The Ziwei Domain is also not calm, and Phantom Island is actually a subsidiary island attached to the Ziwei Domain.

It's just that the former is a physical land, while the latter can only be entered by the divine spirit.

However, the members in the Phantom Island all meet one condition, that is, they must be in the Ziwei Domain!

Most of what happened in the Phantom Island was spread throughout the Ziwei Domain by various forces.

And Meng Qing's name was even more turbulent.

And the previous misunderstanding between Hezi Yueyue was also known to everyone, but because of those innate runes, their attention was all on Meng Qing's side.

Some big forces sent strong people into Phantom Island one after another, and they all wanted to hunt Meng Qing to obtain those few innate runes.

And in Phantom Island, many people even chased Meng Qing in a team, and they all wanted to hunt the latter!

Meng Qing led the group to the southernmost part of Phantom Island.

Zhou Jiao stared at Meng Qing, the corners of his already bubbly mouth were even very difficult to open, but he still did not intend to give in.

He couldn't make a sound, and in the past few days he kept shouting for help, and his voice was already hoarse.

When he first saw this scene, Meng Qing was still a little surprised, after all, now they are all divine soul bodies, and this situation is very undeserved, but when he saw some spirit beasts on the road even giving birth, he suddenly felt that everything became reasonable.

"Your Zhou family's people are not very reliable, and no one has come to rescue you now, so you won't be abandoned, right? Now an outcast? "Brother Chicken teases him when he's bored.

Zhou Jiao opened his mouth wide, but couldn't say anything, he could only stare at him.

"Still glaring at me? In fact, I fully understand, it's okay, it's okay to express your anger appropriately, save you forget how to express your anger later. Brother Chicken stroked Zhou Jiao's head back and forth, like an elder teaching his junior.

Zhou Jiao's nose smoked, but he still didn't say anything.

It was Meng Qing who called Brother Chicken away to end this matter.

He asked, "Is there any news from the Zhou family?" What do they say?

"There is no positive news, there is eyeliner that they are secretly mobilizing people from all sides to collect traces of us everywhere." Brother Chicken said.

"Then release the news and lure them in!"

"I've already sent my little brother to do it." Brother Chicken said.

On the same day, a shocking news came out that Meng Qing challenged the next peak and successfully reached the peak of the seventy-two peaks!

When this news was released, the entire Phantom Island was boiling!

Some time ago, the voice of denouncing Meng Qing became increasingly loud, and in the past two days, there have been a lot less, many people thought that Meng Qing was looking for a place to hide from the limelight, but they never expected that the latter would not only live well, but also fall off the horse!

Later, there were rumors that on that day, the original peak lord Yangtian sighed, he said that he was not Meng Qing's opponent at this stage, and it would be more difficult to catch up with Meng Qing in the future!

When these words came out, they shocked many people, and in the eyes of many people, the next one is an existence that can be compared with some middle-level powerhouses at the upper peak!

But Meng Qing, such a newcomer who has not even entered the Phantom Island for less than three months, can occupy such a position? This is terrifying!

Some gossipy people tried to combine what he experienced in Phantom Island, only to find that the latter had not lost a single defeat since entering Phantom Island!

Even his upward momentum is fierce, pointing straight to the top!

In this regard, some people assert that if there is another period of time, he will definitely be able to occupy a good seat in the upper peak.

Soon, another shocking news came out that Meng Qing would challenge the peak master of the twenty-seventh peak in two days!

The whole phantom island boiled.

"How long has it been? Why did he challenge the twenty-seventh peak again?

"This kind of efficiency is a bit terrifying, and although this kind of behavior makes me admire, doesn't he know that there is no protection mechanism for the battle to snatch the mountain in Phantom Island?"

"Not only that, this news is released now, I am afraid that there is a large group of people waiting there to kill him!"

"Let's also take a look, perhaps, this battle will attract many strong people at the peak, those are big people who are rare to see for years!"

Similar talk rang out all over Phantom Island.

In some mountains that have not been set foot all year round, there are even creatures walking out and approaching the location of the peak.

And when outsiders were talking about it, Meng Qing was sitting on the top of the next mountain peak quietly cultivating.

His Divine Soul Power was on the verge of saturation, and he was only one foot away from entering the True Soul Dacheng.

It had been three or four days since this feeling appeared, and Meng Qing's crazy refining of all kinds of soul medicines had not been able to increase this soul power by even half a point.

He got up and walked around the top of the mountain, some mountains stood in the distance in the night, but they were very different from the peaks below him, both in height and in the other.

The next mountain peak where he was located was nearly four thousand zhang, and it took him a long time to mine the essence spar here, but relatively, with the previous accumulation, Meng Qing's time was now more than half a million years.

In order to let him cultivate at ease, Xiao Tai and the others went to a slightly lower position in the mountain range to cultivate, and the peak of the mountain completely belonged to him.

He noticed a faint glow.

Curious, he took a step forward.

As if sensing him, the light weakened a lot, and at the same time, the amplitude and interval of the beating and flickering were still increasing.

Meng Qing's speed increased.

When I got closer, I found that it was a figure, with long hair and a shawl, a very slim back, a long skirt, but a pair of crystal high heels looming underneath.

The figure turned around, she wore a mask, this mask was carved with intricate patterns, and what made people shine was the pair of blue-purple eyes.

Meng Qing subconsciously stepped back a little, and he realized that so far, he hadn't even noticed this woman's divine soul fluctuations!

This is very dangerous.

"My name is Qingheasant, and I am the lord of the previous peak." The woman took the initiative to introduce herself.

Meng Qing's body shook, previous?

This is an absolute big man, he had heard that the top few at the peak at this stage had the strength to enter the realm.

But they are not like this, and now they are restraining their own realm, wanting to polish their own realm as much as possible.

Meng Qing did not dare to be careless, and he kept retreating.

Asking himself that he would not be related to such people, but remembering Fang Cai's point of light, it was probably the latter's means to lure him down.

If what he imagined was true, then what the latter was drawing was probably an innate rune!

"Don't be nervous, if I want to make a move on you, can you still stand here?" Pheasant Road.

Meng Qing was silent for a long time, and then asked, "Then what are you doing here?" "

The upper peak is far from here, and the latter cannot come here for no reason.

"I was entrusted here to confirm that you are alive and in danger, etc., and now it seems that the one is thinking too much, and you have the strength to successfully deal with the events of tomorrow." After the green pheasant finished speaking, he paused, and then said:

"Come on, the things in the phantom island are very good, and I have changed the things you want to change, and there are no side effects."

Meng Qing looked at a few green pheasants that flickered and disappeared into the night, full of doubts and puzzlement.

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