the only thing they knew for sure was that it was dangerous and definitely not allowed in!

In the forest, Meng Qing couldn't help but shiver when he saw that the Blood Sword Domain with no soul was too empty.

That person's divine soul is also perfect, but in front of that white jade little lion, there is no power to resist? That's just too scary.

He didn't have time to think about it, so he hurriedly swept away the man's mustard bracelet and continued to rush forward.

After a few breaths, he was already close to the battlefield.

Xu Jianyu's whole body was scarred, he was holding a long sword, and his body was close to exhaustion, but his will to fight was still strong.

And opposite him are two Tai Void Perfection and three Beginner Tai Void!

This is definitely an ultra-luxurious lineup.

When he approached here, he immediately attracted the attention of several people in the Blood Sword Domain, and the Tai Void Perfection gave a look at a beginner Tai Void, who led the order and rushed towards Meng Qing, as if to take his life.

Xu Jianyu said to Meng Qing from a distance:

"Brother Meng's kindness Xu Mou is in his heart, but for now, you better run, I have already released the signal, and someone will come to rescue me after a while!"

Meng Qing was silent, and he took out the Royal Kingdom Cold Roar from the small tower.

When the weapon that emitted flowing light appeared, both Xu Jianyu and several people in the Blood Sword Domain were shocked.

He pointed forward with his left hand, and the qi and blood oven emerged, coupled with the increase of the True Demon Overlord body, his aura instantly reached the level of infinitely close to the Tai Void!

Ninety percent of the spiritual energy of the whole body was injected into the spirit weapon, and a sword was cut out!

A figure appeared silently behind Meng Qing, and the blade flashed.

Xu Jianyu was horrified: "Brother Meng be careful!" The

golden light flashed, and the golden-robed Meng Qing appeared.

He gently stretched out his hand, and the blade could not advance an inch.

"Do you think that when I confronted you, I didn't expect you to perform these inferior tricks?" The golden-clothed Meng Qing smiled, and when the sword qi on the other side was forward, he also blasted out a palm, this palm was mixed with the power of innate runes, and he directly shot that person to death!


The sword qi crisscrossed forward, and the Tai Void that rushed towards Meng Qing died on the spot, and the following few people seemed to sense the power and retreated one after another, not daring to greet them.

Xu Jianyu took the opportunity to get out.

Meng Qing put away the spirit weapon and ran wildly in the direction where he came, finally escaping from the place where the barrier was.

When he was about to reach the exit, he suddenly turned around, ran in the other direction, and blasted the barrier in another place with a punch before rushing out.

After running wildly in the mountains and forests for a quarter of an hour, the firmament above suddenly cracked a corner.

A long sword carved out of gold fell from above, piercing the barrier below.

A figure then came out of the crack.

It was a middle-aged man, with a thin figure, but a sword qi naturally flowed all over his body, and even if he looked at it for a little longer, he would feel his eyes tingle.

"What a terrifying breath, this must be oneness!" Meng Qing's heart shook.

Even Gui Yi is strong and weak, this person is a sword cultivator, and there is such a degree of halo and sword qi rippling around his body, I am afraid that he is also an absolute leader in the same realm.

He rushed farther away.

It wasn't long, it was like a shot, just an ordinary sword, the entire mountain forest was trembling, and the sky-rushing sword qi rose with blood light, which was terrifying to believe.

"This breath is terrible! If it falls on me, I'm afraid I won't even have room to resist! Meng Qing said to himself in his heart, this aura was terrifying beyond his imagination.

He jumped, sped up his departure, and returned to the hub one step ahead of the troops.

When returning to the inn, several beasts were still immersed in the phantom island.

Meng Qing set up his defense again and also entered it.

The snow flying leaves on one side are still cultivating.

Meng Qing surrounded himself with a layer of soul power, and then took out the broken rune he got from Qi Yao.

The moment the rune started, something resonated in his body.

It was actually those four innate runes!

He was visualizing the broken runes, but those four runes actually transmitted him a strange consciousness, as if he wanted Meng Qing to cast them.

Although he was puzzled, he did so.

The four runes quickly took shape, displaying one in the east, south, and northwest, and actually surrounded the broken rune.

Then, a scene that made Meng Qing unbelievable appeared, those four runes actually released a luster, and they were actually repairing the broken runes!

"Really fake? This is not a rune body, just a rune I sketched, they alone can do this, how against the sky is the real rune? Meng Qing was full of surprise.

But no one could answer his questions.

He continued to bless several runes with soul power.

And when a period of time passed, these runes seemed to give birth to their own spiritual intelligence, and they were spontaneously absorbing soul power to grow!

"It is said that innate runes are the most incredible existence, and now I really believe it!"

In two days, the broken innate rune was repaired by one-sixth.

"If it goes on like this, it will take ten days, which is not too long." Meng Qing said to himself.

On the other side, Xue Feiye ended his cultivation.

Meng Qing got up, and he asked with a smile: "How do you feel?"

Xue Feiye waved his hand with a big grin: "It's okay, this time I will follow you to stain, and when I go back to meet Sister Su Pu, I will help you say a few nice words!"

"Can we reminisce now?" Actually, I'm curious to know what you've been through along the way. Meng Qing said.

Xue Feiye rolled her eyes: "Really? I'm embarrassed to break you! Where do you want to know what we have gone through, you clearly want to know Sister Su Pu! "

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