When he returned to the Lower Thirty-Six Peaks, Meng Qingpan was sitting on the top of the mountain, Xue Feiye was still in deep cultivation, he pulled out the large list of goods, and looked at the several vouchers displayed on the top but couldn't help frowning.

Most of these vouchers were bought for his beasts, but there was an exception.

He remembered the young man he met before, and a bad premonition was faintly born in his heart.

"Hopefully the problem won't be with you." Meng Qing whispered to herself.

He went out of Phantom Island, and after a few days, the defense in the hub turned out to be several times more!

After a long casual walk outside, he learned a news that surprised him.

"A disciple of a top power was assassinated, and the people of that big force were angry!"

"What the hell has happened lately? Many disciples of major forces have been assassinated to varying degrees, and I don't think it's a coincidence. "

Blood Sword Domain, this is a force that has been rumored to have been passed down since the era when there was no detailed record! It is said that as long as the price is enough, even the strongest in the world can be assassinated!

"Although it is very incredible, there are many records of major forces that have this point, and it should not be fake."

"What is not fake? It is no exaggeration to say that none of the top forces now dares to go to war with the Blood Sword Domain! Because the information network of the Blood Sword Domain is so terrifying, you don't even know if the pillow person who has always been lying next to you or the father and brother you have always respected are from the Blood Sword Domain!

"Can't you? Could it be that after so many years of getting along, there will still be no feelings?

"Those who join the Blood Sword Domain need to do a few things, the two most important of which are to cut off the seven emotions and six desires and learn to disguise!"

Meng Qing couldn't keep calm in his heart, he had seen the strength of the Blood Sword Domain, especially the camouflage technique, if it weren't for the small reminder, he wouldn't even be able to find out with the people in charge of the investigation of the Blood Sword Domain!

When he learned about the situation on the periphery, he quickly returned to the inn.

Glancing at Xiao Budian, the latter was still asleep, and what shocked him was that the aura that Xiao Budian was now showing around him was not weaker than him!

He gently reached out and stroked the small hairs, but found that those seemingly soft hairs were like steel needles, and small blood marks appeared on the palm of his hand!

"Could it be that the small beast god space has been condensed?" Meng Qing said to himself, he opened his pupils, but found that the former's body was still surrounded by a layer of power, completely excluding his exploration.

He withdrew and imposed many prohibitions again before entering Phantom Island.

There was not much time left for him.

To his surprise, Xue Feiye didn't know when he had left.

She left a message, claiming that she had something to do for the time being, and she would transfer all the things he was going to the Supreme Academy to Su Pu.

Meng Qing picked all the spars on the mountain peak and sold them for nearly 1,200 years.

Now his time has exceeded 5,000 years, but it is still far from 100,000 years.

He clicked on the list of peaks and chose the lower thirty-fifth peak.

"There is not much time left for me, I have to do this, except for the time I have, the spar on those peaks is my only way!" Meng Qing said to himself, and he left immediately.

The road to the Lower Thirty-Five Peaks is not far from this side.

But when he walked for half an hour, there was still no trace of the lower thirty-five peaks.

He stopped, a cloud of soul power appeared on his fingertips, and he threw it forward, but that soul power seemed to fall into the abyss at the moment of his strike, and he didn't even startle a wave!

Meng Qing was instantly alert, and he used his soul power to move through his body, ready to strike at any time.

Ripples rippled in front of him, and several people walked out of it.

Even the divine souls, their whole bodies were red, and at this time, they appeared one after another, like a raksha asking for their lives.

"People from the Blood Sword Domain?" Meng Qing asked with a frown.

The strength of these people is not weak, they are all true soul masters, and there is even a true soul consummation, and the surrounding field is completely closed, which is a complete death!

Don't say it's hunting True Soul Xiaocheng, even if True Soul Dacheng comes, you have to recognize it!


Those True Soul Dacheng moved at the same time, and runes appeared in their palms, running quickly towards Meng Qing's southeast, southwest, and northwest, and they were actually circling!

At the same time, Meng Qing only felt that the surrounding space seemed to be cut, and he was more like carrying a mountain, and it was difficult to even move!

He leaped, the time above his head decreased by a year, and after dodging the barrier, only a quarter of an hour later, several thin lines like blades appeared around the place where he was standing.

That space seemed to have collapsed!

His eyes narrowed, and just as he was about to strike, a blade shadow that flowed like the color of flames fell, forcing him to stop!

That true soul is done.

In an instant, those four True Soul Dacheng attacked from four different directions, which made him unable to take care of his whole body.

Knock knock!

His hands and feet suffered heavy injuries one after another, and he discovered that these people had slender and sharp blades on the edges of their palms, and these were all Horcruxes!

He threw several punches in succession, and when he was about to forcibly blast back one of them, the true soul successfully struck again, holding a long knife and slashing at Meng Qing's back.

But when the blade fell, there was only a crisp sound, which was exactly the Phantom Island Divine Armor that Meng Qing had collected from Qiyao!

Although the main role of this armor is to defend against rune attacks, it can also be very effective against Horcrux attacks.

Meng Qing roared lowly, he planned to suppress that True Soul Perfection first!

He condensed the first innate rune.

But those few people were not in a hurry at all, the runes in their palms glowed again, and those rays of light were intertwined with each other to form a scarlet rune, which actually blocked Meng Qing's innate rune in reverse!

"What is this trick? Can you block my runes? Meng Qing was puzzled.

That true soul struck again with a sword.

Meng Qing temporarily put down the first rune and turned to cast the second rune.

Those few people's palm runes glowed again, and actually sealed this second rune as well!

"Blockade, huh? See how many channels you can block! Meng Qing also came to temper, and he cast the third way again!

Several people in this Blood Sword Domain were shocked, and the true soul was shocked: "How is this possible? Do you hold so many innate runes? "

But those few runes flickered, and they actually blocked this third rune again!

And this time, the lines on the palms of those people finally dimmed.

Meng Qing took a deep breath and cast the fourth Dao again!

He poured a hundred years into the runes!

The True Soul was horrified, and even the hand holding the Horcrux began to tremble: "This is impossible!" How could you hold so many innate runes? "

The rune falling forward, it was originally a crushing advantage, coupled with Meng Qing's hundred years of time injection, directly killing that true soul!

And those True Soul Dacheng even lost the heart to resist!

In the face of innate runes, all their means were illusory.

Previously, when they agreed on the plan to assassinate Meng Qing, out of fear of innate runes, they specifically added soul spells that could block innate runes to three paths, but what they never dreamed of was that Meng Qing actually had four innate runes!

It's just terrible.

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