"Is that so? It seems that I really overestimated you. Meng Qing was very calm when he said this.

But his understatement made a frustrated peak lord around him, and someone urged:

"What are you still stunned? Hurry up and suppress this fang together!

Someone gave up first, and said with a bitter smile at the same time: "There is no hope, I basically guessed that Zi Yiyue was able to enter Phantom Island again because he got the certificate from Meng Qing, if he made another move, Phantom Island would implicate himself while expelling him!" "

Please expel Phantom Island, at least ten or more mountain lords need to strike at the same time, and the mountain lord will have to make as many shots as there are, less Meng Qing, we have already failed." The Lord of the Peaks continued.

They moved closer to the center and formed a circle, as if this would make them stronger.

At this time, there was a strange position in the field, Meng Qing on one side, Zi Yiyue on the side, and everyone on the left.

This station is outrageous in its strangeness, but no one in the audience has any objections.

Zi Yiyue looked at Meng Qing and whispered

, "I'm really sorry for you, in fact, I didn't know that you were the peak lord before,

and even after purchasing the voucher with you, I came in with other methods."

You can turn around and leave now, I won't strike at you, not now, and not in the future. The

peak lord said angrily:

"What will not shoot, you are a mountain of raccoon, now saying this is nothing more than trying to help him clear his name, this is impossible!"

Zi Yiyue said calmly, "Is it impossible? It seems that you feel that you have the confidence to win against me, and I am curious, what are you going to do? If the move doesn't hurt, I'll be disappointed. Several

peak masters looked at each other, and then nodded one after another, their bodies emitted a strong light, and the time above their heads was rapidly decreasing.

This is a sacrifice!

Zi Yiyue moved, he waved his hands, and the fluctuations that belonged to the perfection of the true soul were released outward, just like layers of waves covering forward, extremely terrifying!

That rich soul power invaded forward, like a constantly closing barrier to seal off the place where the many peak lords were.

But his move was still one step slower.

Some peak lords sacrificed their divine souls, causing the peaks they occupied to emit golden light that soared into the sky.

Soon, the peak lord followed suit and also began to sacrifice his own time.

Zi Yiyue's face changed drastically, and with a wave of his sleeve robe, a small transparent tower appeared, which was actually a Horcrux!

The small tower covers forward, enveloping many peak lords, and the connection they have established with their respective peaks is also severed.

Zi Yiyue's face did not relax much, and the next moment, the entire phantom island was trembling!

Above the small tower, a giant formation emerged, and the runes above were displayed, projected downward, and the field around the small tower turned bright gold at the moment of appearance.

A beam of light fell, and when it fell downward, it was like a spear thrown by the sky, and it fell like a materialized fall, and it actually blasted a big hole out of the top of the small tower!

The small tower was trembling, like the wailing of a dying man.

Horcrux is a special artifact tempered by a strong person who is proficient in alchemy with the help of the power in the phantom island, and its body and the core of the source of power are phantom islands, and now that this core is powerful, it naturally can't withstand the coercion.

The many peak lords who were in bondage were released, they looked at Zi Yiyue, and the sight of Phantom Island seemed to be transmitted there, which made the latter instantly exposed!

Meng Qing looked at the luster falling above, and his heart hung in his throat.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zi Yiyue made an action that even they never dreamed of.

With a wave of his sleeve, the small tower completely shattered, and scattered debris flew towards him, encircling him like a barrier.

But this was useless in front of the powerful power of Phantom Island.

The small tower was hit by the beam again, and this time, it was completely powdered!

Zi Yiyue was affected by the residual beam of light, and in an instant, his soul was full of cracks, and he almost collapsed!

At the same time, the formation suspended in the sky became more and more terrifying, and many imprints appeared around this phantom island, connecting with each other, like mirrors that continued to extend outward.

At this time, the people who practiced all over the Phantom Island looked at the spreading mirror, most of them were confused, and only a few creatures seemed to remember something, an incredible look.

The figure of Zi Yiyue appeared on the mirror, which surprised many creatures for a while, and then most of them showed fear.

A neutral voice came from inside the phantom island:

"Therefore, the Son has committed a great unforgivable sin, and he is now expelled, because this fang belongs to the second expulsion, and the entry certificate is from the hand of the lord of the lower thirty-six peaks, so it is made public, and if there is no objection, it will be expelled three days later."

The next moment, Meng Qing's face also appeared on the mirror!

At this time, everyone was not calm.

Someone was shocked: "Isn't that Big Kou Mengqing? What was this peak lord thinking, and why did he put this fang in?

"No, what good can someone with a murderous maniac have?" We must concentrate our efforts to expel this shit peak lord!

"Who is this man?" It didn't look very strong, did he think that Big Kou Mengqing could protect him? The

sound of discussion came out all over the Phantom Island, and there were creatures moving quickly and shuttling through various locations, which was encouraging their relatives and friends to go together to fight Meng Qing.

In just an instant, Meng Qing became famous in the entire Phantom Island, and he almost became a villain that everyone shouted at!

At this time, when Brother Chicken, who was enjoying the resources offered by the people below, saw Meng Qing who appeared on the mirror, he almost spewed out a mouthful of water:

"My grass, I haven't seen it for a few days, the master is playing so big?" No, I have to help the master!

He kicked away the beautiful spirit beast that was feeding him various soul potions from mouth to mouth, and rushed out in a fiery manner.

But after a few steps, he turned back and shouted to the many birds of prey here:

"Sons and daughters, go, follow me to destroy the entire phantom island!"

These words instantly played a leading role, and many birds of prey followed behind Brother Chicken and quickly ran towards the place where the peaks gathered.

In a valley, clouds suddenly roll in the mountains, and then a large area of colorful streamers appears, and a group of butterflies fly outward.

In several different places, terrifying and powerful spirit beasts were born, and they all had the same destination.

Someone was furious:

"What happened? Could it be that these spirit beasts also had a feud with Meng Qing? Or are they going to join forces to eradicate that peak master?

On the other side of the phantom island, Xue Feiye also walked out of the retreat, she looked at Meng Qing in the mirror, and immediately took a step towards the peak.

The Phantom Island is not calm.

In the field, Meng Qing, who was at the intersection of everyone's sights, was also uncomfortable.

He clenched his fists, his face was as heavy as water, looking at Zi Yiyue who was shrouded in the beam of the phantom island, and his heart was angry.

But the latter smiled at him, and then said:

"Don't be like this, I heard that you have been short of time recently?" Now is a good opportunity, it depends on whether you can seize it. "

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